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The Sehlat

Posted on Tuesday June 13th, 2023 @ 6:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn & Commander Sam Perkins

789 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Science Lab & Shuttle bay
Timeline: Current
Tags: : Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


-Science Lab-

Sam looked over the list of Cadets for the new semester.Suddenly his comm. badge chirped there was a call for him from Earth. Taking the call he saw his old friend who he used to serve with on the USS Highlander. Back when Adam was a boy.

“ /\= David you old Scallywag how are you?=/\=“ Sam asked

“=/\= Fair to dinky old boy fair to dinky. Look I will cut to the chase as the Old Captain is all rush rush. But the Highlander is being decommissioned. Which means the old girl needs a new home, Perky.=/\=“ His friend said

“ =/\= I can ask on the Poseidon? How long do I have? =/\=“ Sam asked

“=/\=Two week no longer Perky.=/\=“ His friend replied.

They continued to talk about old times. Then Sam ended the link.He scratched his beard in thought then hit his comm. Badge again.

“=/\= Perkins to Lieutenant Commander Ky’La De’Lenn come in please.=/\=“ He said.

=/\=De'Lenn here. What's up Perkins=/\= Ky'La asked.

“=/\= Could I visit you in the Shuttle bay only I have something to speak with you about.=/\=“ Sam said.

=/\=Sure Sam, I'll be there in a minute=/\ De'Lenn said wondering what that was all about.

-Shuttle bay-

Sam walked into the shuttle bay carrying a padd. Looking around he saw that he was early. So he had a little look around at some of the shuttles that were docked there. The padd he carried contained information about the Sehlat a shuttle he had helped build on the USS Highlander his first posting. It was a cross between the Delta Flyer and the Argo shuttle. Now it needed a new home.

Entering the shuttle bay, Ky'La quickly found Sam and walked up to him. "Hi Sam, what's the hubub? Isn't a Shelat a cat of some sort, oh crossed with my mind, momentary lapse on my part. Guess I am getting old," she said embarrassed and chuckling. Red faced, she was near tears. Embarrassment was something she didn't handle well at all.

Perkins did not know if she had seen the padd or read his mind.

“ Oh my first posting the Captain liked to give his new Ensigns a variety of different assignments. While I was accosted to Engineering we built a super shuttle. Yes she looked big and clunky but boy did she have claws. Just like the Sehlat on Vulcan. Anyway my old ship is about to be decommissioned and the Sehlat needs a new home. It would be perfect for this ship. That is if you want her.” Sam said. He showed her the padd.

"Well....that would be a welcome addition. A super shuttle you you've piqued my curiosity. Bring her home Sam. This I have got to see....hmm...a super shuttle," Ky'La said thinking.

“ Yes. If the Delta flyer and the Argo shuttle had a baby. The Sehlat would be that child. Yes she is on the bulky side that means she can go at warp 5 for long periods without the nacelles turning to Liquid Metal. Plus phaser cannons rear and aft plus a couple of quatum torpedo launches and most important of all cup holders.” Sam replied.

"Now that's a shuttle after my own heart, that is something I want to fly. Cup holders you say hmm...nice to hold my Ractijino," Ky'La said chuckling.

Sam made a face.

“ Ractijino. Sorry no offence but I never really developed a taste for it. A good strong Italian blend now that’s the ticket. With just a small tease of fresh cream and a good biscuit to dunk with. Saying that we may have to update the Shelat's replicator system. Otherwise it will be old style dishes like Fish and Chips or fries as some people call them.” Sam said.

"No problem Sam, we can settle for old style dishes. As a matter of fact, how about some old style fish and chips real soon? What say you?" Ky'La said.

“ You know I am quite peckish actually. Why not now? But can we not use the Galley only there is a new chef and he’s already sent one of my team to sickbay. Let’s try the Observation deck instead?” Sam suggested.

"Great, I am starving as is. French fries in ketchup and a basket of fish chips, yummie for the tummy," Ky'La said chuckling. A broad smile crossed her lips just thinking of the flavors the food would bring to her taste buds.

"Shall we Sam?" Ky'La inquired.

“ Yes. You know we Brits refer to French fries as Chips.” Sam said.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Flight Officer
USS Poseidon


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