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Cadet Training Exercise: Andorian Away Mission #1

Posted on Saturday August 24th, 2024 @ 1:08pm by Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Crewman Eradaar Ezazzan & Lieutenant Commander Tyler Elbrun DSci & Lieutenant JG Iain Moran & Cadet Senior Grade Piper Hill & Cadet Senior Grade Lexi Mcintyre & Enlisted Cadet Jessica Stewart

2,236 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Planet of Andoria; Various
Timeline: Arrived at Andoria
Tags: 2396, Character Development, Away Mission


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi had been briefed on his objective for this away mission on Andoria. He was to take a series of cadets, of his choosing, to introduce them to the harsh environments of the wintery planet and to provide necessary education for them as they were there. It should be an easy assignment, considering all they were doing was simply beaming down, walking around for a bit, then beaming back up. Once he finished his selection, he noted it on his PADD and tapped his combadge.

=/\= Cadets Stewart, Mcintyre, Hill, and Ezazzan, as well as Lieutenant Moran, are to report to me in Transporter Room One on Deck 7. Before you arrive, ensure you have winter protection and survival gear on. Lieutenant Vladinchi, out. =/\

Piper arrived carrying her parka, with her pack slung over her shoulder wearing a proper cold weather uniform she looked around, "Looks like I'm the first here." she commented.

"Isn't this exciting," Lexi said. She arrived in the transporter room in her heavy winter gear. Andoria was a very cold planet by Human standards, But if she were careful she would be able to survive the extreme cold. She considered it like survival training. "What are the mission parameters," Lexi asked.

Piper looked up, "You clearly haven't been to the Yukon on Earth, just as cold, and the second largest Andorian population on Earth."

"Not true I've been to Saskatchewan. A friend took me to meet his parents. I was born on Earth but raised on Axanar, my parents were farmers. Didn't have much cold weather there. I did learn to ride a snowboard though," Lexi added amiably.

Piper giggled, "And you can see your pet run away for three days." seeing if she'd get the joke

"Yeah because the land is so flat," Lexi giggled.

Piper giggled realizing someone would get some of the jokes.

Ezazzan rounded the corner into the transporter room, her clothing comically large and fluffy considering her reptilian nature. She carried a survival pack, being the ever studious one, with most of the supplies necessary for a few day long stay if stranded. She nodded at the two Cadets here before here.

"Oh, Lexi and Piper!" she greeted. "I haven't seen you both in a parsec! Glad we're going in together. What's the mission about?"

Just as Piper had asked, so too had the Gorn. Oscar glanced between them but said nothing at first. He looked back at his PADD as he tacked off a checklist.

"When the others arrive, we will discuss it," he said.

"Are you going to be warm enough Ezazzan? I hear it's pretty cold down there," Lexi asked.

"Yeah, I think so!" Ezazzan replied, though she was covered in a thick fur jacket - replicated of course. "I feel all warm already!"

"Well it's -57 degrees down there, and I know you don't like the cold, don't worry I'll keep an eye out for you," Lexi said.

A small rosey blush appeared on her cheek scales as she nodded. "Thank you," she replied meekly.

Piper pulled a hat over her head and put a set of goggles on, followed by her heavy coat, "I haven't dressed this heavy since I did cold weather training on Earth."

"Believe me, you will be glad you did Lexi said. where is everyone?" Lexi asked.

As Jessica entered the Transporter room decked out in her thermal gear, she said "Cadet Stewart reporting in" as she wore fur-lined thigh boots and a white fur-lined coat with a hood and took her place upon the Padd.

"Okay, we just need one more." Lexi said.

"Wait for me! I'm Lieutenant. jg Iain Moran reporting for Science," Moran said. hoping he wasn't holding up the trip. He was in Arctic survival gear. "You know I've never been to Andoria and I'm looking forward to this away mission."

Piper pulled on her coat, zipping it up, "If I read weather report right it's a balmy minus twenty eight where we're going today, so this should be fun."

