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Science, How Interesting Can It Be?

Posted on Tuesday November 24th, 2020 @ 12:44am by Commander Sam Perkins
Edited on on Saturday November 28th, 2020 @ 11:24am

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: CSO's Office


Neteri was curious in a way as to how the science department worked. She was never good at science, but being out here, she started to find an interest in it. Walking down the corridor, she stopped and walked into the Science lab looking for the CSO, Lt. Perking. "Um...Lt. Perkins you here?" she said, looking around.

Perkins looked up from his microscope. He had been looking at some plant cells.

“ Hello how may I help you?” He said.

"I thought I would drop by and see how the science world worked. I am not all that up to date on all of my science stuff, but it is an interesting field to explore," Neteri said.

How do you explain science? Perkins thought for a moment.

“ That’s quite a big question. You see there are many many different aspects. My own expertise is Botany and Biology. But thanks to a photographic memory. I am well versed in most sciences. For instance I have been trying to get the arboretum up and running again. Take the Koi pond for instance ,we use science. To get the perfect balance of aquatic plants. That will produce oxygen so the fish can breathe. To little they die, to many they die. It’s all about using science for balance.” He explained.

"Koi, those are Japanese. Beautiful colored fish, I had a few as a child. They grew up big and I had to give them away. Do you think it possible that maybe I could keep a few in a tank in my office and quarter's? I miss watching them," Neteri said.

Perkins smiled and nodded.

“ Yes of course. In fact I would encourage it. As a fish tank can alleviate stress. By just sitting watching the fish. For a few minutes to help you to stay calm. If you would like I can help you choose which fish to pick.” Perkins replied.

"Oh would you? I love the white silver ones, but I also like the multi colored ones. Maybe we can get baby ones? I hear that they have long lives as long as you care for them correctly," Neteri asked.

Amur carp or to give them their Latin name Cyprinus rubrofuscus. Would be easy to get hold of but setting up the tank. Would take time as it had to be correct. Then what type would be appropriate for her aquarium.

Before they could consider colours. They needed to pick type of Koi. Most domestic usually grew about 12 to 15 inches long. Japanese usually grew 22 to 26 inches in long. Jumbo sized grew up to 34 to 36 inches long.

Neteri had asked for young ones. Which simplified things. Older ones would take longer to settle.

“ Asagi are usually Grey and Silver. Shusi to have the same colouring with a little red. Gold fish have the same bright colouring. I’ll download some images to a padd. and you can choose.” Perkins said.

"Oh cool. My quarters can hold a tank large enough for Japanese Koi. I figure like 4 would be sufficient. But if you suggest I get the smaller garden size then I can have more yes?" Neteri asked Perkins.

Perkins looked through a padd. Before answering her again.

“ It’s up to you really. Personally I feel it would be easier to look after four than a few more. Don’t forget you will be off on away missions, so you will need someone to care for them while you are away. Different breeds have different nutritional needs. Would whoever you get help you understand this, and not feed them then wrong food while you are away?” Perkins asked.

"Well, maybe while I am hopping on missions could you please look in on my fish? You seem to know more about them than me" she asked.

Perkins shook his head sadly.

“ Thank you for the offer. But I would have to decline. It’s more likely we would be on the same away missions. Perhaps you could have a word with engineering. They could make you an automated feeding system.” He suggested.

"Oh, ok well I guess I could do that instead", Neteri said a little sadly. She had hoped to spend some time with Perkins but now, she wasn't sure about it happening. "I will ask if they can do that then, but you will still help me set it up."

“ Absolutely. Look I need to check on some Cadets. My best advice for now is to get the tank set up. The water will need to sit for a few days. Before the plants go in. Then a further couple of days before the fish.
Once you have the plants in give me a call and we’ll see about the fish.” He said.

"Thankyou Lt. Perkins. I appreciate your input. I will leave you to your cadets," Neteri said, leaving.

[ OFF ]

Lieutenant Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon

Lt. Cmdr. Neteri "Ikran" Shannon
USS Poseidon


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