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Posted on Thursday October 26th, 2023 @ 11:43pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Commander Sam Perkins

747 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Grand Tour: Part Two
Location: Science Lab , Captain ready room.
Timeline: Just after departure. Grand Tour.
Tags: Grand Tour, 2395, Character Development

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Perkins had a bad feeling that his time as Second Officer of the Poseidon was nearing an end. Not that he wanted to leave the post, Sam rather enjoyed being Second Officer. But in the last year he had trapped everyone on the holodeck, got half the Lab blown up and dared a table of Cadets to a eating contest that resulted in most of them ending up in sickbay. Now to top off everything Penny had let Susan another sentient plant loose. It terrorized a poor Cadet, reducing her to tears.

“ Why? Why did you do it? You know what Susan and Norman are like. Give them a little leeway and they're off. I dread to think what Captain Johnson is going to…..” Sam said as his comm. badge chirped.

=/\=Mr. Perkins, this is the Captain. Please report to my ready room as soon as possible. Out. =/\=

After reviewing the extended and lengthy reports on Lieutenant Commander Perkins, Franklin had briefly consulted with Mrs. Graydon and the Commodore on another Commander promotion. It was unusual to have more than one Commander rank on any vessel, however exemptions could be made in particularly rare circumstances. One of those was for training vessels, much like the USS Poseidon. She was a vessel designed to grow, foster, and education the next generation of Starfleet Officers. As such, her primary mission was to promote merit and encourage growth by any means necessary. One of these was by rewarding merit and duty when possible.

Franklin had seen his fare share of Officers come and go, each and every one having some sort of merit on their Starfleet record thanks to their service on the Poseidon. Sam had been on the Poseidon as one of the longest serving, and most dutiful, Officers on board. He had transitioned from someone intending to grow and leave to an Officer who became a permanent fixture. It was clear and evident he would be around for a bit long, so rewarding that service and duty was something that needed attention.

After concluding his brief and prompt communication, the Captain waited for Sam to arrive.

A thousand thoughts ran through Sam’s head as he walked down the corridor. The best thing he could do now was look innocent as he pressed the door chime and waited for Captain Johnson to let him in.

"Enter!" he called as the computer opened the doors. The Captain rose, greeting his new guest.

"Mr. Perkins! So good of you to come to me," he said as he gave a large smile. "I assure you this visit is not one of ominous intent. In fact, it's actually quite joyful. Come on in. We have something to discuss."

The Captain seemed to be happy his jaw was not twitching. Maybe he had not heard about the incident in the corridor.

" Really Sir?" Sam said.

"Absolutely!" Franklin said, leading Sam to a chair. He sat down across him. "Listen, your contributions to this ship are incalculable and you've done a lot to help me keep things moving, running, and basically functioning. If you weren't so damned good at Science I'd of already put you as Chief Engineer. That's how good you are. That said, I need your pips. They looked absolutely horrible on you."

He extended his hand, waiting for Sam to relinquish his Lt. Commander pips.

Sam's fingers trembled as he took his pips off.

“ Sir.” Was all he could say as he handed them over. Perkins wondered what would happen next. Was his collar about to get heavier or lighter?

Franklin smiled. He took the pips and replaced them in a small box, then produced another similar sized box. He opened it, then started to put on a pair of Commanders pips on his collar.

Sam wanted to jump up and down with glee. Commander. He had finally made Commander! After everything that had happened on the Poseidon since he joined her. Being trapped on the Holodeck , Getting trapped under debris when an Ensigns illegal still blew up the lab and of course the Norman incident. After that and a few other things he had made Commander.

“ Thank you sir I never thought this would happen.” Sam said almost in tears.

"You're truly welcome, Commander Perkins," smiled Franklin as he firmly patted his friends shoulder. "You've earned it. Congratulations!"



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer / Second Officer
USS Poseidon


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