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Ops trainee

Posted on Wednesday May 17th, 2023 @ 3:03am by Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon & Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Edited on on Wednesday May 17th, 2023 @ 4:04am

709 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Operations Office
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development, Duty Log

Having started to look at the status of USS Poseidon, Micheal knew that his Cadets would be arriving shortly, so he decided that he would take this time to review those that would be under his command for the next tour when he had been going through the Service jackets he found one young Cadet Freshman called Chole Grayson, he thought oO Is she related to the XO? Oo as he went back through the command and found that her Mother was Poseidon’s Executive officer and that he would not give her daughter an easy ride.

Micheal knew that the other Cadets would put two and two together the same as he had and think that she was going to be given the best jobs or given a pass on any mistakes, Micheal would have to nip that in the bud, for all he knew she was just other of his Cadets that he would be training and not fast track just because of whom her Mom is. Just then the Door chime buzzed as he called “ Come”

Chloe had been meaning to come and see the Chief of Operations for a while now. With her current condition she was going to start having trouble with some of the tasks she'd been given, and as such thought it best to go straight to the top of the chain. She straightened up her uniform as best she could over her baby bump, and walked through the door as it opened.

She walked over to the Chief of Ops desk and came to attention. "Freshman Cadet Chloe Graydon." She announced herself to the Lieutenant Commander.

“Greetings Cadet and welcome to Poseidon,” replied Micheal as he looked back at her as noticed her Baby bump, he thought to himself oO oh god why was I not informed of this? Oo he continued “and continued “congratulations on the Baby,” as he hoped that this would not interfere with her job. He finished “ I hope this will not impact you on you're duties Cadet?”

"I've been onboard a while, sir, came onboard with the original crew, been here ever since. I believe we've met in passing before, but nothing official. I actually need to speak to you with regard to my current condition. I'm currently around 8 months pregnant, meaning I'm starting to struggle with the daily tasks I have to complete. I was wondering if I could look at more desk-based duties until the birth?" She asked, trying to smile, but it looked more like a grimace.

“ I see,” replied Micheal looking back at her, he continued “ I could do with someone helping me organize my schedule” Keeping his gaze on her, he knew now that having her deskbound might be a good idea or better still make her is new Quartermaster as he had not filled the spot as of yet, He asked, “how would being the Quartermaster position be for you, it's a desk job?”

Chloe nodded, almost too eagerly. "That would be great if I could sir. I'm not one-hundred percent up to date with the Quartermaster role, but I'll do some research, and read up on it a bit. Who would my mentor be?" She asked, smiling.

"Your mentor will be Warrant Officer John Walker" replied Micheal looking back at her, " Learn from him and listen to what he tells you," as he knew that the evaluations of all his Cadets reflected upon his leadership skills and how well the department ran.

"I will sir. And thank you for being accommodating, I do appreciate it." Chloe replied.

"My Pleasure Cadet, now do not let me down as I have been told not to be soft with you because you are the XO's Daughter," replied Micheal he looked back at her "This is for Medical reasons nothing else, Dismissed,"

Chloe smiled, coming to attention, before turning to the right and walking out the door. She was looking forward to her new assignment. It would be a nice chance to rest before the baby was due. Her next stop, however, was Risa, for a nice hotel retreat with her room-mate.


Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon (apb Puppy)
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


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