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A Brief Reprieve - Pt. 2: A Sensitive Matter

Posted on Tuesday February 2nd, 2021 @ 3:48pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Commander Kanaka Shakura

2,112 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Bar and Recreational Lounge, Starbase 47
Timeline: Docked at Starbase 47; Post-Command Briefing
Tags: Kanaka Shakura, T'Pri, Starbase 47, Intelligence


Kanaka made her way into the largest of Starbase 47's bars and recreational lounges. It was about as busy as could be expected for what was, by her clock, late afternoon and soon going to be transitioning into early evening. The noise of the bar's patrons was at a level that certainly filled the ears, but not enough to make it difficult to make out individual words when close enough to hear them. The Commander made a brief scan of the room as she got a quick sense of those gathered; dock-hands and station-dwellers mostly, with only a few travellers - the easily identifiable ones, at least - present. She also made out a few of the Cadets and crewmen of the Poseidon, who seemed mostly huddled in isolated groups of their own strewn across the lounge.

Nothing stood out to Kana as particularly troubling, though she was careful to be on-guard. "This is going to have to do." She thought to herself as she made her way through the growing crowds and proceeded towards the bar. On the way she noticed that there were a few solitary eyes that took notice of her, though most didn't seem to care. Starfleet officers certainly weren't a new thing to the Starbase; she didn't sense any intention from them beyond just noticing her in the corner of their eye, but she made a point to sense each one of them as she noticed them.

Reaching the bar, she was greeted by a Ferengi, whose eyes lit up as he noticed that she was a Betazoid. "Well hello, madam," he gave a toothy grin as he clasped his hands together, giving her a formal bow of welcome. "How can I serve you? Can I interest you in a drink? Several, perhaps?" His deep and immediate interest in her was obvious, but this was nothing new to the Commander's experience of the Ferengi. Yet it reminded her a little of the late Science Cadet, Dok, who had been a victim during the Battle of the Bright Nebula. "Poor child." She thought, a little forgiving of his own interest in her considering it didn't go too far before his ultimate demise.

"I have a friend coming to join me, so I'll wait." Kana answered the Ferengi. He nodded, though continued to hover round her.

"Of course, madam. Perhaps I can be a friend to you while you wait, hmm?" His advances were skin-crawling, but the Chief Counsellor had encountered this enough before to know how to handle them, though due to the circumstances of her being there she was attempting to be extra careful.

"Well, if you would happen to have a space here which is a little more private for me and my friend to sit at, I'd appreciate it." She decided to take advantage of his interest. He visibly perked up when she mentioned 'private', then deflated a little when she mentioned her 'friend'. Yet he pressed on, unabated.

"Certainly, certainly. We have seating areas at the back that are usually reserved for Starbase officers and selected guests. I can make an exception for you and your...friend." He gave another toothy grin, which Kana acknowledged with a modest one of her own.

"Much appreciated, friend." While she was unable to read his mind, she had become well-enough versed in body language to tell that he wasn't a complex individual, as far as Ferengi went. Turning her head to look over towards the entrance while he continued to talk to her, to which she would occasionally respond, she waited for Lieutenant T'Pri's arrival.

This event was a very long time in coming. Commander Shakura had invited T'Pri out for a drink and dinner. T'Pri was pleased to accept and reservations were made. T'Pri got dressed in a simple dress. She was off duty and it seemed less off putting than wearing her uniform, especially as they were docked at star base 47. The restaurant was also on the base. The Vulcan woman had been off the ship most of the day and had seen the local amenities. She had even taken on a concert or two.

She spotted Kana sitting at a table and had the waiter escort her to her table.

"Kana, it is a pleasure to see you. I trust your day has been agreeable?" T'Pri said sitting down.

T'Pri was admittedly tired herself, though she didn't show it. She had spent the last six hours being debriefed by Star Fleet Intelligence. They were every bit as bad tempered and rigid as Temporal Investigations. In all honesty it was more of an interrogation than a debriefing. All in all it was more of an assault on the senses, though T'Pri had her facts well coordinated. The hardest part was when they asked her for her feelings, or too speculate on things she hadn't directly observed. Though T'Pri had already demonstrated good instincts, she had always found discussing her feeling a bit disconcerting especially having been brought up to discount her feelings or suppress them.

The Vulcan took a seat.

She ordered fresh tea from the waiter.

"I just returned from debriefing, it was a most disagreeable experience." T'Pri said.

Kana smiled warmly and stood to greet her dining companion as T'Pri made her entrance, and was somewhat pleasantly surprised by her dress. The pretence of drinks and food had seemed to work just fine, and perhaps unknowingly, T'Pri's casual appearance and demeanour helped deflect further unwanted attention.

"I'm doing well, Lieutenant, all things considered." She paused for a moment as they sat before stuttering just a little. "A-actually, would you prefer if I just called you T'Pri right now, since we're off-duty? I apologise that I'm still in uniform, I didn't realise you'd go through the--"

"What is going on? Am I...flustered? Steady yourself, Kana."

The Chief Counsellor smiled sheepishly as she let out a slow breath and chuckled. "Excuse me, I've got a lot on my mind. You said debriefing was disagreeable? May I ask why?" Kana decided to proceed with the conversation, to calm herself and deflect attention away from her very brief moment of fluttering nervousness.

