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Second Thoughts

Posted on Sunday May 21st, 2023 @ 3:20am by Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Captain Franklin Johnson

846 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Before the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


Ky'La wasn't so sure she wanted to talk to anyone but she realized she needed to talk with someone. It was hard to explain to anyone including her soon to be husband. The counselor was not the one to discuss this with and the only other one was the captain. So here she was again in that pickle of a problem. Tapping her combadge, "Captain, De'Lenn here, you got a moment? I need to speak with you," she asked.

The Captain was busy in the gymnasium as he finished his workout routine. He was sweating as his combadge chirped. He moved over to his badge left on a seat, pressing it after hearing the message.

=/\= Ms. De'Lenn, this is the Captain. Meet me in my Ready Room. Out. =/\=

Taking some time to freshen himself up using the gyms shower room, he rushed upward after making himself presentable to his Ready Room. He entered, looking for the Lieutenant Commander.

"Ms. De'Lenn! What seems to be the issue?"

"What would you say if It told you that I have second thoughts?" she started off. Ky'La wasn't sure why she was having second thoughts but they were there. Not sure if it was cold feet or just nerves and if it wasn't that, then what was the reason for her to have second thoughts on. Could it be her career?

"Second thoughts?" Franklin asked, now somewhat concerned. "About what, Ms. De'Lenn? Come, talk to me."

He gestured towards the empty chair on the other side of his desk. He sat in his seat, looking up at her expectantly.

Sitting, Ky'La was a mixed bag of emotions. Fear, paranoia, sadness, terror, depression and a few others. She was like a ticking time bomb that would explode if she couldn't find an outlet

"Captain, I am not sure, if what I am going through is nerves. Yes I am going to get married, when depends on him. The other is that I am terrified that maybe my career is in jeopardy. Depressed cause my world is coming apart, or am I just am paranoid about the whole teaching young cadets. I've made some pretty good boo boos in my time and I don't want to make the same mistakes here," she said drawing a long breath. "For some reason I look at you the way I would my father for guidance. You present the father persona in a way that calms me and allows me to talk straight forward to you without being scared," she added.

"Thank you for your words and trust," Franklin said, genuinely touched. "I can assure you I'm here to help all my crew if I'm able. Some things are best served with the Counseling Offices, true, but if this is urgent - and I think it is - I am willing to help. So, talk, what's going on?"

"Well, there are two, no, three possible things. My career as a teacher. I keep asking myself if I am gonna loose my job. I feel like I'm not teaching the cadets what they need to learn. Then there is the wedding. Is it wise to get married? I love him and adore the man. But am I good enough to be his wife? Finally rumor has it that the ship going to be changing and there are those crew are going to be transferred. That is what is going on," said Ky'La said in hushed voice, turning her face from the captain to hide the tears.

"I admit that's a lot to consider," the Captain said, nodding solemnly. "As for your marriage, I can assure you, you two are good together and you are good enough. That should be the last thing on your mind. As for the ship changing? I haven't heard so much about that, but Starfleet has had plans. Not sure if they're going to fall through or not at this interval. And the cadets? I've only received stellar reviews of your teaching. Trust me, you're doing great!"

Hearing what the captain said gave her strength to put aside her fears. She would marry the man she adored, and would remain on the Poseidon, "Captain, there is only one thing, I have no cadets this trip, so I will pilot my ship as always and work on my curriculum for any cadets that come my way. Thanks captain for listening and helping as well," Ky'La said, giving the captain a hug and kiss on his cheek.

Captain Johnson was surprised by the show of affection but, however, welcomed it. He returned the affection with a friendly hug and smiled as Ky'La turned to depart. Things had been discussed, talked about, and hopefully laid out fully in the open. He hoped sincerely that their marriage would prosper and that things would proceed as planned.

"You're welcome," Franklin replied. "You may have cadets soon, so just keep that chin up as well!"



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmdr. Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon


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