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And Away We Go......

Posted on Thursday February 20th, 2020 @ 6:30pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura & Captain Franklin Johnson & Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Payne

2,681 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Shakedown Cruise
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Shuttlebay [Main Level], Deck 6
Timeline: Day 004 - 0430 Hours
Tags: Pre-Departure, Speeches, Address to the Crew


The USS Poseidon was minutes from departure. Everything that needed to be ready to go was ready. And, if it was not, it would very soon be. The entire ship was quiet. Not a sound was running through her hallways. Nobody was in any of her lounges. Nobody was in their quarters. The ship was, in effect, a temporary ghost ship. Save 1 room of course. The entire ship's company. Passengers, civilians, everyone was gathered in the main level of the shuttlebay. They were there for the final parade before the ship was launched for duty.

Every section was represented and displayed proudly with entire company and officers in attendance. Engineering, Sciences, Medical, Operations, Fight Operations, Marines....EVERY section of the ship. All standing to attention. All waiting for the final address and orders before leaving star base. Everyone had on their best duty uniform on. It was a proud moment.

This was a tradition. A LONG tradition with military AND Star Fleet vessels. And It made Master Chief Petty Officer Payne proud. The actual parade was simple. After all the companies were formed up, the COB takes over he parade. And addresses the ship's company. Then, the XO is called and address the ship's company. Then, finally the CO was to address the ship's company. And then when finished the CO calls the COB to dismiss everyone and, according to tradition, everyone runs to their posts. And immediately make way to get under way.

With the entire ship's company standing to attention, The COB stepped in front of everyone. He was holding his swagger stick under his arm like an old time British RSM. He gazed at the ship's company. He looked them all collectively up and down. He got a good look at the crew before he spoke. And he allowed them to get a good look at him. When he spoke, he spoke slowly. with authority.

" My name is Master Chief Petty Officer Charles Ermey Payne. And make no mistake. The Captain may be the Master of this ship. BUT, it's MY boat. And on my boat I will only accept your best. There are 3 ways to do things as of right now on my boat. the wrong way, The Star Fleet way, and My way. and the last 2 ways are exactly the same. We will do things by the book from here on in. From now on Excellence will be standard. Standard will be sub standard. And sub standard will NOT be tolerated. You give me 110% and we will get along just fine. Remember, we are like a machine. We all need to be working together for the machine to work. IF we don't work together the machine doesn't work. Or, doesn't work properly. And when the machine doesn't work, or doesn't work properly...that's when you'rs truly gets to be the engineer to make the machine work right. And I'll do that by using certain tools at my disposal. Like my kick your arses. Can I assume that we have a professional understanding? " After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Payne closed his speech to the crew. " I certainly hope so. " He said before turning his back to the crew and awaited the XO to accept his salute and address the crew.

Kana had never imagined that she would find herself here. Not in a million years. While she had a natural capacity for leadership, it was something she had rejected ever since she had started to make her own path in life. Leadership and authority reminded her too much of her mother, and for reasons she didn't like to revisit, that was something that she preferred to leave in the past. Yet recent events had thrust her into this position, and even now she was having deeply held doubts as to whether this was what she truly wanted. Yet as she looked out over the assembled crew, who all looked up towards her, she remembered why she had accepted the position in the first place: the greater opportunity to help them. Support them. While her doubts would linger, it was that which saw her through.

Catching the Chief of the Boat's salute in the corner of her eye, she turned to give him her full attention and returned it before stepping forward to give her own address. She found Charles to be a rather odd fellow on first impressions, and his speech only reinforced that perception, but he came very highly rated from Starfleet. There had to be some method to his madness, though admittedly right now she struggled to see it. That all said, there was an odd charm to him as well. She hoped that she would only come to understand him more as their voyage got underway.

Taking a moment to observe the full mass of the shuttlebay stretched out before her, the Executive Officer planted her feet firmly on the ground and kept her back straight as she held her hands at her back. The shine of her shoes, badge and rank pips glistened under the artificial bay lighting. Holding her head high, she gave a slight smile at the edge of her lips as she began to address the crew.

