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Time to tell the Captain.

Posted on Saturday June 10th, 2023 @ 3:03pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Commander Sam Perkins

1,307 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Science department
Timeline: Just after ‘ Some advice’ post
Tags: Tags: Grand tour , 2395, Character Development


Jason was correct. Sam had to see Captain Johnson. At least this was not his fault this time. It had been after Norman had taken an unhealthy shine to Lazarus. Sam had given the Gorn some ointment for a scale problem. Unfortunately a pheromone in the medicine had caused Norman a small sentient cactus like plant with tentacles to fall in love with the Gorn. It had been a rather unpleasant situation for everyone involved.

Clearing his throat Sam tapped his comm badge.

=/\= Perkins to Captain Johnson come in please. =/\=

Captain Johnson was just stepping outside of his Captains Ready Room after sneaking in what could amount to be a mid-shift nap. It wasn't professional and he wasn't proud of it, but it was required for him to keep functioning due to how busy it had been. A little yawn later and his combadge chirped to life. He was thankful it hadn't bothered him during the nap he had needed.

Tapping the Combadge, the Captain replied to his Chief Science Officer.

=/\= This is the Captain. Go ahead Sam. What's going on? =/\

=/\= Sorry to bother you sir. But I have something you need to hear. But I would rather not speak over the comm channel sir. Can I come and visit you please?=/\= Sam asked.

=/\= On the way =/\= replied the Captain. He made the way from where he was down a few decks and, after a few minutes, approached his CSO.

"What's going on, Mr. Perkins?" asked Franklin when he rounded a corner and entered where his Chief Science Officer was.

Sam closed the doors of his office and put Norman and Susan on guard.

“Sorry about all the skullduggery Captain. Walls have pointed ears. Sir. I believe the recent Lazarus incident was just the tip of the iceberg. After some discussion with our new Chief Engineer. We strongly believe that the Tal Shiar have slipped a spy or two in with the new crop of Cadets.” Sam said giving the Captain a padd with the names of some suspects.” These are the Cadets we suspect. There is one in particular a Cadet Nigel Raymond who is setting off a red alert klaxon.”

"Nigel?" the Captain said, more surprised than alerted as he took the PADD and investigated what was stated there. He took a few minutes to look over the information, eyebrow raised the entire time. He then handed the PADD back.

"It's very convincing evidence," Franklin admitted, "but I'm the one who approved Nigel. I'm sure the Commodore approved most, but Nigel was one of the few who came across my desk and his history checks out. His mother and father are hotel owners. He's home grown success. He's here for opportunities and just because his Academy notes him as being overly inquisitive, I don't think that justifies suspicion. Though...I won't disagree we shouldn't be wary, considering the histories of our encounters with Romulans and other subversive elements. So if you feel he needs investigating, go ahead, but don't make it intrusive."

“ The thing is sir. I am not exactly trained as an investigator. Yes if it was a strange new thing we encounter. I am in there with scanners and microscopes. But actual people I know or members of the crew. I am not sure I can do all this cloak and dagger stuff. It was pure luck that I noticed that Klingon female had green blood and some of it got on me during Lazarus and our scrap. If those Klingons had not attacked us and she had passed me by on Risa. I would not of been able to tell if she was really a Romulan in disguise. I am not sure Captain I could do that.” Sam said.

Susan must of detected Perkins feeling worried. For she reached over and put a tentacle around him. As if to give him a reassuring hug. Norman however just waved his tentacles as if to say grow a pair Sam.

Franklin watched and almost "aww'd" at the cute scene before smiling and patting Sam on the shoulder after approaching.

"You are perfect just the way you are," the Captain said. "You helped us solve that rather itchy situation. And you, being you, will help us solve this one. How can I, as the Captain, help you?"

“ Well sir. The only way to tell if someone is not who they seem is by blood. No matter how much messing around with someone’s face or body. The one thing that cannot be messed with is the blood. Anything thing that is powered by a Cardio Vascular System has to have its original blood. You can’t fill an altered Romulan with Klingon blood or human. The copper levels are too low and the old internal organs would go bye bye. As it’s been pointed out we can’t go around cutting people. We need to alter the internal sensors to scan for anyone with blood their species does not have. For that we need your permission sir.” Sam said.

"How soon can you do the alterations without anyone noticing?" asked the Captain. "I don't want this logged officially. I'll make a report on it, but for security purposes. I don't want engineering knowing right away. How soon do you think you can get it online?"

“ An hour…two maybe tops. My nephew can help me he’s good at this sort of thing. We can use the corridor computer panels as scanners. Everyone passes those and we would be able to pinpoint the exact location of anyone who is not the same outside as in. However there is one slight problem Captain. The legality of doing such a personal scan without the person’s knowledge. If anyone made an official complaint the JAG office would have a party with our heads and genitals on spiked poles. They’re not to happy with Starfleet security at the moment and have been looking for a way to get even.” Sam warned.

Franklin nodded, one hand to his chin as he thought hard. He looked away from his CSO. After a moment he straightened his uniform, looking back.

"Get it done. Write me as the responsible party. I ordered you to undertake the modifications. We need this information," the Captain said.

“ Thanks of course if I had Ensign McTaggard to help we could do it quicker. But thanks to Cadet Raymond that’s a no go. Somehow he managed to poison her.” Sam said

"He...what?!" remarked the Captain, perplexed. "What in the name of the stars, Sam?!"

Sam was surprised the Captain did not know.

“ Ensign Nigel Raymond. Trainee Chef and Engineer. Apparently he can’t tell the difference between toad stools and shiitake mushrooms. Although he swore it was a replicator glitch. Mr Raymond is one of the Cadets I am suspicious of. But then again he could be telling the truth. Although our new CEO has not had any dealings with him. There is something off about him. Then again I could be biased as he has put one of my staff in sickbay.” Sam replied.

Slowly nodding the Captain came to understand what Sam meant. He gave a thumbs up, and a shrug, as a reply. A moment later he added, "I suppose it takes them all. I think this is the cadet you mentioned earlier, right? Or was that another officer who informed me about an odd mannered cadet?"

“ Yes. I think you should see him sir. Maybe a good talking to might save more officers from a trip to sickbay. I can go and get him if you wish.” Sam said

"Please do," Franklin replied, nodding.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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