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Trainee Day One

Posted on Saturday August 17th, 2019 @ 11:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine & Ensign Samantha Evans, Trainee & Ensign Dok, Trainee & Ensign Charlie Honey, Trainee

932 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: USS Poseidon; Chief Science Officer's Office, Deck 6
Timeline: Pre-Poseidon Launch; Pre-Departure


"Dok, I wouldn't do that if I were you!!" Hissed Ensign Samantha Evans, doing well to capture the tone of a disapproving parent. Although her voice was barely above a whisper, the intent was clear.

For his part, the young Ferengi immediately closed one of the many drawers that lined the length of the port-side bulkhead. The other two trainee's present understood the young Ferengi's curiosity, yet unacted upon as social convention deemed appropriate.

"What? I just wanted to see what's in them." The Ferengi scoffed, slightly dejected at having been scolded. "Nothing by the way... stored that is."

"Of course not," Replied Evans, "He only just arrived and probably hasn't had the chance yet to unpack. It doesn't matter, though. You need to learn to mind your own business."

Dok scrunched his nose, "Waggle your finger, and then you'll sound exactly like my mother." He quipped jovially, his smirk revealing pointed teeth lining pink, engorged gums at haphazard angles.

Evans rolled her eyes, looking to Ensign Charlie Honey for a bit of help. The brown-haired boy offered a dismissive shrug, an amused grin mirroring that of Dok's.

"Men." She chastized under her breath.

"Good morning, trainees." Lieutenant Canaan's voice, albeit soft in volume, was decisive as it broke through whatever the three were discussing before his arriving.

The Ensign's snapped to attention in front of the Lieutenant's desk, relaxing as he gestured for them to stand at ease. Canaan placed a small container on the tabletop before smiling kindly towards each of the three officers assembled in front of him.

"I hope you've each enjoyed the start to the morning. I just came from a senior staff briefing and thought this was as good a time as any to say hello and make introductions." Canaan's dictation was clear and concise, betraying a subtle formality. "I'm Lieutenant Canaan Serine, and you're trainee cadre one."

The Ensing's spoke in unison, "Aye, sir!" Before Canaan' continued.

"As you're aware, the Poseidon is a training vessel assigned to the humbling task of helping you acclimate to life aboard a starship for recent graduates of the academy. Although configured as a destroyer, Poseidon's science facilities are expansive and a formidable equal to the ships' tactical systems. We are its eyes, so-to-speak. Starfleet expended a significant amount of resources to resurrect this ship from the mothballs and equip her with the latest and greatest of technologies. She's not all new, though, which leads me to your first task."

Canaan paused, gesturing to the container. Removing the top, he pulled three kits and laid each out on the desktop in front of the Ensigns. "As skilled and knowledgeable officers, we must be familiar with how the older systems of a Miranda-class starship with interact with contemporary technologies. We must understand any limitations and how to supersede them to continue operating at peak efficiency."

The Ensigns nodded in understanding, their attention affixed to the Lieutenant.

"Each of these kits is stocked to help you maintain your assigned work area. I learned early in my career that you cannot rely on engineering to keep things running smoothly; you must also contribute." Canaan reached back into the container and removed three large data slates. "This is your new trainee acclimation packet. The contents are varied, ranging from understanding how the space flight can and will affect experiments, to the reason why a decontamination chamber is necessary even in a sterile laboratory. You'll learn all about the numerous departments onboard the Poseidon and how they work with each other to keep the ship functioning optimally."

Canaan invited each of the Ensigns to take their kit and data slate. "Many graduate thinking their learning is complete. I'm here to tell you that's not the case. Over the next two years, you are expected to continue learning and growing your professional development. When you're not on duty, you're expected to be studying. A senior officer can quiz you at any time, so stay sharp. Based on your performance, as well as a plethora of other criteria, will determine when you advance in rank after the two-year trainee period. Understood?"

"Aye, sir!" Evans' voice was the clearest among the three.

"Ms. Evans assumes the role of Cadre Leader. Ensign, your cadre either thrives or dies under your leadership. Their success is your success."

"I understand, sir, we won't fail you."

Canaan nodded, "No, you won't. That's not to say mistakes won't happen, and they will. You need to prepare for that reality. It's expected, however, that you'll take responsibility and rise to the occasion. Now, Ms. Evans, you're assigned to Astrometrics; Mr. Dok, to the biology division in laboratory four; and, Mr. Honey, as a science generalist in laboratory seven. You're one among twelve trainee cadres within the sciences department. My expectations are clear, work hard, offer your absolute best effort, volunteer, and pitch-in whenever needed, and excel in your studies. Any questions?"

Evans, Dok, and Honey remained silent as several seconds passed.

"Very good. I suggest you take a moment to meet privately for fifteen minutes and then report to your respective division heads. Welcome to the Poseidon and welcome!"

The three Ensigns stood to attention once more before each turning on a heel and exiting the office. Canaan watched them leave, sighing contentedly.

Yes, this was exactly where he needed to be.


"The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you."


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Comments (1)

By Captain Franklin Johnson on Sunday August 18th, 2019 @ 7:54am

Well done!