"Crew of the U.S.S. Poseidon: for those of you who aren't already aware, I'm Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura, your Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor. As you may have heard this morning as you awoke, I only received the former commission mere hours ago; to tell you the truth, I'm still coming to terms with it. I'm incredibly honoured to be given this responsibility - this privilege - to serve. Four Deities willing, I will do everything in my power to support and assist all of you throughout our many voyages together, on what I know is for most of you a maiden tour of duty.

With that in mind, I imagine we're all still coming to terms with new circumstances on the eve of our departure. I have no doubt that the events of a few days ago are still fresh in everybody's mind: I know they are in mine. This is, of course, entirely natural. Anxiety and fear in the face of great undertakings, to which there is always a degree of uncertainty, is to be expected. I urge you to embrace these feelings of anxiety and fear, for they should drive you forward; shunning them will only allow them to hold you back. Your fears and your worries do not have to be your weakness; they can be your greatest strength.

Our undertaking is one full of many challenges, often fraught with danger, but in pursuit of great and noble causes. I cannot promise that there won't ever be hardship, or even loss; indeed, this we have already experienced. But by the sweat of our brows, the will of our minds and the warmth of our hearts, none of these shall ever be in vain. The Starfleet I've always known is a Starfleet built on the sacrifices of many great men and women, of all races, prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve a brighter tomorrow not just for our loved ones, or the Federation, but the entire galaxy. Such is our heaviest burden, and our greatest privilege.

I cannot say for certain what the future holds for us, for I believe that shall be decided by our actions. Should they be even a fraction as noble and unflinching in the face of hardship like those of the Starfleet officers and crewmen who came before us, then I am certain that our future will be full of success and reward in the form of great and noble deeds, be they big or small. The Poseidon has a long and distinguished history of such feats: let us carry her name and the Federations name forward with pride, and add our own tales to her history. These, I am sure, will be full of many great deeds to come."

Throughout her speech, Kana paced maybe a few steps left and right, but had always kept herself facing the crew, her voice loud and clear. She held authority, but in a much different manner than Charles had done; whereas he had been stern and strong-mannered, she had been more maternal. Honest and firm, but kind as well. This was a deliberate choice: she had to perform both the roles of Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor, and this seemed to her to strike the best balance of both.

Confident that she had come to a resolute and natural conclusion, she felt it time to pass on to the final and perhaps most important speaker. "Now, a word from our Commanding Officer, Commander Franklin Johnson." Kana stood aside as she looked towards Franklin, a confident and assuring look in her eye.

Franklin approached from standing to the side, barely visible to the crowd below from that position, but now clearly visible in his crisp and proper dress uniform as he took a nod to Kanaka and then one to the Master Chief Petty Officer. He took a further glance around him, at those nearest and far, then down to the crowd. Hands behind his back, he gently paced from left to right, observing. He finally came to a rest but a few feet from Kanaka and Payne, facing his crew.

"Crew of the USS Poseidon; Cadets, Graduates, Senior Starfleet Personnel and those just beginning their journey. I greet you all as Commander Franklin Shane Johnson, your Command Officer, and a proud one at that," he began as his words resounded in the bay. He stayed upright, professional, as he continued. "You have all experienced the loss of the last few days, as my First Officer has rightly referenced. As much as it pains me to say this in such a fashion, I believe that this loss has opened a lot of eyes. Space is and always has been dangerous; we try to mitigate that danger, sometimes successfully, but sometimes we miss a few steps and end up on the wrong side of an equipment failure, bulkhead, or a thousand other freak accidental reasons for death. We cannot and should not predict that death, instead we should do all we can to prevent that from ourselves and others by acting according to our training and service to Starfleet and the Federation."

He stood there in silence, observing the reactions. A moment later he continued.

