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The Usual Company

Posted on Thursday February 20th, 2020 @ 7:07pm by Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi

812 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: USS Poseidon; Transporter Room 1 - Deck 7
Timeline: Post-Launch


Oscar Vladinchi had once again begun a long shift. The Poseidon presented the interesting obstacle of youth with the multitude of cadet-level crew members that were on board from Starfleet Academy. Unlike other vessels where such a patrol beat was expected to observe and react to rare circumstances, the Poseidon had the expectation of constant situations developed from the lack of experience with the cadets as they continued to grow in their new positions. As such, Oscar was often called to minor disturbances; mostly infranctions and most everything beneath reporting, but a few situations warranting either reports or minor brig time. So it was that after reacting and concluding an incident a few decks up, he began again his route that took him to deck 7.

Following the corridors, he found himself near the first of the Transporter Rooms. He entered to check on things, gazing around for anyone on duty, anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.

As most days, duty in the transporter room was fairly uneventful. Nevertheless, Chief McColm kept a tidy regime on everything, keeping the systems ready to go at a moment's notice - just in case. The Security Officer's visit on his rounds was one of the few distractions from the monotony that Brian got during his shifts, and it was time again for Lieutenant Vladinci to arrive.

When the Russian walked in, the Chief was underneath the transporter control console, fiddling with the wiring. Hearing the doors open, he slid out and looked up. "Ah, my Russian pal come te visit me agin!" He stood, and walked over to the security officer. "How are ye the-day, Lieutenant? Nae issues on board I hope?"

Oscar replied in his typical russian-english dialect, a bit heavier than usual as the smile on his face told of his familiarity with the Transporter Chief. "Brian, my friend!" the Security Officer greeted, moving over to clasp his shoulder. "What did you manage to screw up today?"

He gave a chuckle at his remark, then added, "No issues but some drunken cadets. You know how kids can get."

"Aye," Mac laughed. "But then who disnae like a wee dram, eh? Still havny managed tae get ye that bottle o' vodka fae Siberia, but just wait, it'll come!" He patted the console. "Ah, this wee bugger here's been giving me a headache. Why's it tha' the boffins wha' dae the refit always forget the transporter system?"

Oscar took a moment to observe the console. He scratched his chin, approaching it and kneeling briefly to examine the opening the Chief had used to work on the insides. The system was familiar, though he had to admit the connections and parts seemed somewhat foreign. Standing, he gave a shrug.

"It looks like they used both pre-2300 and post-2300 refit standard equipment," Oscar remarked. "The insides look like some monkey put it all together."

Mac scratched his head. "Aye, tha's the problem, see? This cobbled together assortment of wires isny gonna dae anyone any good!" He sighed. "Ah well, it's all we got, so I have tae make do, eh? Not as if the Cap'n will listen tae an old got like meself complainin' an' make time fer a transporter refit any time soon."

"Oh, he may," remarked Oscar as he gazed at the console. "He seems a sensible youngin', full of hope and eager. Now as for that Vodka, where did you say you ordered it from?"

Mac wagged his finger. "I didny say, pal. It's fae a place no too far fae Novosibirsk, a tipple they call Beluga. Ye're gonny like it."

The Lieutenant smirked. If what his friend was saying was true, he had personally ordered from within Novosibirsk Oblast, and that was a difficult area to get any communication into - at least when he was a kid. He gave a nod and laughed softly, staring intently for a moment, then laughed again as he patted the Chief's back.

"Full of surprises you are," Oscar said happily. Then, gesturing towards the console, added, "Alright, so, anything I can do to help you here?"

Mac laughed and pulled a bottle full of golden liquid and two glasses out of a cabinet nearby. "There isnae much wha' can be done about this bugger here. How about a wee dram wi' a pal? This here is an Auchentoshan, a fine single malt, fae Clydebank, by Glasgow. Same as me." He poured two glasses and handed one to the security officer. "Cheers, pal."

The Security Officer figured he had time for a break. Smiling widely at the genuine expression of friendship, he took the glass, and gave a toast with his friend.

"Nastrovie, Chief," he said, voice happy and smile wide.



Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Master Chief Petty Officer Brian McColm
Transporter Chief
USS Poseidon


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