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Erika "Good Reckless Behavior." Trensu

Posted on Monday June 12th, 2023 @ 8:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi & Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu

1,363 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Diplomatic Corps Offices Deck 6
Timeline: Just before shore leave ends, 2395, Introductions
Tags: Just before shore leave ends, 2395, Introductions


After a long talk with Ambassador Destrek Trensu was on his way to Deck 6 for a meeting with Lieutenant Commander Itsumi about some of the Cultural differences among the New Cadets and any security concerns. Destrek was a good friend to Trensu but at times Trensu would get irritated with Ambassador Destrek because he would not just answer Trensu's questions about the matter. Ambassador Destrek just said it was not his job in a way and to go ask Lieutenant Commander Itsumi. Trensu wondered what Ambassador Destrek was up to but Trensu and a job to do and did not have the time for the Cadets who were coming would get here soon.

taking the Turboleft to Deck 6 walking down the corridor and turning right down a hall he arrived at Lieutenant Commander Itsumi's office. He took a breath and made sure his uniform was good. Pushed on the panel on the door and it chimed he waited for it to be answered.

Erika had been working when the doorbell rang. She had been expecting Commander Trensu to discuss security concerns due to the cultural differences among the cadets, and as such, she was working in her normal chair. Her wheelchair party trick she saved for the cadets, as Starfleet officers weren't as impressed by it as cadets usually were.

Rising from her chair, Erika cleared her throat and called out "Enter."

Entering Trensu walked up to Lieutenant Commander Itsumi he smiled holding out his hand to shake hers in the old earth tradition. "Itsumi, I am glad you had time to see me. I am Lieutenant Commander Trensu, or just Trensu if you wish. I know we are both busy and Ambassador Destrek seems to think I need to see you for some help with the cadets." said Trensu introducing himself and saying why he was there. His tone is professional and yet friendly.

"Ambassador Destrek also seemed persistent that I speak with you as well," Erika responded, shaking Trensu's hand. "Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Academy has created a new program for the Poseidon for special needs cadets."

Trensu released her hand her skin was soft but firm grip everything he expected from Itsumi. He knew from her records that had happened they both had a lot more in common than Trensu wanted to admit. He had had a lot of loss in his life most of his race, ships, people's mistakes, and some of his own mistakes. "Yes that was one of the things I needed to cover also are there any cultural differences among the New Cadets and any security concerns? and how are you going to cover the special needs cadets," asked Trensu.

Looking at Erika Itsumi was a cute, light blond, with stunning blue eyes young woman and professional. Destrek was right she was cute. But that was not what he was there for right now. Trensu had heard about how she was in the office. Much like Trensu it was for work not play. Trensu blinked a few times and got his focus back. "And How can I help?" Trensu added.

Trensu batting his eyes was not lost on Erika, however, she retained her businesslike demeanor as if she hadn't noticed.

"Well, we do have a handful of trainees signed up for the Cadet Learning Program," Erika stated, resuming her seat. "Prime among them is a Gorn, a female. And while it's unfair to draw conclusions based on historical data, she might be a particular CLP Trainee to keep an eye on."

Erika picked up her PADD.

"We've also picked up some cultural exchange students: A couple of Klingons and some Cardassians." She continued. "Given the... Historical rivalry between the Klingons and the Cardassians, I have no doubt that there might be some fights that will need breaking up."

"I will have to keep an eye on them." replied Trensu "I could give my Senior Cadet that mission that would be good training and an opportunity to see how Security does more than Just shoot things and throw people in the brig," Trensu said with a sly smile.

"I know one is half Klingon Enlisted Cadet Jessica Stewart. What about Crewman Recruit Eradaar Ezazzan he is a Male Gorn. I know he is in your division. is he going to be a problem with Klingons or Cardassians?" asked Trensu.

"Crewman Recruit Erazzan is a female Gorn." Erika corrected. "And while it's still too early to tell, she seems genuinely committed to joining Starfleet via this program. I would be surprised if she were to cause any trouble."

Looking at his Padd Trensu made a few notes. "she is marked down as male. We will have to get that corrected in the records. But that's good to hear I know Gorn has in the past liked to eat fresh meat any meat including Humans." Trensu commented.

"That makes two of us, Trensu:" Erika sighed. "Other than those few issues I've pointed out, I don't believe there are any further potential security risks in my department. The only other real noteworthy thing is that our chaplain that just came aboard will be requiring maternity leave in a couple of months' time. But it's not like she's carrying the antichrist or anything that could be a security issue." She joked.

Trensu gave a chuckle. " Admittingly in all my years, pregnancy is one of the areas I have the least experience. Well, being a male does not help nor ever being married." But hearing others let's hope she is not Gorn or Klingon." he joked. Trensu sat back in his chair in thought. "I am sure every department will have their hands full with the cadets and have good and bad moments. Some might be coming on board with questionable reasons. Who is really being tested them or us?" Said trensu thinking out loud. "Sorry there is a lot in the background when it comes to cadets," commented Trensu.

"Indeed there is." Erika agreed. "And my job is to sort out the quitters from those with the right stuff, and to assist the other department heads in doing the same with the cadets assigned to their departments. That being said, if you have any security cadets that are causing trouble, be sure to keep me in mind."

Erika gave a wink when she told Trensu to keep her in mind. Nothing overly flirtatious, just something to instill in the man's mind to think of her when he had troublesome cadets. Erika had a feeling she'd be able to capture Trensu's attention if she added a little cute flair, as he came off as 'that' kind of man.

Trensu was not sure what to think of a wink he has always been a man of profession Thinking of this first and foremost in his life so far. Trensu smiled back with a nod not sure how to reply. He moved some in his seat "Ah, Yes I will. I am confident we can work together on the cadets." He thought for a moment. thinking of if he should test the, well waters besides being all work. "If you ever need anything we can talk and it does not have to be in an office either. We can meet anywhere even over a drink." Suggested Trensu not in a necessary flirt type of tone but friendly.

"Or a meal in the mess hall, if you're so inclined." Erika said, standing up and offering Trensu her hand. "It's been a pleasure making your acquaintance. I look forward to working with you for the immediate future." Erika's tone shifted to a flatter, more businesslike tone after she had stood.

"Yes," Trensu answered standing taking her nad, and shaking it in a warm genital way. "I am happy we could meet. I too look forward to working with you. I guess we both have our duties to get to, good evening Commander." said Trensu letting her hand go and walking out.


Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu
Chief Security/Tactical
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Erika Itsumi
Chief Cultural Officer
USS Poseidon


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