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A Challenge from Andoria - Part 1

Posted on Wednesday August 14th, 2024 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Tyler Elbrun DSci & Captain Franklin Johnson

2,362 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Science Lab
Timeline: The Grand Tour - Arrived at Andoria
Tags: 2396, Character Development


Captain Franklin Johnson stood at the observation window of his ready room, the icy blue planet of Andoria rotating slowly below. The glimmer of the planet's surface was both mesmerizing and daunting, a constant reminder of the harsh environment his cadets were currently navigating. With a deep breath, he tapped his combadge.

"Attention, Drs Elbrun and Priadden, please report to the science lab immediately," Johnson ordered, his voice steady and clear. "Andoria has sent us a biological sample they believe might be a new strain of illness. We need to analyze it promptly to determine its nature and potential impact. Your expertise is crucial in this matter. Johnson out."

Tyler looked up from the console in the Astrometrics lab and said, "Did he just call me 'Dr Elbrun'?" He then turned around and walked out of the lab he had been working in for the past few hours and made his way to the Science Lab. "Captain, you wished to see me and did you just call me Dr Elbrun?" Tyler asked puzzled by the announcement.

Sure, here's a reply that captures the situation and continues the narrative flow:

Captain Johnson turned away from the observation window as Tyler entered the science lab. He gave a slight smile at Tyler's puzzled expression.

"Yes, I did, Lieutenant Elbrun," Johnson replied, his tone friendly but serious. "Given your extensive background in xenobiology and the nature of this sample from Andoria, your expertise is essential. I understand the title may be unexpected, but it's a recognition of your skills and knowledge in this field."

He motioned towards the lab's main workstation where the sealed biological sample from Andoria awaited analysis. "Dr. Priadden should be here shortly. In the meantime, let's get started on the preliminary analysis. We need to determine if this new strain poses any immediate threats and how we can mitigate any potential risks."

As he spoke, Johnson's gaze shifted back to the planet below, a subtle reminder of the pressing urgency and the lives depending on their swift and accurate analysis.

Tyler decided to take that as it stood and not go further into the discussion and then changed his mind. "I take it you haven't worked with many line officers with doctorate degrees, yes? Just curious, Captain Johnson." Tyler then turned to the console to study this strain, as the captain put it. It was very interesting though it didn't look like a virus, at least not in any way he had ever studied.

Captain Johnson chuckled softly at Tyler's remark, appreciating the lightness it brought to the otherwise serious situation.

"You'd be correct, Lieutenant," Johnson replied with a nod. "It's not every day we have line officers with advanced degrees, let alone in such a specialized field. Your academic achievements are a valuable asset to this mission."

He stepped closer to the console, observing the sealed biological sample from Andoria. "Your insights will be crucial in deciphering this sample. From what I've been briefed, the Andorians are dealing with symptoms that don't match any known pathogens in their medical database. We need to be thorough and meticulous in our analysis."

"What would be helpful would be if our Chief Medical Officer were here. This is out of my wheel house, sir," Tyler said. Though, he knew his expertise should be enough to unravel this mystery, it would go a great faster. But for now, he figured he would have to be enough.

Captain Johnson gave Tyler a reassuring nod. "I understand, Lieutenant. We're all stretched a bit thin right now. Unfortunately, our Chief Medical Officer is currently handling a situation in sickbay that demands immediate attention. However, your expertise in xenobiology, coupled with your extensive background in temporal mechanics and climatology, provides us with a unique perspective that could be the key to solving this mystery."

He placed a hand on the console, observing the sealed biological sample from Andoria. "Let's start by running a comprehensive analysis of the sample's genetic makeup. We need to identify any unfamiliar markers or sequences that might indicate its origin and potential threat level."

Johnson paused for a moment, then added, "Your service record is impressive, Tyler. From your work on temporal anomalies to your doctorate in climatology, you've consistently demonstrated an ability to tackle complex and multifaceted problems. This situation, while primarily biological, may have environmental or even temporal components given Andoria's harsh climate and history with various anomalies."

