Lieutenant JG Aislin Finnegan

Name Aislin Sabella Finnegan

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sunday June 28th, 2020 @ 3:11pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 63kg
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Emerald green
Physical Description Above average height
Emerald green eyes
A soft light brown tan comes natural
Long and naturally wavy waist length light brown hair with blonde streaks through it that is often messily braided straight down her back
3 small regulation size earrings in the lower lobe of both ears, 2 on both the left and right helix, 1 orbital on her right ear.
3 small lines are tattooed around the orbital section of her left ear, with a four leaf clover tattooed behind her right ear.
The only other piece of jewellery Aislin wears is a rose gold band on her left marriage finger that is a split soft V shape: one V is plain rose gold, the other is white gold with diamonds. She'll never tell you what the meaning behind the ring is either.


Father Dr. Patrick Finnegan (65) - retired surgeon
Mother Shea Finnegan - deceased age 59
Brother(s) Lieutenant Bradley Holland (in-law) (37) - USS Carrington, Medical Officer
Aodhan Finnegan (34) - Civilian researcher
Tristan Kennedy (in-law) (28) - Associate civilian lawyer
Sister(s) Lieutenant Maeve Holland (34) - USS Carrington, Diplomatic Officer
Ensign Keeva Finnegan (29) - USS Firebrand, Transporter Specialist
Erin Kennedy (26) - Civilian teacher

Personality & Traits

General Overview "She's extremely quiet and laid back to the point half the time we don't even realise she's there. But then at other times she can be the life of the party with an exceptionally loveable presence" - Caylisa, best friend

"I've manage to annoy her a few times and I've seen the fiery Irishwoman come out. It was quite funny at the time" - Aodhan, brother.

"I don't know anyone else as dedicated to their love of knowledge than Aislin. She is a remarkable young woman who is going to excel at everything she does in life." - Prof. Samuel Harding, Director of Science department, NUI(G)
Ambitions Professional:
- To become the Chief Science Officer on board a Starfleet vessel

- To finish her PhD at university so she can be known as Dr.
Hobbies & Interests Work related:
(I) Lab work
(I) Researching new information
(H) Keeping fit

Non-work related:
(H) Dancing - Aislin doesn't get to do it much these days
(I) Theater - stage shows mostly
(H) Reading

Personal History Born
- June 17th 2362 to parents Shea and Patrick, and older brother and sister Aodhan and Maeve, in Galway City, Ireland

2367-2379 (Ages 5-17)
- Attended Dominican College Taylor's Hill in Galway
- Finished with her college diploma, having excelled in most areas of science, mathematics and theater

2380 (Age 18)
- Attended National University of Ireland (Galway)
- Course: Bachelor of Science
- Majored in Physics
- Minored in Mathematics
- Joined various teams and programs

2386 (Age 24)
- Graduated university with a Masters Degree in Science (Physics)
- Received high marks for her exams and ranked in the top 10% of the year

2387 (Age 25)
- Moved to London with some friends from university and started working in the R&D department of a major company.
- Aislin returned home not six months later to be with her family because her mother passed away suddenly during the night
- Shortly after while at home, Aislin decided to take on a new adventure: Starfleet. They were recruiting, and it would be the most exciting opportunity to delve deeper into the world of science. She applied immediately and begun preparation for it
Service Record 2388 (Age 26)
- Started preparing for the Academy
- Began studying at the Starfleet Academy

First Year (2388):
A- overall grade

Second Year (2389):
B overall grade

Third Year (2390):
A+ overall grade

Fourth Year (2391)
A+ overall grade
Passed all exams in all courses

2392 (Age 30)
Mission: Cadet cruise
Assignment: USS Rheus
Rank: Ensign
Position: Science Officer

2393 (Age 31) (Present)
Transfer application submitted
Inbound location: USS Poseidon
Rank: Ensign
Position: Assistant Chief Science Officer