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Just the Facts 5

Posted on Friday November 13th, 2020 @ 9:43am by Commander Sam Perkins & Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne
Edited on on Saturday November 28th, 2020 @ 11:25am

348 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Deck 6- Briefing room 1
Timeline: Current

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known"
-Carl Sagan-


The Chief of the Boat, Master Chief Charles Ermy Payne entered briefing room 1. He had made sure that there was water available for himself, and the party he was waiting for. This was just an informal inquiry on how ship's operations could improve. And how it can co-ordinate better with other departments, and the Academy contingent on board. It was all approved by the Captain and the Commodore. Payne wanted to get this off the ground as best as he could.

Payne thought it would be best to talk to each department separately. He wanted to discuss ideas on how this could work better on an individual basis. He felt it was the best approach. Payne poured himself a glass of water and waited for his next interview of the day.

Perkins had been watching some Cadets very closely. When he received a call to meet Master Chief Payne. Giving the Cadets a long line of chores to do before he returned. Sam went off to briefing room one to meet him.

“ Greetings I was told to meet Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne. I am Lieutenant Sam Perkins Chief Science Officer.” He said extending his hand.

The Chief rose and saluted his Superior Officer. "I thank you for coming Sir." He said. "This should not take long." He waited for the Lt to take a seat before he sat down again.

Perkins could not get used to being called sir. He had been under the impression that Payne out ranked him. But obviously Sam had got that wrong. Smiling they shook hands and he sat down.

“ So how may I help you?” Sam asked.

The Chief was just on the verge of speaking. When his comm badge chirped. Putting up one finger he moved away to take the call. Something had happened that needed his urgent attention.

Nodding understanding Sam agreed. To take a rain check on their meeting.


Master Chief Charles Ermy Payne
Chief of Boat
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Sam Perkins
USS Poseidon


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