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Gamma Shift Vulcan mocha.

Posted on Tuesday January 16th, 2024 @ 2:37am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Edited on on Tuesday January 16th, 2024 @ 3:03am

804 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Poseidon Mess Hall
Timeline: Gamma Shift


It was Gamma's shift and Kicil found she was having difficulty sleeping. She had tried several meditative techniques with no success. She therefore decided to go to the mess hall and fix herself a cup of Vulcan mocha, to which she grabbed a small bag of g'teth berries to grind up as she liked her Vulcan mocha made fresh with the g'teth berries. She picked up a PaDD that she had been using, slid into one of her comfortable robes, of Vulcan design, and made her way to the mess hall. She liked the Gamma shift and the peaceful sound of the ship. One could hear the Poseidon systems working, the feeling was like being in a living entity. She was looking at the data on her PaDD: a comparison of Vulcan, Romulan, and Cardassian anatomy and physiology and what was compatible and what was not, when she arrived at the mess hall. The doors swished open, and she was surprised to see Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens in the mess hall which was otherwise fairly empty with only two cadets in a corner table eating and laughing at each other.

“Greetings Doctor” replied Micheal as he looked up from the PADD that he had been reading he had looked at the list of Cadets that he had now placed into teams and was about to assign each team to the shift pattern that they would learn their day to day duties. He continued “Congratulations on your promotion to assistant chief Medical officer,” as he looked back at the Medical Officer, He finished “Or is there something Operations you need to speak to me about?”

Kicil was startled for a moment when she heard her name mentioned. She looked over to where Commander Stevens was sitting. “Good evening, Commander; thank you. Not just yet, I will need to coordinate advanced medical techniques with some of your chosen cadets, who will be assigned to emergency management and medical duties during an emergency. I am in the mess hall to make some Vulcan mocha, as I am having trouble sleeping. My mind is not settled with some news I received during my mother’s funeral. Would you care for some Vulcan mocha?” asked Kicil, holding up the bag with the g’teth berries.

" I would love one," replied Micheal who looked back at the Doctor, he continued, " I have not had one since I left Vulcan," as he had not told anyone about his failed marriage. he leaned back into his chair. he said "Please sit,"

Kicil smiled and walked into the galley, she quickly set up the percolator; the only way she found, to make true Vulcan mocha. She poured some g’teth berries into the percolator and set it on the galley stove. She walked back out and took a seat across from Commander Stevens. “Well, I just returned from Vulcan, and just so happened to be able to get some g’teth berries from the family estate. The Vulcan mocha should be done shortly. So why are you awake during the Gamma shift?”

"I am behind on the Paperwork what with getting hitched and all" replied Micheal "So I am getting caught up with what was delivered to the ship and who signed for it in each department." looking back at Kicil.

"Easily understandable, seems the job is never over till the paperwork is, and the paperwork always seems to be two steps ahead of you." She heard the whistle of the kettle and got up. She entered the galley, quickly made two cups of Vulcan Mocha, and returned them to the table. "Let me assure you that all the medical supplies are in order. I have had my staff inventory and account for every single item." She took a sip of her Vulcan Mocha. "So, you got married. Congratulations."

"Why to thank you," replied Micheal looking back at her, he said, " Next I have to speak with Trensu on the weapons delivery," he stated lifting his mug, he finished " I haven't had this in a long time,"

Kicil smiled, “Should you ever find yourself craving fresh g’teth berries to make some Vulcan mocha, just swing by my office. I always have some in stasis. One of the few good things about being the Chief Medical Officer.” she took a sip of her mocha.

" Thank you," replied Micheal looking back at the Poseidon's CMO, he stated, " I need to be up early for the staff meeting with my staff before the main meeting" as he rose from his chair. he finished "See you around."

"It was a pleasure, may your rest be peaceful." replied Kicil, as she resumed reading her PaDD.


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


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