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A Very Relaxed Introduction

Posted on Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 @ 9:46pm by Captain Franklin Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Edited on on Wednesday May 3rd, 2023 @ 9:47pm

1,735 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa - Tourist Accomodation Complex
Timeline: During the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Introduction


Franklin ended the call with the Commodore. There was a new Chief Cultural Officer on board now - effectively the Principle for the Cadets - and Gregory had sent her to Risa to catch up on the crew R&R as well as meet Franklin. Gregory had just called communicated to confirm that she had arrived and was to be expected anytime now. Franklin sighed, relieved that he was at least good for something during this time. He was already well dressed in civilian clothing, sitting in his rooms lounge area as he waited for his door to chime.

It had been a long flight to Risa, as the runabout that had been sent to pick her up had encountered an ion storm en route and they had been stuck at warp 3 for twenty eight hours, but now Erika was finally on Risa. She had to admit, a trip to Risa wasn't a bad way to ease into her first starship assignment since the Halcyon.

Erika had just checked into the resort on Risa and gotten settled into her room. She had spoken with Commodore Paladin and let him know she had arrived safe and sound, after which the Commodore had given her Captain Johnson's room number, and had encouraged her to say hello. Which she was now doing after a quick change into a more Risa-appropriate outfit: A purple one-piece swimsuit paired with black pantyhose to cover up Erika's scarred legs, worn under a loose fitting white overshirt and a straw hat to complete the outfit.

Erika had reached the captain's floor and was looking for the room number Commodore Paladin had given her when she found the captain's room number and proceeded to knock on the door to an old earth tune called "shave and a haircut"

Franklin stood and walked to the door. He opened it, giving a warm smile to Erika. He had an image of who he was expected and since it matched, he greeted her by motioning her inside.

"Mrs. Itsumi!" He greeted warmly, "Welcome! Commodore Paladin said I should be expecting you. I appreciate you coming all this way. You're our new Chief Cultural Officer, right? We've had a bit of bad luck with that position since we've created it. It was intended to be a compromise between our old Chaplaincy and Diplomatic Divisions. We created it to be a sort of principle-like position to supervise the cadets on board. I'm hoping you're going to change that line of bad luck."

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes, but the Captain nonetheless seemed to give off an air of confidence.

"Nonetheless, welcome to Risa! Would you like something to drink?"

"You have any German beverages?" Erika asked. "I could go for some good German beer or Wine right now."

"I think so," Franklin said, "I have some Pilsner stored. Let me grab it."

"Anyway, I should apologize for my being late, sir: The pilot who brought me here encountered an ion storm, and the runabouts engines took a hit. We were only able to achieve around warp 3 for most of the flight." Erika explained. "I should also apologize for my being underdressed. I figured that since I'm on Risa, I'd go for a swim after we're done here."

Erika looked down at her legs, which she could still see the burn scars through the black pantyhose she was wearing under her swimsuit.

"You know, swimming was actually a vital part of my physical therapy following my accident." She admitted. "I don't think I'd be here walking if I hadn't learned to swim again first..."

As Franklin grabbed two of the beers he mentioned, he handed one off to Erika. He gave a nod to her explanation as he opened his and drank deeply, easily taking half the bottle. It was, indeed, a smooth and crisp German beer.

"Space is a dangerous place," Franklin opined. "I've had many incidents when I was a part of the civilian freighter corps. Lots of stories there. I understand completely. Anyway, concerning your dress, perfectly fine. We're on holiday right now - well, extended holiday. I think."

His eyes seemed to grow distant briefly as he pondered those words he spoke. He then shook his head, smiling as he looked back at Erika.

"Right, so, about what I asked. You up for changing the positions reputation? What you gonna bring to the table?" He asked, taking a sip. "And uh...I know where we can swim once you answer that. Call it an exchange."

"Well, sir; a brave woman once said before her ship exploded "I touch the future: I teach." And ever since I started teaching at Starfleet Academy, I've sought to live by that mantra." Erika said, taking a sip of her beer. "The loss of the Halcyon was caused by a culture of negligence, and when I started teaching, I realized that the best way to combat such negligence is to stamp it out at its source: Shortcuts that cadets might make in the Academy that carry over into their Starfleet careers."

