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The woe of an Ensign.

Posted on Sunday May 14th, 2023 @ 1:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol & Ensign Penny McTaggard

1,346 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Just before new mission begins.
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development



Penny was unhappy as she carried the doggy carrier towards Sickbay. From inside the high pitch growls of her pet Chihuahua The Wee One echoed in the empty corridor. McTaggard’s hand hurt where her little bulbous eyed treasure had bitten her.

Ever since she had collected him from quarantine he had been angry. His diet was the same as it had been on the Oberon. So the Chihuahua should be his usual calm self. She had something else to fear. On her last ship the head of her department Lieutenant Steven Edgware had always warned her. If The Wee One bit him. It was going out the airlock. She knew he would never carry out this threat. But with Perkins this was different.

Penny had heard a story about Perkins setting one of his sentient plants on a member of engineering. So she was sure he would carry out his threat to send her poor wee doggy into space. Without any means of breathing in the vacuum of space. If he would do something like that.


Penny usually spoke with Dr Kicil but she was on LOA.

“ Excuse me…” Penny began

“ Grrrrrrrrrrr!” Snarled The Wee One

Ysa turned to be confronted by……a little ball of snarling dog accompanied by a young woman with a bite on her hand. She raised an eyebrow and smiled widely. “I can see why you are here but why have you brought the animal?” She asked.

Penny placed the doggie carrier on the floor. Which began to move as The Wee One made sure all could see his snarling little face. McTaggard looked at Dr Saint-Pol and promptly began to cry.

“Oh dear” Ysa said as she took Penny’s hand and began a scan to determine any muscle or bony damage. “Don’t cry, just tell me what happened and then when we’ve looked after you we can take a look at your little dog who seems very angry?”

“ The Wee One has always been so happy. He licked my face every day ::sniff:: then we had to leave the Oberon. I was going to take him home and leave him with my Gran. But his little face just melted my heart. Everything was ok until he had to stay in Quarantine here on the Poseidon. Since then he has been so angry. Anyway I thought he just wanted a cuddle. I opened his doggie carrier and he bit my finger. I managed to put him back in. If Commander Perkins sees this he will throw him out an airlock.” Penny cried.

Ysa looked angry. “No he will not Ensign, why should he, surely he does not see Wee One?” She finished her scan. “Your finger is fine Ensign and, I suspect that is not the problem. Ok, what can we do for your dog. She lifted the carrier. “Computer tight force field around subject on biobed on my command, Now let’s have a look at the little one, I do love dogs.”

“ Perkins once set one of his plants on one of the Engineers. It dragged him away into the Jeffries tube. My wee dogie would not last five minutes out in space with nay suit.” Penny Said. “ On the Oberon we devised a special diet for him which kept him calm. I have been sticking to it and he was alright. But as I said once he came out of quarantine he was so angry.”

The door of the Doggie carrier came open and the Chihuahua leapt out. Snarling it ran into the force field and was pushed back. Its large bulbous eyes went crossed and in anger he charged again. Once again the small mini nipping machine charged again and again.

“ What’s wrong with him Doctor?” Penny asked in tears.

Ysa looked at the wildly snapping small creature and her heart went out to it. She remembered her mother’s dogs at the chateau all fifteen of the little things moving in one wave after their food. “Well Ensign dry your tears, first of all we will given him a little sedation and then I will scan his brain to see if there is anything going on.” Wee One was soon asleep and Ysa dropped the forcefield and began to scan the little dog for any abnormalities. “I can’t see anything Ensign. Tell me how often do you let Wee One run free on the holodeck?” She asked suspicious that the animal did not get enough exercise.

“ Twice a week. He loves my Loch Lomond program climbing and running wild. The only thing was the holodeck on the Oberon was badly maintained. The Chief Engineer was always busy on other things. So it never got fixed. I overheard the holodeck here is broken. It trapped some crewmen in a haunted house program.” Penny said

“Is wee one allowed to be out of his cage in your quarters or are you sharing? If so I may be able to get you your own room?” The neural scan had finished.” I can see his frontal lobe is hyper stimulated.” Ysa prepared a hypo with a small amount of laron and injected it into the animal.” There that should hold him for a while.” Ysa gently stroked Wee One’s little body as he lay there unconscious. “Penny when did he break his leg?”

Penny looked at Dr Saint-Pol in complete shock.

“ His leg is broken?I did not know?I swear on the sword and shield of my ancestors the Clan McTaggard I did not know…No wonder he is angry..oh the poor wee dogie.” Penny began to cry again. Then her face flushed red with anger.

“ Those ******* in Quarantine. They are never careful with anything. Excuse me Doctor I have people to hurt!” Penny spat.

“Wait a minute Ensign!” Ysa callled to the woman who was nearly out of the door. “I would rather you stayed here with Wee One when he woke up. He will need his mum.” Ysa went back to knitting the triple fracture in the dogs leg. It had been done some time ago she knew that and that it had been done with such force it must have been deliberate. Ysa loved animals and her parents had a load of little dogs that used to jump onto her bed snuffling and snuggling. She finished and gave Wee One a pain shot. He began to wake, the force field still in place. Ysa felt a burst of hope that he would not wake the growling mess he had gone to sleep as.

Slowly the Chihuahua began to stir. It opened his large bulbous eyes gave his over large head a shake. He looked at everyone gave a blink then started to lick between his legs. Then The Wee One looked up and wagged his small tail.

“ It worked. I feel so ashamed he must of been in such a lot of pain. But he was so angry I couldn’t get near him.” Penny said

Ysa released the force field and scratched Wee One under the chin. “See he is fine now.” The little dog turned and licked Ysa’s hand. She smiled, “I love little dogs, now Penny if you have any problems with him or are worried about how anyone else is treating him or, even if you just need a dog sitter you need to come see me okay?”

Penny hugged The Wee One who licked her face. As if he was saying sorry for biting you. But in her mind this was not over. Someone hurt her little dog and boy where they going to be sorry. But to the doctor she just said.

" I will Doctor and thankyou for yer help."

“You’re quite welcome, oh and don’t be a stranger with Wee One.” Ysa sighed, maybe she ought to get a small animal to keep her company!
Tag Ysa


Ensign Penny McTaggard
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint Pol.
Chief Medical Officer.
USS Poseidon.


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