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Sorry about that.

Posted on Tuesday January 26th, 2021 @ 9:13am by Gunnery Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim & Commander Sam Perkins

1,506 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon,Corridor
Timeline: Docked at Starbase 47

Perkins was not in the best of moods. A cadet had been annoying him constantly for nearly a week. His name was Stewart Spooner and for some reason he saw himself as head Science Cadet. When Sam had told him no due to his low grades. Spooner started pestering Perkins.The cadet could not understand why he needed high grades. To be head science cadet.
He even started accusing him of being racially prejudiced against humans.

As he walked along the corridor he could see Spooner following him.

“ Professor Perkins! Professor Perkins! I have a complaint.” The annoying man called.

“ Well go and find the Chief Medical Officer!”Sam snapped.

Perkins turned around and walked faster. But the annoying cadet followed him.

“ Professor Perkins! Professor Perkins! I have a complaint.” The annoying man called.

To say that Staff Sergeant Max Pfaffenheim was not in a happy mood, would have been an understatement. In fact, he was positively miffed, due to a particularly idiotic incident involving two of his Marines earlier in the day. He'd taken out most of his anger by way of a disciplining speech (or rather, rant), as was most often the case in the Corps, but it had not fully dissipated yet.

As such, when he walked around the corner and almost collided with one of the science cadets, his initial instinct was to handle it like an NCO would do it when dealing with another Marine. However, he immediately suppressed this urge and instead decided to assess the situation. The cadet, by the name of Spooner, had apparently been following one of the science officers, Lieutenant Perkins. Despite not listening out for rumors much, he'd picked up a few tidbits regarding Spooner, and they hadn't been good ones.

"Is there some kind of problem here, sir?", he asked in Perkins' direction, while nailing the cadet with his second-best First Sergeant glare, looking the man straight in the eye without blinking.

Perkins knew that as a teacher. He should maybe not be happy to see one of his pupils. On the verge of soiling their underwear. But in truth Cadet Spooner was a pain in the rectum. The Cadet could just not see. That he was the worst scholar on the class. The semester had only just started so there was hope. But only if Spooner listened and dropped. The I am better then everyone attitude.

“ Just a Cadet forgetting his manners Staff Sargent?” Sam asked the newcomer

Taking the hint, Max eased off his glare. "I see. I do hope Cadet Spooner isn't bothering anyone? Almost running people over.", he asked, verbally twisting the knife, so to speak.

Perkins had meant for the staff Sargent to give him his name. But instead he had interpreted Sam’s question as another dig at the annoying Cadet. Which was ok because the Cadet deserved it.

“ Lieutenant Sam Perkins Chief Science Officer.I am sorry Staff Sargent I did not catch your name.” Perkins Said

Max straightened himself a bit more, lightly standing at attention. "Staff Sergeant Maximillian Pfaffenheim, sir. First Sergeant of the Marine platoon."

Marines. Perkins knew that things have been getting a bit hot lately for ships. They have been reports of attacks by marauders. So it was logical that a ship like the Poseidon. Would need internal protection. The cadets would be easy pray.

“ Well now Staff Sergeant Maximillian Pfaffenheim, what do you suggest we do with Cadet Spooner.”

The Staff Sergeant shrugged slightly. "We have our methods in the Corps, sir, but I highly doubt you'd approve of them."

Perkins gave him a smile. The memory of the damage caused. By the rampaging Cadets was still in Sam’s mind. Although Spooner had not been involved. The Cadet had been a thorn in Perkins posterior. Since he had arrived on the Poseidon.

“ Well. After what the Cadets did to our Science labs. It might be a good idea just to show them. That the new Chief Science Officer has a really long memory. So long as it does not get us hauled in front of the Captain. I am up for it.” Perkins told him.

Max pondered briefly. He had never gotten far enough in Starfleet Academy to know what punishments were 'in' among its personnel... likely most of them consisted of being assigned particularly undesirable tasks. "Well, I hear there are some old tricorders around that need calibrating... and I'm talking 2340s equipment here. Ah, the manuals still hold a record for page count, if I recall correctly." He smiled briefly.

Perkins liked the way his new friend was thinking. Giving a smile he clapped his hands together.

“ Well Cadet Spooner. I tell you what. As you know we in Starfleet do not like to throw things away. If it still works then it can be used. My good friend Staff Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim here informs me. That we have some old tricorders that need calibrating. Unfortunately as there from 2340. The only record to do this is in book form. So you will need to read up on them first. So off you go and make a start. Do a good job and well. That head science cadet post is not set in stone. “ He told the Cadet.

Spooner nodded and hurried off to start his task. Perkins leaned towards Pfaffenheim.

“ How many pages are we talking about?” He asked

The Staff Sergeant allowed himself a little grin. "Let's just say, we used to use those manuals as lifting weights back in basic."

Spooner started to make annoying grumbling sounds , under his breath. Perkins looked at Pfaffenheim. Shaking his head in dismay he looked at the Cadet.

“ What was that Cadet?” Perkins asked

“ Your bullying me sir.” Spooner said

Perkins gave a sad sigh.

“ Bullying. Bullying. You’re not being bullied. I am trying to turn a stupid arrogant cadet. Into an educated and worthy member of Starfleet. If anyone sir is the bully it is you. In classes your rude to the other cadets. You make snorting noises when somebody answers a question. You seem to believe the world revolves around you and nothing else matters but your opinion. Well today sir that stops and if it means you have to be made to do repetitive and boring tasks. To help it sink into that brain of yours. That the whole of Starfleet is wrong and you’re right. Then so be it. Now get out of my sight and start your task before I find worse things for you to do.”

Once the Cadet had hurried off Perkins turned to Pfaffenheim.

“ Do you think we bullied him?” He asked

The Staff Sergeant scoffed slightly. "I would've been glad calibrating tricorders when I'd annoyed the Sergeant-Major, let's put it that way."

Perkins shook his head. He did not like bullies and the thought , he was being one. Made him feel a little low.

“ True. I remember an old Admiral at the academy. He shared my surname but was no relative. But boy was he strict with us. He taught physics with an iron fist so to speak. If he said jump you answered how high. Made us first year cadets scared as anything. But I don’t want to be like that. Supposed that goldfish thinks he’s being bullied? He’s not as experienced as us is he?” Perkins asked.

Noticing Perkins' tone, Pfaffenheim gave him a small pat on the back. "A little disciplining goes a long way. I won't lose any sleep even if he thinks it's unfair - he's lucky we're not on the USS Ford, I'd say. Especially with the recent attack, we can't have people running around thinking they're better than their peers for no reason. In my experience, it's this type of overconfidence that gets fireteams killed - seen it happen with my own eyes."

Perkins nodded at that.

“ Unless Spooner bucks his ideas up. I may have to fail him anyway. If ever he was on an away team and behaved like this. Someone could get killed. I am not going to have that on my conscious. As they say there is no I in team.” Sam said to his new friend.

"Quite. It's all a matter of training.", the Staff Sergeant responded, then thought for a few seconds. "In this case just without shouting and physical exercise. Not a fan of letting cadets on away missions either way."

Perkins scratched his chin in thought.

“ Don’t get me wrong. I am not against newbies like cadets. After all we were once cadets. If we had not been given a chance to learn. In a situation like this. Then Starfleet would not have all this ships. But I agree with you about allowing cadets on missions. Unless they are fully capable and not most likely to get anyone killed.” Perkins said

"Too right.", Max responded.

“ Anyway take care” Perkins said


Staff Sergeant Maximillian Pfaffenheim
First Sergeant, Marine Detachment
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon



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