He stepped closer to the console, his eyes serious but supportive. "If you encounter any medical aspects that are beyond your scope, we'll relay the findings to the CMO as soon as they're available. In the meantime, your preliminary analysis will be crucial. We're relying on your scientific expertise to get a head start on this."

"Aye, sir. Comprehensive scan is underway. It'll take a few minutes to complete but I can also do a visual analysis while we wait," Tyler said. Tyler looked at the scan and immediately noticed an anomaly; there was definite evidence of tampering with the specimen, It was actually not a natural pathogen, but a man'made one. "Captain, I think you should see this," Tyler said.

Captain Johnson leaned in closer, his interest piqued by Tyler's tone. He observed the scan results on the console, his expression growing more serious with each passing second.

"What do you have, Lieutenant?" Johnson asked, his voice calm but urgent. "Is this....some sort of bioweapon I'm looking at? Some new medical pathogen?"

"It's hard to tell, sir. But from what I can say from a strictly visual sense, this pathogen is definitely not natural. These base pair sequences were engineered in a laboratory," Elbrun said with certainty. If he had ever been more confident in something, it was this.

Captain Johnson's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. "Engineered, you say? That complicates things significantly," he said, his voice carrying a note of concern. He straightened up, taking a moment to consider their next steps.

"This isn't just a medical issue, then. If this pathogen was engineered, we could be looking at a deliberate act of biological warfare or sabotage," Johnson continued. "We need to treat this with the utmost caution."

Turning back to Tyler, he added, "Lieutenant, I want you to continue your analysis and see if you can determine the origin of this pathogen. Specifically, look for any markers or signatures that could indicate Romulan involvement. Their history with genetic engineering and clandestine operations makes them a prime suspect. Any signs of possible Romulan intrusion or manufacturing would be crucial."

Johnson's eyes softened slightly as he looked at Tyler. "You're doing excellent work, Lieutenant. Keep me informed of any new findings. This is a critical situation, and your expertise is more valuable than ever."

"Romulan, sir? I won't say I understand, but I'll get on it. Although, I must say that I'm not too familiar with Romulan genetic engineering practices," Elbrun said as he turned back to his computer terminal and set it to scan for the information Johnson said to. Elbrun continued to work on establishing more of the pathogen's routes of infection.

Captain Johnson gave Tyler an encouraging nod. "I appreciate your willingness to dive into this, Lieutenant. The Romulans have a reputation for covert operations and genetic manipulation, but their methods can be subtle and intricate. Keep an eye out for any irregularities that might hint at their involvement."

He stepped back, allowing Tyler more space to work. "We'll need to cross-reference any unique genetic markers you find with our intelligence databases. Even a small lead could be crucial."

Johnson moved to a nearby console and began coordinating with the ship's security and medical teams. "I'll ensure that all relevant departments are on standby to assist you. This pathogen's engineered nature means we must be prepared for any scenario, including potential containment breaches or further sabotage."

He glanced back at Tyler, his expression resolute. "Your findings could determine our next course of action, Lieutenant. We need to be vigilant and thorough. Report any progress to me immediately."

"I'm already cross-referencing the data, Captain. I'm also running with Starfleet Medical's and Intelligence's files and I should have the data back soon, I hope," Tyler said. "Aha! I've heard back from Starfleet Medical. I have a classmate who works in the records office and he tells me there has been an uptick in genetic experiments coming from the regions near the Romulan borders as well as many other planets."

"I think we just solved our little conundrum, sir. It would appear this pathogen is indeed some sort of Romulan genetic engineering from all the red flags my screen is throwing up," Tyler's eyes grew wide as the number of them continued to grow. He began to run a second analysis on the sample just to confirm his findings. Oh my Gods! was all Tyler could say at the horrors he was seeing as they flashed across his console.

Captain Johnson's expression turned grim as he listened to Tyler's report. The implications of Romulan involvement were serious, and the growing list of red flags only confirmed their worst suspicions.

