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Another Misfit

Posted on Thursday May 4th, 2023 @ 12:43am by Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Cadet Senior Grade Piper Hill

635 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: (TBD)
Tags: 2395, Character Development


Jason was at his desk, he was busily scanning through the syllabus for the semester he had to teach while on this cadet cruise, his motivation was barely there, he'd thought about just putting off the work and sneaking down too the planet for a days' recreation and what ever debauchery he could find. He was deeply into the first case study he was supposed to cover, more of a refresher for Jason when he heard, "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for Lieutenant Commander Elliot."

"You found him." Jason said looking up and realizing his coffee was ice cold.

"Cadet Forth year Piper Hill, reporting in sir." she said snapping to attention.

Jason thought about having fun with this then changed his mind as quickly, "At ease Cadet."

Jason distinctly remembered that there were to be no intelligence cadets on this cruise, further more he had no orders for any. He keyed up the cadet's record, "I wasn't aware that there were any cadets from the intel programs' joining us, let alone any were coming, so I'll need an explanation of your presence."

Piper pulled a data pad out of her pants pocket, "I'm missing some credits from my intelligence courses and Commandant Martin felt that I should do my make up credits on this cruise." she said extending her hand with the data pad.

Jason took it and looked at it, he knew who Rear Admiral Jack Martin was, had a mild distaste for him too, so he figured this was a sadistic joke to push Jason's buttons. "It says here your missing a few classes, plus a field training pre requisite that shouldn't have even allowed you aboard, so my next question is how are you here?"

"I managed to complete the required classroom work and I have all the required first two years in general starship operations, but yes sir I don't have the required classes to be here beyond being ordered to report."

Jason looked more carefully at the pad "Rear Admiral Martin attached some orders that you will need to complete the cruise plus some make up classes in order to graduate, most of these classes are being remotely facilitated and they are to be supervised by myself here in the intelligence offices or in the holodeck."

"I am aware of this sir." The cadet said still at attention.

Jason stood up, he clearly made the cadet look small by standing. "I've only heard of these arrangements due to a medical issue, so my next question is simple, are you medically cleared to return to your studies?"

"Yes sir, I was cleared medically prior to my departure to catch up with the ship." The Cadet said

Jason hated being the heavy in most situations "When you are not attending specified classes or duties you will be in that cubical," pointing the one directly next to his desk "Studying, if any senior officer who isn't myself or Lieutenant Commander T'Pri enters you will exit the offices without questions and practice for upcoming simulations or drills on the holodecks, unless you are off duty or doing specified medical follow ups you are to be studying." Jason shifted "If your going to be given a the chance to catch up then you are going to prove to myself and the Admiral that your opportunity isn't wasted."

"I understand sir." Piper said

"For now cadet, get your quarters squared away and if you need to check in with medical do so, shift starts at zero seven hundred." Jason said followed by "Dismissed."

Piper turned and walked out of the intel office, as soon as the doors closed she let out a sigh "That was intense." she muttered.


Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Ass't Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon

Cadet Piper Hill
Starfleet academy


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