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Meeting the Commander's Yeoman

Posted on Friday February 21st, 2020 @ 1:30pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Staff Warrant Officer Kendall Williams

954 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: USS Poseidon; Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, Bridge
Timeline: Pre-Launch


After a lengthy day of duties and responsibilities, Commander Franklin Johnson was spent. He sat, slumped forward with elbows on his desk and palms covering his face. The weeks recent events were telling on not only his posture but also his demeanour. Carefully, after a few moments of slowly allowing his mind the chance to think, he withdrew one hand to grab his tea. Sipping gingerly, he eyed his computer screen on his desk, noticing that there was a final visit expected today. A soft groan emitted from him. He just wanted to sleep!

Swallowing down the tiredness with another gulp of his tea, he leaned back in his chair and waited for the arrival. His eyelids closed and he found himself drifting off into a short nap.

Kendall was on a buzz from excitement she is apart of the ship that the renowned Commander Johnson was commanding, she had been looking forward to this since she was a young Petty Officer in Starfleet Academy. For some reason, most of the superiors had a dislike to her cheerful and fully energised every day. So they decided to send her to a training vessel to give "extra training". Like she really needs that. she had been top of her class at all subjects.

She approached the office that her idol was sitting at a desk waiting for her. Taking a deep breath she pressed the announcement button.

The door chimed, Franklin gave a groggy greeting of, "Come in!" as he straightened himself and prepared for the new arrival. He neglected to look over the files, perhaps it was tiredness? Either way, he would find out soon enough.

Kendall hearing the command to come in she skipped in, did a full cartwheel, jumped up, landed and gave the commander a very cheerful bow, she started to speak at the speed of light "Sir, Commander. I am Warrant Officer Kendall Williams or you can call me Foghorn because you hear me before you see me. I am your yeoman which means I am right-hand man slash woman or whatever you want to call me but be assured I will not let you down, Sir." After Kendall finished she gave a two-finger salute and a wink with the biggest smile you can imagine to the Commander sitting there.

The Commander stared. Not in admiration, nor in awe at the well-performed entrance. Instead, he stared at the staggering amount of energy this yeoman had. It was borderline offensive and, if this had been any other universe, he might have considered throwing the yeoman out the airlock. He didn't particularly know why he thought that, but the way she acted was just almost too happy. Gathering himself, he gave a slow nod.

"Yeoman Williams," he greeted, his voice still groggy. "Very nice to meet you. It'll be nice having someone to help me handle things around here. Mind grabbing me a coffee?"

"Yes Sir, if I am right in saying its two sugars and cream?" the young Warrant officer looking at the commander with a big grin.

Franklin blinked, "Yes it is. How did you know that?"

Kendall turned with a smile, "I did my research sir, as I am basically your secretary so I will have to know everything about you."

The Commander nodded, accepting the reasoning. He gave a wary, tired, and rather fatigued smile. "Very good, Yeoman. Now how about that coffee?"

"Right here sir, so sir what would you like my main roles to be on this cruise, apart from always being with you." She giggled.

Franklin blinked. That was fast. He tugged at his uniform while sitting, trying to think. Her question had caught him off guard a bit.

"To be a yeoman, of course. That's all I need from you," he stated bluntly, somewhat confused at her question. "Did you not say you had some form of education on the matter?"

Kendall was confused by the response, "Sir, how much of the work do you want me to take over. I can do everything, you do and more. As your yeoman, of course, I speak on your behalf if the situation calls for it. My last CO barely gave me anything to do apart from being his clock, He was a very independent man that didn't particularly like a Yeoman around, but Starfleet forced him to have one."

"Oh," Franklin replied, rather deflated as he cleared his throat. "Of course, right. Well, perhaps..."

His words trailed off as he gazed around. He was trying to figure out how best he could apply a Yeoman, particularly to assist with the amount of work he had to endure lately. He nodded to himself then, gazing at the datapad on his desk.

"Right, so," Franklin began, grabbing the datapad and handing it to her. "I want you to review all of the information that comes to me. Give me a brief summary of it, have me sign off on it. The usual."

Kendall Smiled, "Yes sir, I have a degree in Admin, So that will be easy to do. Would you like me to bring you news from around Starfleet in the mornings?"

"Actually, yes," he said with a smile, showing some signs of recovering briefly from his fatigue. A moment later it showed again as he rubbed through his hair. "Yeah that'll be fine. Sorry, I'm just incredibly tired."

"Before I go sir, where would I be bunked, nobody has shown me around yet?"

Franklin continued his smile. "See the Quartermaster, Sydney Allen. They'll assign you."

Kendra smiled, nodded with a, "Aye, sir," before departing.



Commander Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Staff Warrant Officer Kendall Williams
Captain's Yeoman
USS Poseidon


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