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The Intelligence Angle

Posted on Saturday November 7th, 2020 @ 11:48pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson & Commodore Gregory Paladin

992 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: USS Poseidon; Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
Timeline: Starbase 47

With the new objective assigned to the Poseidon, both Franklin and Gregory had made it a point that following Franklin's discussion with the XO, they'd confer with the CIO. The two men walked down the corridor of the ship, greeting both cadet and crew alike as they discussed quietly most of the new changes that had been planned for the academy training ship. Rounding a corner, they approached the Office for the Chief Intelligence Officer. Gregory was the one to operate the chime.

"Enter" T'Pri replied.

When the two senior officers came in T'Pri rose from her seat, in deference to there rank and position.

"Gentlemen how can I be of service"? T'Pri asked.

Gregory was the first to speak. The Commodore approached the Lieutenant Commander. "Mind if we take a seat, Lt. Commander? This may intrigue you a bit."

"My office is at your disposal. Sir," T'Pr replied graciously

She motioned for the gentlemen to take a seat.

Both Franklin and Gregory sat. The Commodore nodded to the Captain for him to start. Franklin nodded back, looking to T'Pri.

"We've been reassigned, Ms. T'Pri," Franklin said, a half smile visible. "The supplies bound for Cardassian Space were offloaded due to our delay from the Battle of the Bright Nebula. We're going on other missions, for Starbase 47. The Commodore and I came you to because we suspect that you'll be able to provide a more accurate picture of the region we're residing in."

"Yes Sir I have received some disturbing reports from that vicinity over the last few days, nothing definitive as of yet."

T'Pri punched up the data map of Starbase 47's Subsector chart.

"There seems to be an open patch of unpatrolled space on the outer fringes of the Betreka Nebula, to the Starbase 47's immediate flank."

The Vulcan Intel officer indicated with her finger and the map immediately enlarged the cluster of gasses that spanned a number of light-years. The view screen even displayed and intricately detailed the floating carcasses of Klingon and Cardassian vessels that could still be found in parts of the nebula; remnants of the Klingon-Cardassian War that had concluded almost three decades ago.

"The disturbing thing in my intelligence reports are that three federation freighters carrying Iridium ore went through that area a week and haven't been heard from since. Sensor telemetry was inconclusive as the nebula reflects sensor beams." T'Pri stated.

"If we have been transferred to that AOR, then I recommend we investigate that area, Sir." T'Pri said.

Gregory gave an approving nod toward T'Pri as he remained quiet, examining the map as well as considering the Captain. Franklin didn't notice as he gave his own nod toward his CIO.

"The XO was mentioning something about this area too," Franklin mused. "Although she didn't report on anything going missing, which I doubt she had at the time the data you've managed to attain. I think this is a perfect start towards our new station with Starbase 47. Was there any further information on the freighters? Names and compliments?"

"Yes Sir they were smaller K-17 Kaplan Freighters built more for speed than bulk, however they are armed with a single type 9 phaser array and a single photon torpedo mount. They are all commercially owned by Stellarfreight industries. The Galatea, the Insigna and the Treflon out of Bajor, three weeks ago each with a cargo of purified Iridium ore, heading for Cardassia prime." T'Pri reported. "They are typically manned with a crew of twelve." T'Pri added.

The Commodore raised an eyebrow, then looked to Franklin. "Pardon the interruption, however I think I have a question."

Franklin gave a nod, then Gregory continued with his question.

"Lieutenant Commander, did you say they were all heading to Cardassia Prime? Was there any other prior records of freighters in this area heading to that destination? I find it suspicious that around the same time we were attacked, these freighters were attacked. If you could, I'd like some more information on that."

"Yes Sir, Cardassian Prime, The Bajoran's and Cardassian's have been trading more. It's a sign of the times." T'Pri said. Both have things the other needs." T'Pri verified.

"I see, thank you," Gregory went silent.

Franklin, taking the hint, continued.

"So there's nothing suspicious about the trading. What is suspicious is when the attacks happened, the amount attacked, and how we were attacked in the same time span. I believe we have a genuine mystery on our hands. Thank you, Ms. T'Pri, we will use this information to plan our next course."

"Well Captain, we are still assembling the data to analyze, but so far that is my assessment as well. Its most difficult when you don't have a complete picture. I would suggest that we investigate this ourselves if our mission parameters allow it or at the very least send an advisory notice to Starfleet command. T'Pri replied.

"Noted," the Captain said, giving a nod to T'Pri. "I think we can use it as an excuse to do a little excursion. At best, it can be utilized as an away team exercise. At worst? We'll gather all available information and send it off to Starfleet for further assessment."

"It would be prudent to be cautious Captain. I will however assemble what information we have and prepare a mission briefing, with your permission of course." T'Pri asked.

Franklin gave an approving nod. "Of course. We'll have another meeting together following our departure to reassess any new information. Until then, I'll bid you farewell Ms. T'Pri."

As Franklin rose, Gregory rose with him, the Commodore giving T'Pri an acknowledging nod as he did so. The two departed for other tasks in the day, leaving T'Pri to herself following their detailed briefing.

T'Pri got to work on her assignment.



A Post by:

Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cdr T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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