"To the Cadets, I want to congratulate all who have achieved their success through the Academy to reach this point; you have all worked hard and achieved this small step towards the bigger dream. On the Poseidon, you will be learning how to properly educate yourself on the mannerisms, instructions, behaviors, and tendencies required to survive Starfleet service. Through the Poseidon, it is hoped by myself and Starfleet Academy that we will better prepare you - our next Generation of Starfleet Personnel - for the dangers of service and life on board a starship in the vastness of space. As such, you should all as Cadets treat this ship as if you are already an active duty member of Starfleet. Behave yourself according to the rules and regulations drilled into you at the Academy, but also keep in mind this is a mobile classroom designed to give you the real necessary training to graduate your courses. As you behave accordingly, your superior officers and myself will be grading you. This process will repeat up the chain of command until they are sent off to the Academy, whereupon as you all have been notified beforehand your service on the Poseidon will act towards further merits and points towards class-specific graduations. If you are superiorly capable, you may even be formally graduated on this ship and begin your service here - but do not expect that, for this will truly be a rare occurrence.

With that in mind, I move on to the active duty personnel on board. You know the drill, you, like me, have served. Beside you stands the next generation of Starfleet. Into your hands I cast them, to care for, to nurture, to properly train and discipline, to prepare them through your experience so that the mistakes you made can be lessons to brighten their futures. Help me help them by working together to train them to be the best and brightest, and through that effort - through your personal effort - your memory of what happens here shall live on through them and those that come after. We all are making history here, this is the first Academy training ship in active service, and your efforts will shape what comes of this grand experiment. I wish you all the best of luck."

Franklin nodded, examining the crowd, and straightened his shoulders.

"On a final note, as I know this will eventually become an issue at some point, I encourage you all to act according to Starfleet Regulations in the circumstance of relationships. Especially the Cadets, who undoubtedly are mostly comprised of young adults. This ship is primarily here for your education, not your pleasure - though we do boast a plethora of areas to help you rest and relax for the next days course. What you do on your off time, so long as it falls within acceptable regulation, is none of my business. When it is on my time, Academy time, this ships time, it becomes my business. Do not - I repeat, do not - make your personal affairs my business and I promise to respect what you achieve here, both off and on duty.

To that end, my door is always open, as is your senior officers, to help you and offer a kind ear. Do not think for a second that just because someone is of a superior rank that they're incapable of helping you. Most of all, utilize the services of the Chief Counselor, my First Officer, and her department at your leisure. I encourage it. Counseling is not a crybaby thing. I use it all the time to better prepare my thoughts for the next days actions. Through the action of simply listening, we are better prepared to adjust to life's challenges on our own. You are never alone, and if the situation requires it, you will never be alone especially if you require medical assistance to correct any issues you may find within yourself. We, as the Command Staff, as the Senior Officers of this ship, stand by you and support you through this great effort you have chosen to undertake."

A final nod to the crowd, then a smile.

"Crew of the USS Poseidon, we are now active duty. From here, the stars. To the stars our destiny. Within that destiny, we shall teach and tutor our next generation of starfarers and explorers. Let us do the right duty, put in the right effort, and make the right sacrifices - hand and hand, together."

Standing back, he nodded towards the Master Chief.

"Chief of the Boat, get my crew moving," he said with an almost excited smirk.

“ Aye SIR. “. Snapped the Chief. “ All Right, I want all final stores loaded, secured and ready for departure. I want a full stores list for all departments transmitted to the bridge within the half hour. I want the green light to go given by all departments within 45 minutes. And I want the ship ready to sever all moorings and umbilical cords within the hour. U.S.S. Poseidon, DISMISSED. “. The Chief bellowed as the crew started to get about their routines slowly. “ Come on, MOVE IT PEOPLE. “. And with that everyone hurried out. Chief Payne was the last to be standing there. He smiled at the empty hanger. Then with that, he proceeded to the bridge.



Master Chief Charles Payne
Chief of the Boat
U.S.S. Poseidon


Commander Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura
Executive Officer and Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


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