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Oh Dear

Posted on Friday February 21st, 2020 @ 1:24pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 1, Bridge - Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Post-Launch


Chloe had taken a few days to think about how she was going to tell the Captain that the Poseidon was due to have a baby. She was nervous about telling him, because she didn't want everyone knowing yet, but she was also happy to be able to get it out of the way. She walked out onto the bridge, checking quickly to make sure her mother wasn't on the bridge, she walked quickly past everyone, and upto the Captains door. Pausing to check her uniform was increased, she pressed the doorbell.

"Enter!" the Commander invited. He was busy looking over reports and information, a constant of his present career. He welcomed the change, glancing up as he set the PADD down to smile at his guest.

"Commander, sorry to disturb you, I know you're very busy, but...urm...I need to talk to you about something." She said, trying to force a smile.

Franklin recognized Phoebe's daughter, smiling wider and gesturing for her to come in and have a seat. "Of course!" he said, standing a bit until she took his invitation. "Come on in, Cadet Graydon. What can I do for you?"

"I need to tell you something, but I don't want other people to know yet. Not even Mum. Please." She said, cryptically.

Franklin stayed standing for a moment, weighing the gravity of the situation he just realized he had been placed in. He adjusted his uniform and nodded slowly, moving around the table and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. He guided her towards the guest chair, then he slowly sat on the opposite one. He leaned to his side, one elbow on his Captain's desk while the other rested against his body, fingers clasped together as he gave off a relaxed vibe and posture. He smiled the best way he could, trying to be reassuring and not at all dismissive or intimidating.

"Unless it is something that violates a law I must abide by, I promise you this will stay between us," Franklin assured. "Now, Chloe, what's this all about?"

"Urm...So I went to see Lieutenant T'vek a few days ago, because I wasn't feeling to good...he did some checks on me and he's told me that i'm pregnant...and one of the things he told me is that I had to tell you." She answered, tears starting to fill her eyes again.

Franklin stared in disbelief for a moment, then understand as clarity cleared the worry from earlier. Of course a pregnancy at her age was worrisome in and of itself, but otherwise if the Doc had sent her up here..

"I see," the Commander replied, diplomatically. "I take it you had a prior love affair at the Academy, hmm? Never told your mom?"

Chloe nodded. "She still doesn't know...yet." She replied.

Franklin thought for a moment, nodding as he looked down then away. This was a difficult decision, one that simply by being told a huge weight had been placed on his shoulders. The simple fact that she had obeyed T'Vek and confided in her Commanding Officer showed tact and discipline, it also showed a very large degree of fear. Consequences perhaps. He thought on this a moment, the consequences of actions. Looking back, he gave a reassuring smile as he leaned up and towards her properly from the chair.

"I won't tell her," Franklin said, "but you will. In time. If you think you need me to help get the information out, I'd be willing to mediate. Perhaps T'Vek would. But you can't hide this forever. Pregnancy shouldn't be a battle faced alone, especially for someone as young as you. I won't order you to, but I encourage you to see your mother after this and have a talk."

Chloe nodded. "I will tell time...I just...I don't feel ready to tell her yet." She answered, trying to smile.

"Alright," Franklin said, "That'll be good enough for now. You're not alone though. Make sure to check up with the Chief Medical Officer, especially if you feel something wrong. It might be annoying to the Lieutenant sometimes but he honestly cares."

Chloe nodded again. "I've been seeing the Counsellor and Freya...sorry...Lieutenant Mannerheim alot as well. They're both helping me." She said.

"Very good," Franklin nodded in satisfaction. "Keep that up as well. So long as someone knows, especially a Counselor, I think you're okay. But don't forget about your mother."

"I won't. Is there anything I need to do...officially I mean?" She asked nervously.

"Not that I'm aware of. This is a situation that lays more on the personal, moral foundation of the individual rather than any official obligation. You're already logged with the Doc, so anything else I would believe is your own decision." Franklin then leaned back, giving a shrug, "but there's also the fact that your mother is a key member of the ships command authority. You've told me, and you've asked me to keep quiet, so I figure until you've explained this to your mother there isn't any further issues."

Chloe nodded. “Thank you Captain, and apologies for disturbing you.” She said.

"Not at all, Chloe, I'm available anytime to talk," Franklin said with a smile. He stood, guiding Chloe to stand as well as he led her towards the door. "Anything else?"

Chloe shook her head. "No, thank you sir. It feels good to get it off my chest." She replied.

Franklin smiled and gently patted her shoulder, nodding reassuring to her. "You're in good hands, if you ever need to talk again, I'm here."

At that he watched her go, thinking to himself what implications awaited this fated revelation.

Chloe walked from the Captains ready room. At least that was over with. She'd thought telling him would have been harder, but it was actually quite easy. Her next hurdle would be to tell her mother. But she wanted some more time first.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


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