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Mischief in Sickbay

Posted on Monday November 27th, 2023 @ 1:06pm by Ensign Penny McTaggard & Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden

1,673 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development


-Jeffries tube-

There was one thing that small dogs were very good at that Penny recently discovered. They were very good at hiding when they had done something wrong. McTaggard owned a Chihuahua who seemed to go out of his way to be mischievous. She had been eating some sausages for lunch when The Wee One stole one from Penny’s hand. As the little bugged eyed animal was not allowed to eat that kind of food stuff. She chased after him but he evaded her and got into the Jeffries tube.

The sausage smelt quite tasty as the Chihuahua ran through the darkened tunnel. Its huge oversized eyes scanned the area ahead. The tiny dog could hear sounds coming through an open grill. The small mischief maker slowly crawled through into the light.


A patient lying on a biobed heard a tip tip noise and looked down in time. To see a small light brown Chihuahua with what looked like a sausage in its mouth. Run under his bed , blinking, he called out.

“ Doctor!” He said.

Kicil was in her office reviewing all the data that was required to run a sickbay on a starship. Having recently been promoted to Chief Medical Officer she needed to get caught up quickly on things, sure she had been assistant to the CMO but now everything was in her preview of responsibility in the medical health of the crew. She heard on of cadets that was in sickbay recovering from a broken femur and plasma burns call out. She sighed and looked at the chronometer, he was not due for pain medication yet. Getting up she came out into the bay "How can I help you cadet?" she inquired in a sweet voice and smile; not revealing her annoyance at being interrupted.

“I think my medication might not be working……I am seeing things….” He replied.

Kicil again sighed internally as she looked over the monitors of the bio-bed and then the cadets record on her PaDD. "Cadet, everything is within normal paremiters for you. You are not allergic to your medications and none of them will cause you to hallucinate. Now lie back and...." Kicil was interrupted by one of the nurses coming into sickbay from the clean linen room.

The Wee One saw an open cupboard door and trotted towards it, with his prize in his mouth. Inside the cupboard a nurse was looking for operating sheets. She dropped one on the floor and it fell on the top of The Wee One. Angry at having something dropped on him and losing his prize the Chihuahua bared his teeth. As the nurse bent down to pick the sheet up. It lurched at her giving a high-pitched snarl. She staggered backwards in surprise knocking into some mobile shelves. Which crashed backwards as she fell on them. The Wee One picked up his sausage and scampered away.

Shakily picking herself up the nurse staggered into Sickbay.

“A piece of linen just attacked me……” She said.

Kicil looked at the nurse, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jennifer Dion. She was a no-nonsense nurse not inclined to exaggerate a situation. "Is it possible you made a mistake in what you saw?" inquired Kicil; she was dreading the possibility of a return visit by the non-corporeal entity that she and others had encountered on Deck 9, in the laundry.

The small dog wondered into the Chief Medical Officers office. Now he could eat his prize in peace without any of those big things interfering. A medic looking for Doctor Priadden peaked through the door. They did not see the Chihuahua but felt its teeth on their ankle, as they trod on its sausage. In surprise the medic limped out of the office screaming. Shutting the small creature inside the office. Hearing the commotion another member of the sickbay stuff came to investigate. They also received a bite on the ankle from the now enraged small creature. The door shut locking the small wild bug eyed creature, who was very angry his prize had been squashed.

Both people limped up to the Chief Medical Officer.

"Ma’am….. there’s something in your office and it’s as angry as a box of Planet Earth Squirrels.” They said.

What the bloody hell is going on thought Kicil. "Okay people remain calm and see to our patients. Those who may have incurred injury seek proper treatment." commanded Kicil in a calm yet strong manner. =^= Computer place a lock down on my office with a level 10 forcefield. Nothing goes in or out without my permission. Begin an internal sensor scan of sickbay, with a focus on Chief Medical Officer's office. =^= She was going to get down to the cause of chaos in her sickbay.