"I like the way you think, Cadet Hill. Because, I like to think that too," Moran said with childlike glee.

Piper giggled, "Also remember after minus twenty warm liquids will flash to a solid state, especially water."

"Then let's get on with the show. Lieutenant Vladinchi?" Moran motioned to the Lieutenant.

"Alright, everyone is here," Oscar confirmed. He then nodded to the transporter operator, who was on standby at his station. He then looked to the Cadets. "Everyone on the pad!"

In a few short seconds, all the cadets and Oscar was on the transporter pad.

"Energize," he ordered.

==== On Andoria; Training Grounds ====

As the blue shimmer of the federation transporter faded, Oscar and his group of five cadets (and one Lieutenant) were on planet. It was a desolate scene. Ice was all that could be seen in all directions, the smooth surface of which was disrupted by either snow-covered hills or frozen lakes. An ice geyser erupted not too far from their location, causing a tremor. Lieutenant Commander Vladinchi tapped his combadge.

=/\= This is Oscar to Poseidon, we have safely arrived at expected location. Commencing education operation. Will check in within two hours. Out. =/\=

He then turned to the cadets.

"I want each of you to produce your tricorders and tell me what you measure," he ordered.

Pulling out her tricorder Piper looked around, "Temperature is two degrees above forecast estimate, There's a cave network about three hundred meters at one-two-zero, snowpack in eighty centimeters fresh in the last ninety hours."

Lexi was immediately struck by how cold it was, and she turned her suit up a bit. She then reached for her tricorder. and switched it on.

"Are we headed for the caves Lieutenant?" Lexi asked.

She scanned in all directions finding the entrance to the caves. There were there other lifeforms in the area especially near the caves, which wasn't all that unusual. Still, it was a hearty and crisp -58 degrees out here, It was a few degrees warmer than she thought it would be. It was fairly clear but the wind was picking up a bit. She locked onto the transponder signal of the cave entrance.

"I have the transponder signal Sir and have locked on to it. I am reading several life forms at or near the base of the cave entrance. It's a balmy -58 degrees out here and the wind is just starting to pick up, Sir," Lexi reported.

Eradaar complied, all fluffy in her almost ridiculous outdoor gear. Despite her reptilian heritage, she did in fact look quite warm.

"I'm detecting a oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere conductive to most Starfleet species breathing requirements," the Gorn said. "There's slight magnetic fluctuations also, but I can't tell where they're coming from."

Oscar took in the information from the cadets, then nodded gently.

"I believe the cave should be our first priority, good work Cadets Mxintyre and Hill," he said. The then looked to the Gorn, almost unsuccessfully stifling a laugh. He thankfully remained professional. "Cadet Ezazzan, your priority to judge the atmosphere from ground level is also admirable and acceptable. I want all cadets to make sure we prioritize breathing environments first before conducting surveys."

He nodded at the assembled, then looked at Lexi. "Lead the way, Cadet Mcintyre."

Lieutenant Iain Moran looked around a took in the sites and found himself awestruck. He had never been to Andoria before and wasn't expecting what he was seeing: an entire city of ice lay before him. He was simply stunned by it! And it wasn't as cold as he thought it would be here but that could just be the arctic suit. He chuckled to himself.

The crunch of snow underfoot as they started to move around, Piper looked around the cold terrain "Let's get out of this wind."

"Agreed," remarked Oscar. By the time he looked up again they were halfway to the cave.

Ezazzan followed, though comically she began to waddle like a penguin.

Moran laughed and followed likewise so now there were two waddling like penguins.

Piper paused for one moment, "There's another storm coming in we'll have maybe forty minutes, a front changed direction in the last few minutes looks like we're gonna be slogged in deep."

"Well, I'd say we had best get to work. Because I do not want to get caught in an Andorian storm," Iain Moran said.

Eradaar glanced up at the swirling sky, her keen eyes picking up the subtle changes in the weather patterns. She adjusted her oversized hood and nodded at Moran's comment.

