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New assignment

Posted on Sunday October 18th, 2020 @ 5:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Edited on on Monday October 19th, 2020 @ 6:51pm

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Shuttle Bay -USS Poseidon
Timeline: Current


Having been on DS3 for three weeks when he received instructions from Starfleet when he had been told that they had sent him their as a temporary measure, now he was on the way to the USS Poseidon as it’s Chief Operations officer, after he had looked up about the ship, he found that it was a teaching ship and knew that now he would be in charge of Cadets. Which was fine for him as he got to give back to the academy, he knew that the ship was docked at Starbase 47.and that he was to meet it there before it left.

Now having taken a shuttle from the station and for the last 3 weeks he had spent on his own spending time reading and checking the sensors every hour, Now here he was on approach to the Starbase, He opened a channel, =/\= Starbase 47, this is Shuttle Albion, requesting Docking Procedures?=/\= as he knew that by sending out the communication the Starbase would contact him.

=/\= Shuttle Albion, This is Starbase 47, what is your reason for being here?” came the soft female voice of the Stations OPS Officer who had taken the call, as the Shuttle neared its destination and it’s Journey’s end. Michael replied,” This is Lt jg Michael Stevens, Chief Operations of the USS Poseidon,” as he knew that he might be earlier than he was expecting to be, but at least he hadn't missed the ship.

=/\= Ah Lieutenant, you were not due till Friday at least,” replied the female OPS officer, she continued,=/\= You are cleared to dock in the Poseidon’s Shuttle bay, Good luck and come home safe,=/\= as Michael tapped in the commands and his console. Michael knew that his adventure was beginning and teaching Cadets who were on their Cadet cruise was not what he expected to be doing at this time in his Career, But that’s what Starfleet wanted him to do and orders were Orders.

He responded,” Thanks, Albion out,” as he closed the channel as the Shuttle veered to Starboard and headed towards the docked star-ship, he hoped that the kids that were going to be under him understood the dangers of the job they were starting out in and not muck about as it was not fun time but time to show him and the other teachers what they could do. He said “USS Poseidon, this is Shuttle Albion on final approach”

=/\= Shuttle Albion, you are cleared to land,=/\= came the voice of the female flight officer as he knew that now he had to get on the ship and enjoyed his journey here and the last time he had spent some time on his own, but now it was time to start work with his cadets, as he lined the shuttle up for landing.

=20 minutes later=

As he switched off the engines and picked up his duffle bag, Michael opened the shuttle ‘s door and exited the craft to find a waiting Security officer at the bottom of the ramp, “Welcome to the USS Poseidon Sir, May I see your Transfer Orders?” as he held out his hand, as Michael came to a halt in front of him and said “I’m Lieutenant Jg Michael Stevens, the Chief Operations officer,” as he handed over the PADD as he noticed an argument brewing over by some cargo crates.

The Security Officer looked over the PADD and checked his list of new Crewmembers, He said “It seams everything is in Ordered sir,” as he once more handed the PADD back to Michael who responded,” Thank you Lieutenant….” asking the Officers name as he noticed that the argument that he had been keeping an eye on was now getting out of hand.

“Lieutenant Terry Phelps Sir,” replied Terry looking back at Michael as Michael gave a nod of his head, He asked, “Lieutenant, could you take my duffle bag to my quarters whilst I sort something out?” as he handed him his duffle bag. “Sure thing Lieutenant” replied Terry as he watched Michael leave him and head on over towards the argument that he knew could spill over.

As Michael approved the three officers, he asked” what in the hell is going on here?” as he came to a halt as they turned to face the new officer that was approaching them, as they looked back at each other and knew that they were going to be in trouble and hoped that they could talk their way out.

Lieutenant JG Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer


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