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Danger on Risa: The Betrayal - Part Two

Posted on Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 @ 9:59pm by Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More

1,203 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 7 - Brig / USS Poseidon; Deck 1 - Bridge (Various)
Timeline: During the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


-- Brig --

"How was I supposed to know they were members of the High Council?!" Lazarus said, defending himself and his actions as Oscar interrogated him from the other side of the brig shield. The Gorn was standing, infuriated as his tail thrashed about. "They tried to KILL us, Sam and I, Lieutenant! I couldn't just let them!"

"Alright, alright, calm down," Oscar said, and almost started to regret the words. It was an instinctive response. "Who was the cadet that the original Klingon was upset over? What was the Klingons name again?"

The Gorn snorted. "A Cadet Etoshi Lagiv. The Klingon identified himself as Jazik Lagiv."

"The entire name, please," Oscar requested.

Lazarus huffed, still fuming. "Jazik Lagiv, Son of Cheka, of House Lagiv," the Gorn replied. "He ended it with, 'Father of the daughter you stole from me', before the confrontation began."

Oscar nodded, thinking. He had the pieces, some of them, coming together. Slowly he gently adjusted his uniform, nodding to the Security Officer was posted in his place.

"Lieutenant Che, I'll need you to stay posted here a bit longer," Oscar said to his peer. The other Security Officer nodded.

"Don't worry, Oscar, I know it's important," Che said. She went back to a professional at-ease stance.

Oscar gave her a nod, then nodded to Lazarus who simply growled briefly before sitting back down. Heckles raised a bit, Oscar departed, heading to find Lieutenant Commander Perkins for the next half of the mystery.

Sam had heard about Lazarus and immediately charged down the corridors towards the Brig. He almost hit the doors before they opened nearly falling inside.

“Oof…..Lazarus…..Lazarus…innocent…..proof have we…….Romulan….in….wolfs….clothing.” Sam gasped

Oscar had to literally jump out of the way to save himself from the bounding Chief Science Officer. When Sam had finished his words through complicated breath, he gripped him by the shoulders and shook gently.

"Catch your breath, sir!" Oscar ordered, then more gently added, "Tell me what you know, everything! It'll help my defense."

“ When we were attacked by the Klingons somehow I managed to damage one’s eyesight.He started to swing his Bat’Leth so wildly he hit a female Klingon in the hand. She tried to cover it up but her blood was green. Somehow a sample of it got onto my wounds. Dr Saint-Pol analysed it and it was Romulan blood. Knowing how sneaky those Tal Shiar loons can be. I bet a full weeks worth of meals they’re behind this.” Sam said excitedly.

Oscar nodded. "Do we still have the medical results from this? I could hand it over to the Klingons. Maybe they'll see reason in this."

“ We do but you know what Romulans are like. If they put someone in deep cover like this they will have ways to cover their bottoms. We have to catch this women before she can cause more damage or sneak a spy or three onto the Poseidon.” Sam said

“ I agree with Uncle Sam….sorry I mean Commander Perkins. Plus Vort will be so angry you did not tell him you’re not Captain Johnson. He’ll turn Risa into a ball of smoking glass. We need to find this sneaky lassie” Stan said

"But how?" demanded Oscar. "How do we find them?"

Sam paced the room then clicked his fingers.

“ Got it! That sneaky She Wolf may have changed her face but one thing she can’t change is her DNA. We scan the area for anyone with Romulan DNA. Then we match it to our sample and bingo we have her bang to wrights!” Sam said

Oscar nods, then looks sullen. "But how do we convince the Klingons to allow us on board to test this?" He asked. "We'd literally be moving into the vipers den then. We'd have to be absolutely sure!"

Sam thought for a moment then clicked his fingers again.

“ Ok. We keep a sensor lock on that She Wolf. When she is alone we beam her up to the Poseidon. Then we can test her and expose this to the Klingons.” Sam said

“ Hopefully Vort will be so angry with the Romulans he won’t turn us into a wee jigsaw puzzle.” Stan said

Sam looked between Oscar and Stan.

“ What does my nephew…..I mean Ensign More mean by that?” Sam asked.

Oscar snapped his fingers. "I got it! Give me the viewscreen again."

“ Aye sir.” Stan said.

"Councilor Vort," Oscar began, "We have reason to believe that one of the Klingons who gave you this information is not who they seem. We offer our services to clear the name of our crewmember, if you but give us this honor. If you'll allow us to run some tests, I can assure a swift resolution to this situation."

Vort narrowed his eyes.

“=/\= Very well Captain Johnson but remember my patience has limits. You have Fourty eight hours then we will except your Lizard to be handed over.=/\=“ Vort cut the link.

Oscar cursed loudly once the viewscreen cut off. Couldn't they have a break?!

Perkins hands ran over the science console. He then passed the information over to Stan’s console. They had her!

Soon she was beamed up to the Poseidon. Unfortunately she had to be stunned when the Tal Shiar spy tried to grab a phaser and vaporise herself. But thankfully they soon had proof that Lazarus was innocent and it was all a Romulan plot to cause trouble between Starfleet and the Klingon Empire.

-- Later --

"=/\= You have adequately satisfied my demands, =/\=" Vort said over the viewscreen. "=/\= We will deal with this Romulan. In the meantime, go with Honor, and inform your Gorn to expect to see us soon. =/\="

Oscar sighed in relief. The aftermath of the affair had been a long and intense situation between Starfleet and the Klingon Empire. There had been a brief diplomatic exchange behind the scenes, but for the most part Sam had proven that a Romulan spy had once again played with Klingon honor. The situation had fizzled out and, while Klingons did not apologize, they had retracted their demands on Kord. As for Kord....

-- Brig (Much Later) --

"You're free to go," Oscar said as he lowered the shield on the brig cell.

Kord stood, towering over the two Security Officers. He merely glanced between the two, then locked eyes with Oscar. To his credit, Oscar didn't flinch.

"I appreciate you defending me," Kord said. "Is it true that Sam is the one who saved me from this injustice?"

"Yes," Oscar replied.

"Then I will need to thank him soon," Kord replied. The Gorn sighed, leaving his cell, and said nothing else.

Oscar turned to Lieutenant Che, who had remained posted for almost the entire duration. The two shared a look of, "I would hate to cross that guy," before giving each other a nod. Once the brig was clear, they both dispersed back to their duties.



Lt. Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Stan More
USS Poseidon


Lt.Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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