The Wee One quite enjoyed his prize , despite the big ones treading on it. In fact he wouldn’t mind a second one so he trotted over to a grill in the wall. He had learnt that if you put your paws very hard on a certain point , it opened. But as he banged his paws against it an electrical shock knocked him backwards. How dare the big ones do this to him! He could see them through the windows so he gave them a snarl.

No one noticed as Ensign Penny McTaggard tip toed into sickbay. She had used the internal sensors to find The Wee One and to her horror he was in sickbay. Her hopes at scooping him up and running off , without being seen were dashed. When she saw him in the Chief Medical Officers office jumping up and down baring his teeth.

“Oh dear…….” She said aloud.

Kicil turned when she heard someone say, “Oh dear…….” and saw Ensign McTaggard. She studied the ensign for a minute then asked in a soft, even voice "Are you responsible for that creature being in my sickbay, more particularly my office?" her tone implying she was most upset.

Doctor Priadden reminded Penny of an incident when she was a young girl. A rival school had thrashed her schools girls soccer team quite viciously. So in revenge Penny had not only spiked their orange juice with laxatives but also helped to lock all the toilets up. Things got very smelly and messy very quickly and the teachers were not amused. Anyway, the look her grandmother gave her was the same as Kicils wright now.

“Well, he’s my doggy……but he escaped out of my quarters…….” Penny said.

Kicil was gobsmacked, she took a few seconds to compose herself and think before replying. "Very well ENSIGN, please remove your dog from my office, then return back here so we may discuss this incident." The affect she was giving off easily spoke of her displeasure at the situation. "And ENSIGN I recommend this be done with due haste." Kicil said with a predatory smile only a Cardassian could give.

Gulping Penny nodded and slowly approached the door. Bending down to the Wee Ones level she got ready to catch the small bug eyed noise maker. But the small dog was very wound up and pure canine adrenaline was pumping through its small body. As the door opened it gave Penny a vicious snarl and bit her hand this made McTaggard fall backwards. The door slammed shut with the Chihuahua still locked in , but now its temper was on full. Its snarl seemed to get much higher as it backed further into the office.

“ The wee monster!” Penny said holding her injured hand.

=/\=Computer place a force ten forcefield on Ensign Penny McTaggard’s quarters on my authorization.=/\= =/\=Understood level ten forcefield has been activated.=/\= replied the computer. =/\=Lieutenant Commander Kicil to transporter room one, I have a Terran dog in my office in sickbay, please lock onto it and beam it directly to Ensign Penny McTaggard’s quarters.=/\= =/\Acknowledged Commander.=/\= came a reply. With that simple matter taken care of Kicil turned toward the Ensign “Now allow me to look at that wound while I explain what you will be doing on your off-duty time.” Kicil took Ensign McTaggard’s hand gently into her own and examined it closely. “Miss McTaggard, if I recall correctly you are assigned to Science division, correct?”

“ Aye. I mean yes ma’am.” Penny said.

She took out a small sterilizer and began sterilizing the bite area. “So being in the Science Division you should be familiar with organic chemistry and Chemistry, correct?”

“ Yes.” Penny said

Kicil picked up a dermal regenerator and began sealing the dog bite wound. “With that said you will, after you are done with your normal shift come to sick bay and do a shift in the pharmacy, assisting with the making of pharmaceutical medications. Of course, you will eat your meal here in sick bay during your shift. That will still leave you a shift for a healthy eight hours of sleep. I estimate you should do this for the next thirty days. Do you agree or should we call Commander Perkins down here to discuss alternative options?”

“ I can work in the pharmacy oh yes please!….ma’am” Penny replied

Kicil finished what she was doing and looked the young ensign dead in t eyes. “You know I recall that back in Earth’s history they used to put down dogs that bit people.” She smiled when she said that.

“ Or castrate them……” Penny said looking at her hand.

Kicil looked at the young ensign, "Now run along and take the rest of the day off. I'll note it in your record your to be off duty for the rest of the day. I highly recommend you get some rest as tomorrow you will be extremely busy. Oh, and if the young creature of yours enters my sickbay uninvited again, I'll have him beamed directly out the starboard side of the ship as far as we can beam things."

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Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Ensign Penny McTaggard
USS Poseidon


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