"Agreed. Andorian storms are not to be taken lightly," she said, her voice muffled by the thick layers of her gear. "I've read that the wind speeds can reach up to 300 kilometers per hour in severe conditions. We need to make it to the cave before the front hits."

Oscar nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "She's right. Andorian storms are known for their intensity. We can't afford to be caught out here when it arrives."

With a determined look, Eradaar tightened the straps of her survival pack and started moving with purpose. Her steps, though slightly comical due to her waddling, were swift and steady. "Let's keep a brisk pace, everyone. Safety and survival first."

Oscar fell into step beside her, glancing back at the cadets. "Stay close and watch your footing. The ice can be treacherous."

Eradaar cast a reassuring glance at Lexi and Piper, who were leading the way, and then back at the rest of the group. "We need to maintain a steady pace. The entrance to the cave isn't far, but we must remain vigilant."

Piper paused, "We'll have to be careful once we're in the caves too, snow worms." referring one of the few insect species that are native too Andoria.

The worms are pretty dangerous I did some research on them, Andorian children actually chase them, don't get any on your suit they will burn tight through your clothes. They are very dangerous especially if you don't know what you're doing," Lexi said.

Oscar checked his tricorder again, verifying their path. "Cadet Mcintyre, keep us updated on any changes in the life form readings. The last thing we need is an unexpected encounter with the local fauna."

"The cave entrance is about 100 meters in this direction, there are two life forms, vaguely humanoid"

As they trudged forward, Eradaar kept a vigilant eye on the environment, her reptilian senses finely attuned to the cold and any potential dangers lurking in the icy landscape. Oscar matched her pace, his focus split between the group's safety and the readings on his tricorder.

"Ezazzan," he said quietly, "keep monitoring the atmospheric conditions. Any sudden changes could indicate the storm's approach is quicker than expected."

"Understood, Lieutenant," Eradaar replied, her voice steady. She glanced at the sky once more, then back to the group. "We're making good progress. Just a bit further to the cave."

Oscar nodded, his expression resolute. "Everyone, keep moving. We'll be safe inside the cave soon. Let's not take any chances out here."

Iain looked at his fellow shipmates and nodded his agreement. "Soon won't be soon enough for me," he said as he ran tests on the geological stability of the surrounding rock. Even through the kilometer's thick ice-covering, they had to be sure the cave would be sound enough to protect them. As it looked like it was, Iain went back to taking in their surroundings.

Piper looked around, "I think I see the opening!"

Oscar squinted into the distance where Piper had pointed, the icy wind biting at his exposed skin despite the protective layers of his suit. The faint outline of the cave entrance was barely visible through the swirling snow. He turned to the group, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

"Alright, everyone, let's double-time it. The storm is approaching faster than anticipated. Cadet Mcintyre, keep an eye on those life form readings and alert us immediately if anything changes."

Aye sir, follow me, and watch your footing. Lexi said sprinting off.

Oscar glanced at Ezazzan, who was diligently monitoring the atmospheric conditions. "Cadet Ezazzan, continue to track the storm's progress. We need to know if it accelerates any further."

Ezazzan gave a thumbs-up, her thick gloves making the gesture look almost comical. "Will do, sir. The magnetic fluctuations are increasing slightly, which could indicate the storm's intensifying. We need to hurry."

As the group picked up their pace, the wind howled around them, sending flurries of snow into the air. The icy ground was treacherous, but the cadets navigated it with a mix of determination and caution. Oscar moved alongside them, his eyes constantly scanning the horizon and their surroundings.

"Everyone, stay close and watch each other's backs," Oscar called out, his voice firm. "We're almost there. Just a little bit further."

The group pressed on, the entrance to the cave growing larger with each step. The storm loomed ominously on the horizon, its dark clouds rolling in faster than any of them had anticipated. The temperature seemed to drop even further, the biting cold now almost unbearable despite their thermal suits.

Finally, they reached the cave entrance, the dark maw of the cave promising shelter from the oncoming storm. Oscar ushered the cadets inside, his eyes still scanning for any signs of danger.




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