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Danger on Risa: The Betrayal - Part One

Posted on Sunday April 23rd, 2023 @ 10:36am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi & Lieutenant Lazarus Kord

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 7 - Brig / USS Poseidon; Deck 1 - Bridge (Various)
Timeline: During the events of "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


Lazarus sat in the cramped Brig cell. Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi, one of the ships most prominent and available security officers, had been on duty when the reports came in from Risa authorities. The Gorn had been involved in injuring three Klingons and was to be placed under arrest, pending investigation and trial. He had thought the Klingons had let things go, but unfortunately it seemed that was not the case. He wore casual clothing in the cell, Oscar watching him carefully every so often.

"This is what I get for being honorable," grumbled the Gorn.


Stan sat at the security console and ran his usual checks. Suddenly a red warning light blink on. The young Scotsman blinked. Looking up at the view screen he saw the space before them ripple. Then a Klingon Vor'cha-class attack cruiser appeared.

Next a message came through.

“=/\= This is High Klingon council member Vort. I demand you hand over the guilty Lizard in the next half an hour. Unless you wish a diplomatic incident on your hands human. =/\= The link was cut.

Stan knew all the Command staff were still down on the planet so he called the next in line.

“=/\= Bridge to Lieutenant Vladinchi we have a wee problem sir =/\=“ Stan reported


Oscar had not anticipated he would enjoy his vacation on Risa. He was a hard working Starfleet officer - too dedicated, some would say. When the opportunity was offered by the Captain to have a skeleton crew remain on the ship, Oscar was one of the first to jump at the opportunity. This would mean, of course, that he would spend his entire vacation on the ship. This was absolutely fine with him, as this was essentially his home from old and present. The rest of the crew - the cadets and Officers unaccustomed with the history of this old girl - wouldn't necessarily understand. A few would, for sure, but they hadn't fought on her during the Dominion War.

As Lazarus sat quietly in the brig cell behind him, Oscar allowed himself a moment of quiet meditation as he gently rubbed a few fingers across the panel wall beside him - not visible to Kord. He felt the texture, the newness of it due to its most recent restoration. He also felt its history. There was something there, a hint of darkness, yet of hope and future. Pain and suffering, yet pride and honor. There was history in this old ship, and this old ship seemed to know that history quite intimately. He started to close his eyes, to think back on his travels, to allow the ship to open up his mind to past times-...

...and then Oscar's combadge chirped. Oscar blinked out of the nostalgic state. He looked behind him. Lazarus was gazing at him, head cocked to one side so one eye examined the Security Officer critically. Oscar merely rolled his eyes. He tapped his combadge to reply to Lieutenant More.

=/\= I assume it isn't anything to do with naughty Gorn causing mischief, is it Lieutenant? =/\= Oscar replied while eyeing Lazarus critically as the Gorn snorted and looked away. =/\= What's the issue, Stan? =/\=

There were very few officers on board at present. As the most senior Lieutenant on board, Oscar was practically in charge. Stan had stayed on board to help run things from the bridge, as it wasn't expected that the ship would face any issues. While it wasn't unusual to have problems while everyone was on leave, it was still somewhat of a concern.


Stan looked at the view screen as the large Klingon cruiser sat there. Even just hanging before them it looked menacing.

“=/\= We have a very big Klingon Vor'cha-class attack cruiser literally outside our door step. With some High Council Member called Vort. Demanding we had over Kord or there will be a diplomatic incident.=/\=“ Stan said.


Kord and Oscar exchanged glances. Oscar waved over a fellow Security Officer to take his place, keeping his glare on Kord as a "We'll discuss this later" type of gesture. He rushed to the bridge. Kord, for his part, was just as confused and concerned as Oscar was. He merely snorted again and looked away from the accusing gaze.


Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi appeared on the bridge a few minutes later. He was out of breath but somehow able to speak. He rushed forward to where Stan was, leaning on the console.

"Can we contact them again? We can't hand over Kord without the proper authorization," Oscar said, his voice slightly panicked.

A few minutes later Vort’s face was once again on the view screen. If anything to Stan he looked even angrier than before. How would he react to speaking to Oscar?

“=/\= Ah. Captain Johnson. Good. Let us not as you humans say beat around the tree. You will hand over the murdering Lizard now. Otherwise you and your crew will be responsible for a diplomatic incident and the way your fleet is at the moment. Earths second language this time next month will be Klingoneese.=/\=“ Vort warned.

Oscar looked to Stan, the panic on his expression deepened. He then took a deep breath. The older Security Officer had served for many years. Maybe, just maybe, he could solve this situation without escalating it further. If the Klingon thought he was the Captain, maybe he could use that authority properly. He had, after all, assumed Command once or twice of this old girl. He straightened his uniform, thankful the Klingon was completely unaware of Starfleet Regulations and Uniform Codes - specifically, rank pips.

"High Councilor Vort," Oscar began, utilizing his best stern speech. It was not good to speak to a proper Klingon as a weakling. "You will undoubtedly be aware that the Federation and your mighty Empire have an alliance, as firm and as deep as the stars are intertwined. Together, we make a strong alliance of capable warriors, with your warriors leading the charge against strong enemies of our two great peoples. With that said, as you will also be aware, there is also the unfortunate side effect of laws and regulations. I cannot, in good faith to the honor of our agreements, hand over the Gorn without proper adherence to those laws. For example, our extradition treaty specifically mentions a time period of no less than three months. Would I be an honorable warrior to violate these laws so hard fought by both our sides? Truly, I would not. I must give our two peoples the time necessary for the proper investigation so we may not dishonor someone who did no wrong. What if, for example, the Gorn you blame simply was defending his honor? What type of people would Klingons be to tarnish that? On the opposite side, if we find the Gorn dishonorable, we would hand him over to you for judgement - if our peoples agree. Truly you see the wisdom in this process, High Councilor."

“ =/\= Very well Captain Johnson in the spirit of the years of friendship between our peoples. I will grant you two days to discover the truth. But I warn you deceptions will not be tolerated. Also be warned my patience is limited. Two days Captain Johnson.=/\=“ Vorts image vanished.

“ What do we do when he discovers you’re not Captain Johnson?” Stan asked

"Pray for our very lives," Oscar said. He looked down at Stand, a fear in his eyes. Then he sighed heavily. "If we don't find some way to figure out what happened, and soon, we're not going to have a Poseidon to serve on. I got to get to the bottom of this."

Stan thought for a moment then clicked his fingers.

“ We need to speak to the other officer involved in this wee skirmish. Lieutenant Commander Perkins.” Stan said

"Excellent idea, Stan," Oscar said, slapping the mans shoulder in a friendly and congratulatory fashion.




Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon



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