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From Soup to fish.

Posted on Thursday May 4th, 2023 @ 1:13pm by Lieutenant Stan More & Cadet Freshman Grade Nigel Raymond

596 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Galley
Timeline: Just before leaving Risa
Tags: TBD, 2395, Character Development


-Cadet Quarters-

Nigel looked at the picture of the Blobfish. He was reminded very much of his fathers face.When Nigel informed him he was joining Starfleet.

“ So tell me who's going to run the hotel while you're galavanting around the galaxy?Shooting blue skinned aliens!” His father shouted

“ I want a different life, father. To make a difference in the world or further afield. Anyway, you still have Lucy to take over when she’s old enough.” Nigel explained

“ Your sister is ten years old. I knew I shouldn’t have allowed you to train as a chef. That’s where you got all these funny ideas from that catering college I sent you to. mixing with peeps from all over the world I knew it was a mistake boy I knew it was a mistake. If your grandfather was alive today he would clutch his chest and fall dead to the ground again.” His father replied.

“ Howard, we are still young. By the time Lucy is old enough she can take over. Plus Neville has always shown an interest in the hotel. Let our son follow his dreams.” His mother replied

“ Oh yes your sister Beverley has always wanted a foot in the door. What about my dreams?” His father shouted

Nigel knew it was no good. So he left Earth anyway and enrolled in the academy. Unfortunately he found things quite hard. He was very close to being dropped. When another Cadet suggested Nigel switch main subjects from Engineering to Cooking. It was well known Nigel was a good cook and many starships had their own chefs. So he did just that.

Unfortunately he had to restart his course work. So his freshmen status remained. But on the good side he was assigned to a training vessel the USS Poseidon. However he still had to take Engineering as a second subject.

So here he was sitting in his quarters trying very hard. To work out his first menu.Potatoes were always a good start. Fried or maybe mashed mixed in with some butter. They would be a good complement to simulated boiled fish. Haddock or maybe Cod with a few sprigs of parsley and some asparagus. Then for dessert he could do a strawberry and apple tart.

There was a Gorn crew member to think about. They usually went for fresh insects and grubs. There was a very tasty flan recipe that Nigel could alter to accommodate Lazarus dietary requirements. Nigel would have to also cater for other races apart from humans and gorns. A few vegetable dishes for the vulcans and a good ice beetle stew for the Andorians.

Nigel nodded and after rechecking things. He made his way to the Galley.


Stan was looking through cupboards in the Galley. When a cough behind him made him jump.

“ Ouch you made me jump there Cadet.” Stan said

“ Can I help you sir?” Asked Nigel

“ Not sure Cadet?” Stan asked

“ Nigel Raymond Lieutenant. Sorry I saw you were looking for something. Perhaps I can help you?” Nigel inquired

“ Well I was looking for a pan I have some soup that needs to be heated and eated,” Stan said

Nigel found the pan and handed it to Stan. Who thanked him and promptly left. Raymond scratched his head at that. Why hadn't the Lieutenant made the soup in the Gally instead of cooking it in his quarters? Something was fishy here and it was not his fish fillets.


Cadet Nigel Raymond
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan More
USS Poseidon


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