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Meeting a Hero - Part 1

Posted on Wednesday January 17th, 2024 @ 3:38am by Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr & Captain Franklin Johnson

1,040 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 7 - Sickbay Complex
Timeline: The Grand Tour - After Events at Tellar
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


Once the Captain heard of the rescue and conditions of the two heroes who risked their lives to save the Poseidon and her crew, he made his way down the ship to the Sickbay Complex. He planned to first inquire as to the condition of the Assistant Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Drauc. In a few short minutes he had traversed the decks via the turbolift and arrived at Deck 7, winding a few corners and entering the Sickbay Complex. Despite being Captain, this was the primary domain of the ships Doctors, so naturally he entered the Chief Medical Officers Office first to ask permission.

"Evening, Ms. Priadden," greeted the Captain as he carefully entered her corner office in Sickbay. "I'm here to see Lieutenant Drauc. I'd like to later see Lieutenant Kord. How are their conditions and are visitations permitted?"

Kicil was startled when she heard the captain’s voice. She looked up from the PaDD where she had been reviewing the prosthetics procedure she was going to be performing with Doctor Essagrib. “Captain, what a pleasure. Visitations are permitted; Lieutenant Drauc has just come out of his Vulcan healing trance; we are just waiting for the dermal regeneration process to finish. As for Lieutenant Kord, typical Gorn, myself and Doctor Essagrib will be attaching his new prosthetic limb base tomorrow; Doctor Essagrib has designed a very remarkable prosthetic, looks almost like the real one. Once we attach the neuro-base; we will be able to attach the prosthetic in a couple of days.”

"That's excellent news!" Franklin said, smiling widely. "I continue to be amazed by how far we've advanced medically in this age. I'll go ahead and see Mr. Drauc, if you don't mind. I'd like to have a word with him first. Thank you for your efforts, Doctor."

With a smile, wink, and wave the Captain turned and headed towards where Drauc was stationed. He gingerly approached, careful not to be disruptive, as he stood by the bedside of the Vulcan. Franklin observed that the Assistnt Chief Engineer was most definitely worse for the wear, but the fact he had just come out of a healing trance was an extremely good sign.

"Mr. Drauc," greeted the Captain, his tone softer, a bit sympathetic, "It's good to see you again. I was concerned for a moment we had lost you. Your efforts, your direct efforts, saved everyone on this ship, sir. I want to personally thank you for that. How are you doing?"

"It was only logical to perform my duties to the best of my abilities." replied Drauc, in the flat tones Vulcans often use. "How many casualties and deaths because of the fire?" he inquired.

"None," Franklin replied, a half-cocked smile as he gingerly and gently laid a hand on Drauc's shoulder. "None, because of both Lieutenant Kord and you. You above all demonstrated the highest values of Starfleet by sacrificing yourself. If it wasn't for a very attentive worker bee reporting your floating body once we ejected the section you were in, we'd of never of found you and assumed you lost. You preformed a helluva job out there, Lieutenant. I, for one, am extremely proud of you. Starfleet is too. You'll be receiving several commendations as well as a Purple Heart."

"Again, I was only performing my duties. The cadets were too inexperienced to handle the dire situation. I am satisfied that there was no loss of life, though I do believe Lieutenant Kord may be a bit put out with the loss of a limb." replied Drauc. He could feel and sense the captains' emotions and found them intriguing.

"I heard about that," Franklin said, looking down briefly. It hurt him when he lost crew or good crew got hurt. Drauc and Lazarus were among his best. He looked at the Assistant Chief, eyes serious then. "What happened, Lieutenant?"

Drauc thought for a moment before replying "I believe the new systems were sabotaged. As I was working to free the devices, I noticed a very fine black powder on my gloves. When I moved my hands the powder would shift and fall onto the materials around my hand, and then those areas began to dissolve. I am 98.998 percent sure that the dust was nanonite bots that were designed to dissolve specific metals and in turn spark fires."

Franklin's mood turned somber as he expression went flat. There was a heaviness to it, as if the simple word of "sabotage" carried with it an insurmountable weight. He pondered the significance of the Vulcans claim.

"Are we still in danger?" he asked. "I don't remember the crews speaking of finding any dust or material, and they scanned every inch of that section before reattachment. Though....this may harken back to a earlier incident where we faced off against some rogue elements."

"No, the explosive decompression forced them out of the ship, along with all the debris. We should be fine." replied Drauc in a calm voice.

"That's a relief," Franklin said, nodding, heaving a sigh. "We got a staff briefing soon, I'll make sure to relay that. So was it coincidence or fortune we were saved?"

Drauc thought before responding, knowing how humans were, "Sir I believe it is due to the training the staff have provided to the cadets, as well as the fact that only the best cadets are allowed to train and learn actively on a starship that saved the ship. Add to the fact that I believe the nanonites activated sooner than they should have."

The Captain seemed to swell a tad with a pride, nodding. "I appreciate that input, it's invaluable," Franklin said. "Rest up, Mr. Drauc. I need you at full strength."

Kicil seeing that the conversation seemed to be winding down silently approached the two, "Captain, I think it is time the Lieutenant gets some rest. There will be another opportunity to grill him later." She said with a smile and teasing manner, knowing the captain felt responsible for the fire and injuries incurred by his crew and cadets.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Drauc Kejail ie-Jia'anKahr
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, NPC
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


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