Taking another sip, Erika turned to Franklin:

"What I'm trying to say, Captain, is that what I intend to bring to the table is a bigger emphasis on safety in the shipboard curriculum." Erika stated. "Crack down on negligent behaviors that might have been tolerated under my predecessor. Sure, the cadets won't like a stricter curriculum, but it might save their lives one day. And I'll be honest; if that won't work on your ship, then I don't believe I'll be a good fit."

Franklin nodded solemnly at the mention of the Halcyon and its effects on Erika's teaching method. He drank his beer to about three-quarters of the way, swishing the rest as he listened to her finished.

"Excellent," he remarked as he finished his beer. "You're going to be perfect if you actually commit and do what you say you'll do. Last two didn't. First one was the Chaplain turned CCO, which turned out to be too much for the old man. Second was two officers from the Academy who came on board and did absolutely crap all at their post. Gregory was having a field day with the Academy once he figured things out, and only until I actually complained did he seek you out I think. Regardless, you're here, and that's damn good enough for me."

He burped, excusing himself quickly. "Anyway, so about that swim. You want to seek out a swimming pool or the beach?"

"I noticed there was a beach nearby, unless you know of a better beach." Erika smirked. "Though fair warning, it might be difficult to top the private beach at Shades of the Proud. A marine friend of mine once invited me there, and I must say, for a marines-only resort, the private beach there is absolutely exquisite. Any marine that chooses to stay there will certainly have it good."

Franklin nodded, thinking briefly. He did recall the beach he met Phoebe at by chance. He waved Erika on to follow him.

-- The Hidden Beach --

A short time later and a brief taxi ride after, Franklin and Erika where at the same hidden beach he had met Phoebe at some day or so ago. Bill's Dogs and Burgers stand was there, but the bolian seemed to be absent today. Instead there was another food stand there, a smaller one, selling hamburgers. He waved Erika over. The human at stand was only in their mid thirties, a well grizzled fellow.

"What'll it be?" he asked, nodding to both Erika and Franklin. "Starfleet gets discount here."

"How'd you know we were Starfleet?" Franklin asked, perplexed.

"When you know, you know," the man replied, giving Erika specifically a nod. He then motioned to the small menu. "What'll it be?" He asked again.

The menu had only a few items. Hamburgers specifically, but generally catered in multiple ways. Fries were included with most orders. There were also soda pop drinks. Franklin looked over the menu briefly.

"Cheeseburger and an order of fries with that Doctor Regulu soda," he ordered.

The man nodded, looking to Erika. "And you?" he asked.

Erika looked over the menu, which consisted mostly of burgers and hot dogs. She wasn't thrilled about the prospect of getting fries until she saw a sign that read 'substitute fries for our fresh-made potato chips'

"I'll have a Chicago-style hot dog and an order of chips with some Mak'ala juice." Erika ordered.

The man seemed to widen his eyes a bit, then nodded as he proceeded with the order. In a few minutes both orders were ready. Franklin took them both, handing Erika hers and paying the man appropriately. He guided Erika to a seating table nearby, which overlooked the practically empty beach with a gorgeous view. Franklin started first, digging in with small bites and a sip before he looked to Erika with a serious eye.

"We're about to embark on a serious journey," the Captain remarked, his tone a lot more serious than before. "I need someone dependable in the position you're in. I need a principle for my cadets. I need a guide and leader. Someone committed. Is that you?"

"Captain, a few of the cadets I used to teach called me their favorite teacher." Erika said. "Academically speaking, there's only two ways you get to be a cadet's favorite teacher: Either your teaching style is lax because the cadet is a career slacker, or you inspire them so much, you instill respect in them. And trust me, the cadets who will tell you I'm their favorite teacher aren't slackers by any stretch of the word. I believe you'll find the person you're looking for in me. You might even find more than what you're looking for."

Franklin nodded as he finished his meal slowly. He considered her words long after she had spoken them, a silence falling over them for a time. He then swallowed his last bite, looking toward her.

"Welcome aboard," he said with a smile.

"It's an honor and a privilege, sir." Erika responded, offering her hand for the captain to shake.

Franklin shook. It was a firmer handshake than he was expecting and he was pleasantly surprised.



Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmndr Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


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