"T'Pri is fine and most agreeable. The debriefing was most disagreeable. You see there is no real baseline for what I do just yet because I haven't been doing it that long. Both in regards to my department and in regards to teaching. They wanted me to tell them how I could improve what I do, they acted more like efficiency experts than actual debriefer's. They used circular logic to try to get me to answer their questions the way they wanted me to answer them. I told them that to give them what they wanted I would need a full cycle to see how to improve things but they wouldn't listen. They got exasperated, and shot tempered, and I found the display of violent negative emotion most distasteful."

"I...see." Kana did not expect to hear this from T'Pri, but she took it on board regardless. She would have to address this matter once she was back on board the Poseidon. "Could you file me a report once you're back on-duty detailing what happened, in detail? I can look into this for you. I'm sorry this happened." Her apology was sincere and with a kind smile.

"It's quite alright and it was already handed. No need for you to get involved." T'Pri said.

As the two spoke, the Ferengi bartender returned, ogling his new Betazoid fancy quite noticeably, as he brought menus for both drink and food. Kana took them politely - paying his hungry eyes little mind - though seemed to feign interest in their contents. Just interested in getting privacy for both her and T'Pri, she quickly closed them again and remarked to her admirer, "I'll have whatever you recommend is best."

The bartender grinned madly. "Oh yes, very good, m'lady!" Kana's skin crawled, but she hid it perfectly.

"I'll have Pok'Tar and Ploomeek Tea please." T'Pri said.

T'Pri noted Kana's response as if she shouted it to the roof top.

The Chief Counsellor shot T'Pri a look that did not betray anything awry, but made it clear that she was intent for them to be alone. Once the waiter had left quickly to fetch their orders, Kana spoke quietly as she leaned in close. "Truthfully, Lieutenant, I asked you here because the matter I must raise with you is of upmost importance to the security of the Poseidon. While this setting may prove irregular, it's exactly that which makes it the more secure space to speak until we're certain."

Her facial expressions did not elude to the seriousness of what she was discussing, instead performing a more intimate tone and look. "Do you understand?"

T'Pri raised an eyebrow.

It was then that she understood the Commander thought that the ship could still be compromised. Yet it obviously required a strong degree of discretion. Interesting that the security chief was not called in to investigate. Or perhaps he was and this was task which required T'Pri's special skills. Certainly this was no ordinary social call.

"I believe so, Commander." T'Pri stated evenly.

Kana flashed a smile, both because she was grateful that T'Pri was following her thinking but also to keep up the appearance of a more personal nature for their being together in this place. To that end, she brought up one of her hands onto the table and took one of T'Pri's hands, holding it intimately. But the Chief Intelligence Officer would feel something pass from Kana's palm to hers as their hands touched.

"I'm glad, truly." The Executive Officer remarked, her eyes looking deeply into T'Pri's own for a moment, perhaps even a little longer then necessary, before she sat back once again retrieving her hand. She then cleared her throat and sorted her hair, like a nervous date, before continuing. "I've just passed you a data chip which you can use with a PADD; on it you'll find a more detailed brief of Command's concerns and how best we feel to address the situation. The Computer Systems and Records are of the top of our concern. I trust you and your department can look into this with discretion?"

T'Pri palmed the data chip that the Commander had given her without a pause. Clearly a high degree of discretion was required. The Commander thought she might be under surveillance herself, or she could have simply sent an encrypted message. The investigation wasn't over yet. The XO thought or knew a threat still existed. The computer systems and records were commands top concern, She had said. Perhaps they were compromised. T'Pri thought.

"It will be done, Commander." T'Pri replied.

Kana was only able to flash a smile in thanks before the eager bartender returned with their food and drink, setting it out in front of them with precise movement and due care, particularly in the case for the Executive Officer's order. He had prepared her what looked like a plentiful salad which included Oskoid, which supposedly he sought praise for, being a Betazoid delicacy. She feigned genuine surprise at the gesture, not like this hadn't been done many a time before.

Seemingly content with the response, the bartender slinked away again, though keen to take one last look at Kana before he left. She, for her part, looked at T'Pri with an expression of gratitude that he had left. Beginning to eat her salad, she then struck up conversation once again.

"Until then...I suppose we could enjoy the evening before any more work has to be done."

"Agreed, since I've already ordered dinner, it would be a shame if it went to waste. I would be pleased if you joined me." T'Pri said, looking down at her Pok'Tar and Ploomeek Tea.

Kana smiled warmly at the suggestion. "I couldn't think of better company, Lieutenant." She said, her eyes looking softly on her Vulcan companion as the two enjoyed their meal and drink. It was a brief reprieve from the matters that overshadowed them and the Poseidon, but that didn't mean they shouldn't take the opportunity while they could. Whilst they did, the Chief Counsellor began to feel herself finding quite a companion in the Chief Intelligence Officer.

There was something about Commander Kana that T'Pri found soothing. Either way she knew she had her work cut out for her.



A post by:

Commander Kanaka "Kana" Sakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
USS Poseidon


Lt Commander T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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