"Excellent work, Lieutenant Commander Elbrun," Johnson said, his tone reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Your findings are crucial, and they provide us with the confirmation we needed. This pathogen is indeed a product of Romulan genetic engineering."

He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "We need to treat this as a potential bioweapon. I want you to prioritize two things: first, continue your analysis to understand the pathogen's mechanisms and potential countermeasures. Second, work with Starfleet Medical and Intelligence to identify any specific markers that could help us trace its exact origin. Any leads, no matter how small, could be vital."

Johnson moved to the main console, opening a secure channel to Starfleet Command. "I'll inform Starfleet Command of our findings and ensure we have all available resources at our disposal. Your expertise has been invaluable, Commander. Keep me updated on any new developments immediately."

He turned back to Tyler, his eyes serious but appreciative. "We're counting on you, Tyler. Your work could be the key to preventing a major crisis. Let's ensure we're prepared for whatever the Romulans have planned."

Johnson's firm stance and clear directives underscored the urgency of the situation. As he began coordinating with other departments and reaching out to Starfleet Command, he knew that Tyler's efforts in the lab were crucial to their mission's success.

Tyler sighed a little too heavily. 'No pressure at all,' he thought. Turning back to the screen, he grew even more worried. He had no formal medical training and could really use the CMO's assistance but he could recognize the subtle tells of genetic manipulations. Now all he had to do was find out exactly who it was that did the deed.

"Captain, I believe I've found out who made this pathogen. The only problem is he's been dead for about 5 years," Tyler said.

Captain Franklin Johnson's expression remained stoic, though his eyes betrayed a hint of surprise at Tyler's revelation. He leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected twist.

"Five years dead, you say?" Johnson repeated, his tone both intrigued and cautious. "That complicates matters further. Who is this individual, and what can you tell me about their work?"

"Well Captain, his name is not known to anyone, but he goes by the appellation Dr Slayer. As for what I know of his work, not much, sir. He's known as very secretive and paranoid. No one even knows if it's really a he or a she," Tyler said with a chuckle.

Captain Johnson's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. The mention of "Dr. Slayer" was unsettling, and the mystery surrounding this figure added another layer of complexity to an already dangerous situation.

"Dr. Slayer..." Johnson repeated, his tone thoughtful. "This complicates things even more. If this individual is truly behind the pathogen, and if their identity is as elusive as you suggest, then we're dealing with a far more insidious threat than we initially thought."

He paused, considering their next steps. "We need to be extremely cautious moving forward. The fact that this figure has remained hidden, even after their supposed death, suggests we're up against a well-organized and potentially far-reaching conspiracy."

Johnson turned his gaze back to Tyler, his expression resolute. "Your findings have given us a crucial lead, Tyler. We must proceed with a dual approach: continue the analysis to develop a countermeasure while also working with Starfleet Intelligence to uncover more about this 'Dr. Slayer.' If there's any chance this individual is still active, we need to find them before they can cause further damage."

He straightened up, his tone firm but supportive. "You've done excellent work, Lieutenant Commander. I want you to keep pushing forward with the analysis, but also take care of yourself. We're in uncharted territory, and your expertise is vital. If you need additional resources or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out."

Johnson glanced at the console one last time, then looked back at Tyler. "I'll coordinate with Starfleet Command and Intelligence. We're in this together, and we'll get to the bottom of it. Let's ensure that whatever threat this pathogen poses is neutralized before it can harm anyone."

With a final nod, Johnson prepared to leave the lab, but not before offering a few words of encouragement. "Stay sharp, Tyler. We're counting on you. Keep me updated on your progress, and we'll tackle this head-on."

As he exited the lab, Captain Johnson couldn't shake the feeling that they had only just begun to uncover a much larger and more dangerous plot. The stakes were higher than ever, and the weight of the responsibility rested heavily on their shoulders.4

'Again, no pressure, Tyler,' he said to himself. He knew he wouldn't be able to give his captain everything he was asking of him, but he also knew that he would have to find a way to get him what he needed.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Tyler Elbrun, DSci
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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