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Danger on Risa: A strange thing.

Posted on Monday April 24th, 2023 @ 6:46pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol
Edited on on Monday April 24th, 2023 @ 7:06pm

933 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Just after “ Danger on Risa “
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development

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Following their fight with the Klingons Sam and Lazarus returned to the Poseidon. No sooner had the two friends materialised onto the platform. Everyone began to think they had been up to their eyes in mischief again.

Perkins was too sore to care. He had something more annoying than Norman and Susan his two sentient plants. A mini bad tempered Emu like bird a cadet had tried to smuggle past quarantine. For some reason he had called it Amy. Cadet Harding had been quite attached to the creature. The thing had been sent to Perkins. Due to her constant bad temper in which she pecked at everyone. He would send her to the transporter room.

But for now the two limped towards sickbay. Once there Kord was led off. Perkins sat on a bio bed. He heard one medic say to a new member of staff.

“ Mr accident prone is back” Pointing at Sam.

Ysa had been sharing a joke with one of the nurses, it seemed as though she was being accepted even after only being there a few short days. She turned and noted the tall bearded good looking man trying to sit looking uncomfortable. She grabbed her stock in trade medical tricorder and walked over. He was covered in blood and wincing. “Lieutenant Commander I am Ysabeau Saint-Pol one of the new ACMO’s here, what in the hell happened to you?”

“ Klingons attacked me and Lazarus. Tell your colleagues it was not my fault and to stop giving me those looks. None of the explosions or Norman escaping and kidnapping Lazarus was my fault. They just kind of happened.” Sam said.

“Ysa smiled, “I can assure you they are not commenting, but if they say anything to me I will put them right. Where are you hurt Lieutenant Commander?”
She asked scanning his head.

“ That will be a first. At last someone in here who does not prejudge me for all my little accidents. My upper torso and arms. Klingons have very thick skulls.” Sam said.

“You will need to remove your uniform Lieutenant Commader. She found him a modesty gown and selected a privacy screen which automatically surrounded the biobed in reflective plexiglass. Let me know when you are ready?” She said and walked outside the screen. Whilst she waited she picked up pain relief.

Sam nodded and started to remove his clothing. But he lost his footing and fell on some controls. The privacy screen vanished showing Sam bending down with his bare bottom in the air.

“ Oh dear,” Sam said turning as red as his hair.

Ysabeau quickly stood in front of him and re instated the privacy screen. Please Lieutenant Commander let me help you” she quickly checked his back to ensure he had no wounds although he had a dark looking bruise on the site of his right kidney. “Please don’t worry, no body saw.” She said attempting to reassure him.

Sam could see a few surprises grins.

“ It’s ok the crew are used to me doing embarrassing things. So doctor what’s the butchers bill?” Sam asked.

She paused for a minute, “well you have a bruised left kidney, two fractured ribs and this cut on your head…” Ysa did a double take….”are you sure it was Klingons only you were fighting Lieutenant Commander? There is your blood but also evidence of Klingon blood and……yes ROMULAN” she exclaimed out loud. Several people nearby turned round. “What can you tell me about this?” She asked.

Sam thought for a moment. The blinded Klingon was waving his Bat’Leth around catching anyone. He hit that Klingon female in the hand. She covered her hand up very quickly but Sam saw green blood.

“ My goodness I was right. Romulan blood is much lighter than Vulcan. I knew it…..during the fight one of the Klingons hit a female one’s hand. I did not see much as this half blinded Klingon was trying to split my head open with a Bat’Leth. But he caught her hand I knew I saw green blood. But we have to make sure. I know the copper levels are lower in Romulans. We need absolute proof she was not a Vulcan in disguise. If you can prove its Romulan I can go Hirsch and Captain Johnson.” Sam said.

“I can tell you that this blood is definitely Romulan. The sample was fresh so that means she could not have picked it up from elsewhere. Blood has a quick half life before it dries and once it does the proteins degrade. Will you be proceeding directly to the Captain to inform him? If not I have a duty to let him know.”

“ I’ll do it after all I am the witness.” Sam said

“Very well” Ysa said as she gathered the instruments to close his head wound and knit his ribs. “Just stay still and breathe normally, do you need anything for the pain Lieutenant Commander?”

“ Nothing a good herbal tea won’t cure. If you like I can program the recipes into your replicator?” Sam said

Ysa finished her work. As for your ribs you should refrain from anything strenuous for four days, return if you have any problems.” She watched him go, not sure what to make of him, or, even if she liked him. But it was not in her domain to dislike anyone. She shrugged and went back to work.

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Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Ysabeau Saint-Pol
Assistant Chief Medical Officer.


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