Ensign Erica Hartmann

Name Erica Hartmann

Rank Ensign


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Saturday October 12th, 2019 @ 12:59am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Orion
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 120lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Erica is a short young lady. She has very pale green skin, it is not as vivid due to being half human. Also unlike most Orion's she has blonde hair inherited from her father. She is rather slender, but she keeps herself looking attractive. She prefers short hair to longer hair.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Vilhelm Hartmann
Mother Corrina Hartmann (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None that she knows of.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Erica is a very different style of cadet. She can be described as flirty, over bearing and sometimes she is a little too obsessed with the other sex of the species. She has trouble controlling her half Orion side, and it conflicts often with her Human side especially her moralities. She however is very intelligent, she inherits her intelligence from her mother and more from her father. She is a quick learner and has a strange ability to pick things up very quickly.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Always gets the boys!
+ Hyper Intelligent
+ Is a quick thinker.

- Orion Pheromone which she hates that she 'emits'
- Her Orion side gets in 'her way' and sometimes 'takes over'
- Doesn't deal well with authority. Likes to be in charge.
Ambitions Strange as it may sound, Erica has no ambitions to even be in space. She wanted to live and do what she was doing where she was before. She was forced to Join Starfleet. However, she does have some ambitions. Before joining Starfleet she had no sense of direction in her life and now she has that. She wants to one day become a doctor, and to help others. Also another secret ambition of hers is to have a family which is not as broken as hers was, and to make sure that she doesn't put them through the same stuff that she went through.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies and Interests include
- Relationships with other people
- Making friends
- She actually finds Medicine quite fascinating
- Swimming and Swim Costumes (Especially Bikini's as she feels comfortable in them)

Personal History Erica was created when Captain Vilhelm Hartmann became romantically involved on Risa to her mother, who back then was known as Corrina. Corrina became pregnant with Erica shortly after meeting Vilhelm.

On discovering that they were to have a child, Vilhelm decided to allow Corrina and the child to come aboard his starship, the USS Independent. This roughly nine months later, little Erica was born a half human, half Orion little girl.

The Independent was a large Galaxy Class Starship, and for the first couple of years Erica was never sure who her father was. Her father Vilhelm stayed his distance from them both. However when Erica turned three, he introduced himself to her, not as just the captain of the ship where they lived but as her father.

The reason behind this was that when Erica had been concieved he had been coming out of a long and difficult marriage and needed time to getthings together without dragging Erica or her mother into it all. Thus Erica was always a little weary about her father, but she quickly grew to love him.

She often wondered why she was so different, why she was not his colour and not the same shade of green as her mum. However she could never understand that it was just due to genetics. Erica grew up a happy child, she was cared for by both her mother and father aboard the Independent. Her parents married aboard the ship when Erica was six years old.

When Erica was ten years old, her father accepted a job at Starfleet Command and a promotion to Commodore. Erica found herself on solid ground for the first time in her life. She had never left the Independent, so to her it was all new. She became rather sick after being used to ship recycled air all her life. She became slightly sickly and frail, and only after a good few months of medical treatment was she able to play outside in San Francisco.

Devestating news came when Erica was twelve years old though. Her father Vilhelm and her mother were not getting along. Vilhelm had stormed out of the house that night. The arguing had woken Erica and she heard nasty horrible words shouted at each other. She never saw her father again.

Erica was confused, and she didn't know how to cope. She was growing up and entered her teenage years without guidance. Her mother turned to alcohol to get over her broken heart and Erica began to skip school. Her Orion Pheromone kept on attracting Male attention to her and she was constantly followed, stalked and often lured into traps by them.

Erica didn't seem to care. She would stay out late at night, she would drink alcohol and would often be found amongst other unruly teenagers making a fuss. At age fifteen, whilst drinking with a Human boy that she had become close friends with, Erica lost her virginity to him late at night in the park. It was an interesting experience for Erica and she felt a lot better as it seemed to help with her sudden desires.

She was young and stupid, but she could get away with it. She was often out most nights, and for the next three years she slept around. This helped her with her pheromone levels and allowed her to keep control of her Orion self. Its a miracle that she didn't end up pregnant, but she always seemed to take precautions.

She made one mistake. She was caught. This time she was caught trying to escape the dorms of Starfleet Academy where she had been sneaking in every night to a first year cadet to 'see' him. When she was taken in by Security, her mother was called. However her mother never answered.

On returning her home, they found Erica's mother had commited suicide. She had drunk too much and decided that enough was enough. There was no note, just her body hanging from the ceiling. Starfleet therefore took Erica into their own custody.

The Commodant of the Academy took special interest in her. He knew of her father and understood what it was like coming from a broken home. He tricked her placing several exams in front of her and told her to do them. It would be her punishment for getting caught.

Erica took the exams, and somehow flew through them with ease. She showed a particulat amptitude towards medical questions. She was then given a room to sleep in until they could find her a new home.

Two days later, the Commodant came back to her. He sat her down on the otherside of the desk. He placed the exams in front of her. He told her she now had a choice, she could enter into Starfleet Academy and make a new life for herself. She would recieve all the help she needed with her Pheremones and she could become something better. She could one day do better than her father and prove him that she was worth his time. Or he would hand her over to the authorities and she would have to make her own way.

Erica didn't need to think about it. She joined Starfleet and the Commodant ensured she got into the next years class. She chose to join into the Medical Course. She also promised to try and not cause trouble, and that she would help others. With that Erica found herself assigned to Starfleet Medical Academy.

Towards the end of her first year, she was assigned to the USS Poseidon as part of her training. It was a new program where classes would be taken remotely and cadets would 'learn on the job' like an apprenticeship. Erica preferred this as she wasn't on to sit still in classrooms all day.
Service Record Starfleet Medical Academy - Cadet