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Some advice

Posted on Sunday May 14th, 2023 @ 1:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan & Commander Sam Perkins

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Science Lab & Intel Office USS Poseidon
Timeline: Just after Danger on Risa: A strange thing
Tags: : Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


-Science Lab-

Sam was very worried. Recent events on Risa had him taking a closer look at the new Cadets coming through. He felt so jumpy every time he heard a ticking noise in the Lab. His fingernails were slowly vanishing.

Perkins decided this had to stop. He needed to know what to look for. Perkins did not want to cause a Cadet distress by accusing them of being a Romulan spy. So he went to the Poseidons Intelligence Offices to get some advice.

-Intel office-

Sam entered but could not find T’Pri.

“ Excuse me, I need some help please?” He asked.

Jason poked his head around the corner "Can I help you?"

Sam smiled and extended a hand.

“ Hello Sam Perkins Chief Science Officer. I was hoping you could advise me on something. Recent advents have given me cause for concern. Can I take up a moment of time please?” Perkins asked.

"Uh..yeah, what can I do for you?" Jason said

“ Well. As you know we have recently had some problems with the Tal Shiar trying to sneak spies onto Poseidon. Is there any advice you could give me please on how to spot a Cadet. Who is not quite the full ticket.” Sam replied

Jason paused, "I'd heard some noise about a possible spy aboard, but I didn't know it was becoming this serious and a Romulan?" pausing "The best indicator of any spy is over selling certain cultural traits, like human things or Vulcan cultural habits."

“ To be honest Jason I have always had a problem with reading other people’s body language.” Sam confessed.” So any help would be gratefully received.”

"It's not an exacting science, but there are some signs that are obvious and others that aren't," Jason said pausing "I haven't met many of the cadets yet, so I'd be in the dark myself, what information do you have I can put together with the other I've been made aware of."

" Well the Tal Shiar as I said sneaked a spy onto a Klingon vessel. She was exposed when during a fight she got in the way and her hand got cut. Some of her blood ended up on me. Dr Saint-Pol was able to confirm the blood was Romulan which helped us with Lazarus. There is quite a full roster full of Cadets coming on board for the new training mission. I have their files here there was one which seems odd. A Cadet Nigel Raymond Chef/Engineer seems a bit of an odd mix there." Sam said

"that is an overstatement, let's put him on the list, but let's broaden the parameters to cover our bases, but let's put him at the top of the list." Jason said "Whose this one?" holding up the profile of a female cadet.

“ I have no idea who she is. My nephew is In Security if you like I can get him here.” Sam said

"Says here she's a med student, nursing." Jason said looking at the pad, "Strangely enough she's enrolled in one of my classes, weird for a med student."

“ To be honest I did the same when I was a Cadet. Science and Medicine though , but I have a much older cousin also called Sam who was an Engineer but doubled as a Medic. His retired now. It’s not unusual the thing is to trick them into revealing themselves without ending up before Johnson if your wrong and they made a complaint. That’s why a sort you out.” Sam said

Jason flipped through the list "There are a few here that could be our spy this could take some time."

“ What’s Starfleet Security’s take on all this? They must of been informed about what happened on Risa by now? Maybe they can suggest a quicker way to check the Cadets?” Sam asked.

"They're taking the usual wait and see stance with this, when I spoke to Admiral Wallace before my departure he was certain that this wasn't a normal Tal'Shiar operation, he's implied that there are some internal issues with them that could be going on and this operation is unsanctioned." Jason said looking at one bio, "Pull this cadet out of class." handing him a pad.

“ Unless they’re in my class I can’t you would have to speak with their named department tutor. But hang on a moment how can Starfleet Security think this is unsanctioned? They altered a women to look like a Klingon for James T Kirk sake. That is a lot to do you know. Finding the wright Klingon and ship. Tracking a possible Federation target namely us.Thats a lot of resources for a few rogue agents to use.” Sam said

"I'll take a look at her schedule, because she's from a colony along the boarder she might be an easy mark if this leaked out I want to eliminate her as a suspect immediately." Jason said setting down the pad

“ Three departments will have a higher probability of unwelcome eyes. Science , Engineering and Security you know. So unless we go around pricking every Cadets finger to see if they bleed green. What else do you suggest?” Sam asked

"I've got a large chunk of these students in my lectures, I might have to get inventive." Jason said the paused "How much does the captain know?"

“ I have not reported anything but Oscar was dealing with the undercover Romulan problem. I don’t know if he reported to Johnson yet.” Sam explained.

"Procedurally the Captain should be made aware, this isn't exactly something that can be dealt with on the quiet then reported to him in the after action report, plus he might be unintentionally aware of this himself." Jason said as he sat back, "I can't make any inquiries to intelligence without the captain being made aware of this."

Sam nodded this was something that Johnson needed to be made aware of.

" Yes I need to see him anyway. Thankyou for your help and advice." Perkins said

"No problem" Jason said


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Jason Elliot
Ass't Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Poseidon


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