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Life aboard ship

Posted on Tuesday June 30th, 2020 @ 9:14pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Pri & Captain Franklin Johnson

823 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Random locations across ship


Tonight was movie night aboard the Starship Poseidon. T'Pri had picked some freshly grown tea and had processed it through the dehydrator. It had been quite a week with the discovered code embedded message she had discovered.Normally Vulcan;s had no need o blow off steam but she had made a point to befriend several members on the crew. She invited several people to movie night on the recreation deck. An old earth movie called Midway about a battle during Earth's World War 2. She had known enough conflict during her own career to know how pivotal battles historically were. So she invited a few people to her quarters before hand.

The Commander had dressed appropriately, having received the invitation sometime before much to his surprise. He had never expected the Vulcan Chief Intelligence Officer to be so interested in movies of the sort. In either case, he dressed casual, and ringed the bell for entry after ensuring his attire was quite appropriate.


"Do come in Captain, I have prepared some Vulcan tea, would you like some?" T'Pri asked.

Franklin smiled when he stepped through, "Yes, please!" he said. "I heard you're having a movie night of sorts. Is that so?"

"It's just the general movie night something called Midway, I believe it is a historical docudrama depicting a battle of your planets World War 2. I am continuing to endeavor and gain insight into Human interactions and behavior. I also invited Lieutenant Forsythe-Coyle.".

T'Pri poured her Captain a cup of tea. It was good but didn't quite taste like anything he had ever had before.

"I grew the tea in out own arboretum. What do you think?" T'Pri said.

Franklin nodded at the explanation, piquing his interest as he took the offered tea, sipping. His expression quaint, then he smiled.

"This is actually pretty good!" he says. "Ms. Amelia will be here? Fantastic. That sounds good!"

"Yes Sir, I invited her she should be here momentarily. Wanted to make her "feel" welcome." T'Pri said with a perfectly straight face.

Amelia really hadn't the foggiest what to make of the whole thing: a movie night? Aboard ship? She was vaguely aware that the vessel had been equipped with a fairly impressive suite of telecommunications equipment (in her capacity as a teaching vessel, Poseidon had a slew of upgrades to that end installed), but getting an invitation to such came as a genuine surprise. She really didn't have the time for it (or the inclination, if she was being completely honest), but she'd been more-or-less-told to be as sociable in her new posting as possible, so she couldn't find an easy excuse to get out of it.

More to the point, she stood in front of the officers' quarters with some slight trepidation: she'd elected to simply wear her uniform after coming off-shift, and hoped it wouldn't stick -wildly- out, even so. She chimed the door with a slight frown, head already dancing with exercises and patrol-plans she was going to run the freshest of the pilots through.

"Ah, that must be Amelia now." T'Pri said.

"Enter" T'Pri said.

"Please come in and be welcome. Would you like some tea, Amelia"? T'Pri asked.

"Hello Amelia," greeted Franklin in a less informal fashion. "Good to see you here!"

"I...ah. Thank, you," Amelia said almost haltingly, giving the Commander a mildly surprised look: he'd addressed -her- on a first-name basis, but she wasn't sure whether or not she should be so bold as to return the favor, and instead gave Franklin a slightly awkward smile. "Sir," electing to use the indication of rank until he'd make explicit mention elsewise, if he so chose.

The Commander smiled. "Please, just Franklin, we're informal here," he said with a soft chuckle.

"Thank you for coming, Amelia," T'Pri said. "I like to meet all our new crew and if so I would like to make friends with you."

She then poured Amelia a cup of tea.

"Here you go," she offered.

The tea was almost thrust into her hand, and she nearly dropped it in confusion. Tea wasn't her drink of choice, but it wouldn't do to be impolite, so she raised it to her nose and sniffed, curious, but didn't quite drink it. Not yet, anyway. "Thank you," she murmured, nodding at T'Pri this time, and looking between the two of them, the mildest flavor of bewildered. "...nice, ah. Smells, ah, nice," she almost stammered, staring down into the cup, swirling the steaming liquid slightly.

"If the tea is not to your liking I can always prepare another beverage for you". T'Pri said.

If not we can make our way down to the rec deck the movie starts in 30 minutes. T'Pri said.

They left and headed to the movie.



A post by

Lt T'Pri
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon

Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon

Lt Amelia Forsyth-Coyle
Wing Commander
USS Poseidon


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