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crazy night

Posted on Thursday June 22nd, 2023 @ 5:55am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn

580 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Bar


After what had happened in the so-called fun house, Michael knew he had to cheer up Ky'La and the only way he knew was to serenade her in the bar tonight, and hopefully, that would bring a smile to her face. although he had to sneak in there without her seeing him enter the bar.

Ky'La wasn't in such a hot mood since the fun house thing. She found a nice corner in the lounge in and sat there sipping on her drink. She was a little depressed and pensive as she let her thoughts wander. She did not notice Michael walking into the lounge.

oO Oh good, she has not seen me, Oo he thought as he moved silently towards the stage, tonight he was going to make her happy and cheer her up with a few romantic songs from his favorite romance list.

Just then she looked up to see Michael standing on the stage. oO now, what on Earth is he going to do now? Oo she thought. Half getting up and nearly spilling her drink, Ky'La sat back down and looked away briefly. Her gaze returned to the stage when she then felt Michael's intentions. oO Oh no Michael not here please., Oo she thought.TAG

Michael started to look at his wife-to-be as he started to sing Glory of Love as he knew that showing her that he loved her, and wanted to make her feel wanted.

Feeling wanted was one thing, but this was crazy. He had told her he was thinking but she thought it was too outrageous and she dismissed it. Putting her face in her hands, she could feel the embarrassment on her face. Finally looking back to where he was singing, all she could do was smile and just listen red-faced.

After finishing his first song, Micheal looked back at her and knew that the next song would be a good choice for her when he started a ballad "when you say nothing at all," and knew that by helping her relax and enjoy herself after the crazy holodeck it was better than nothing.

There were times when Ky'la could not stop the pent-up emotions that lead up to her sudden hysteria. She burst out laughing as she could no longer keep her cool.

Micheal soon noticed that his bride-to-be was not getting annoyed, so as he finished his last song, he decided the better part of valor and stop and handed the mic off to another Crewmember who decided to try his luck. As he walked over to her, he said: "so you angry at me ?" asking the question.

Still laughing, "Honey I am not angry with you. You went to all this trouble to make me feel good and you know something, you really can't do the song, Glory of Love, any justice," Ky'La said still giggling. "I think you are wonderful, even if you can't sing well, but you did try," she added still giggling as she hugged him tightly and kissed him passionately.

"Well, I had to do something for you before our big day," replied Micheal, as he looked back at her everyone in the room began to cheer and wolf-whistle them both. He asked," Do you want to stay here or go back home?"

"Home hun," Ky'La said grinning from ear to ear.


Lt. Cmdr. Ky'La De'Lenn
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Poseidon

LT. Cmdr. Micheal Stevens
Chief Ops
USS Poseidon


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