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Leaving the storm behind

Posted on Monday June 5th, 2023 @ 12:59am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Lieutenant Commander T'Pri

688 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa, arrivals center
Timeline: Current - Morning (0930 local time)


Jason's transport was among the half dozen ships in orbit, He picked up his bag and walked the short distance to the transporter room, he thanked the ship's yeoman who'd tried to make the journey manageable. Jason stepped onto the transporter pad, "One to beam down."

Seconds later Jason was in a courtyard, a small fountain gurgling nearby Jason turned to look around. It was his first visit to Risa, he'd heard many stories, and even more tall tales from other fellow officers. He turned to a small display, he saw that Poseidon had arrived in orbit an hour ahead of him, David thought about breakfast, then thought, he should check in with the section chief and with the ship before doing anything.

"Wallace to Poseidon, one to beam up."

David materialized in the transporter room of Poseidon, "Welcome aboard sir." the transporter chief said

"Thanks, chief." Jason said looking around, "I picked a bad day to check in I assume?"

"No, the senior staff have been going in shifts, you the new intel guy?" the transporter chief asked

"Yeah, my transport arrived a day early."

"I think your quarters aren't ready, but Lieutenant Commander T'Pri might be either in the offices or the mess hall." The transporter chief said.

David exited the transporter room, "Computer where is Lieutenant Commander T'Pri?"

~"Lieutenant Commander T'Pri is currently in the intelligence offices."~

Jason walked the distance to the location he'd been given and walked in too empty desks. "Hello?" Jason called out.

TPri had been for some time working on the Mission Briefing for the Midshipman cruise for the 4th year student. She welcomed the respite.

"Greetings how can I help you, Commander," T'Pri asked.

"Hello, I'm Jason Elliot, I'm the A-C-I-O and History instructor, my orders from Deputy Director Rear Admiral Wallace." Jason said sliding the pad out of his coat pocket.

T'Pri took the PADD and looked it over.

Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot. I am Lieutenant Commander T'Pri. I will be your supervisor and colleague. We have a pretty tight Intelligence department on the Poseidon. The idea is to train the students to the expertise level, that they can handle the day-to-day operations of the intelligence department. This experience will be both practical application and theoretical. May I ask what your historical specialty is? In fact, the entire purpose of this cruise is to turn over the reigns of the Poseidon to students and train them to run the entire ship under supervision of course," T'Pri stated.

Jason smiled "I'm actually a historian, I specialize in historical tactical study, ancient through contemporary."

"From which culture do you specialize, " T'Pri asked.

"The major Federation races, Klingons, Romulans and the Cardassians with a specific emphasis on spaceborne tactics," Jason said.

"Your experience with these races will come in very handy on our cruise through the beta quadrant, especially while we are on convoy pr escort duty," T'Pri replied.

"I'm still going through the two different course outlines of the classes I'm teaching so I can apply my knowledge more evenly for the students who aren't going into tactical-related specialties but need to fill the history requirements," Jason stated.

"I would have thought they needed to complete the history requirement while still at the academy, Is it a remedial course?" T'Pri asked.

"Some students need the level two class for the command exams and or the tactical components to graduate in most cases," Jason said.

"I see, you have nine months to drill it into them," T'Pri observed.

"I should get my prep work started, did you need anything done beforehand?" Jason inquired.

"No, the captain asked me to plot a course which I did. All I am waiting for is our launch. I have completed all assignments and am just waiting for the new cadets to onboard," T'Pri said.

"I'll get my lesson plans completed, good to meet you." Jason said as he took a half step back.

"And you Sir." T'Pri said.



A post by:

Lt Cdr T'Pri
Chief of Intelligence/3rd Officer
USS Poseidon NCC-42635


Lt Cmdr Jason Elliot
Intelligence officer/Historical studies
USS Poseideon NCC-42635


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