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The Wild Frontier

Posted on Friday April 21st, 2023 @ 10:51am by Lieutenant Commander Rachel Williams
Edited on on Friday April 21st, 2023 @ 11:15am

1,270 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Earth/Various 2395
Timeline: Current (Introduction)
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Introduction


The next day after speaking to an old friend that she had not heard from in some time has contacted her to ask something of her and she was happy to accept the offer, Miranda class, an old ship even though she was heavily modified but was coming to the end of its lifespan, she packed some essential stuff and ended up with six bags and one carry on bag. Now this was done she went to see her bost at the Starfleet Engineering division on Earth, as Paul had said her bosses were too eager, as she entered.

"Ah Commander Williams, I am pleased to let you know that an opening on a Starship as Chief Engineer, I will not lie to you the ship is an old one on its last legs but remarkably still operational it seems some credit goes to its former Chief Engineer," The Commodore said.

"Yes Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe, we are old classmates, so I know the basics of my posting, is there anything else I need to know that Commander Sharpe did not tell me?" Rachel asked.

"The Poseidon, the ship is mainly a training vessel and is currently in orbit of Risa attached to a service barge of sorts run by the Risians, get there as quick as you can and when you can report to Captain Johnson, any questions?" The Commodore said.

"None Sir, I will leave first thing in the morning, if there is nothing further sir I will leave this office!" Rachel said and the Commodore nodded, she smartly about turned and left his office.

- Rachel's Quarters - an Hour Later -

Rachel the moment she returned to her quarters made sure the stuff she needed was packed and then she arranged for them to be collected quickly, she had just replicated a mug of coffee when the door buzzer sounded, she put her mug down and opened the door, it was transport services who quickly collected the items to be sent to her transport ship, then they were gone. Returning to her coffee she picked it up and sat at the desk and opened a communication to her parents.

Her Mother answered...

"Hi Sweetie, what is up?" her mother Jennifer Williams asked.

"Hi Mom, where is Dad?"

"Or he is out playing golf, you look happy for a change dear, what has happened?" Jennifer asked.

"Oh, I have got a ship posting, it is an old ship called the USS Poseidon a Miranda class ship, remember Paul my old friend from the Academy?" Rachel asked and her mother nodded.

"Well he is being reassigned to earth and he asked me to take over from him, he talked to my superiors and thanks to my nagging his job was easy, so I leave tomorrow morning, so I thought I would call tonight as I will be leaving early morning" she responded.

Her mother nodded, she was a practical woman "What do you want me to tell your dad?" Jennifer asked.

"The same thing I told you, anyway I only wanted to give a quick call to let you know the latest, besides I have to be up early," Rachel said.

"Okay hon, take care and I will see you when I see you," Jennifer said.

She smiled "Love to both of you, night Mom" she responded.

Rachel signed off, stood up finished her drink, her small amount of items had been taken to the transport, and all she had left was a carry-on bag, putting her mug in the reclimator she went into the refresher and cleaned her teeth and changed into sleepwear and went to bed.

- 0600 Next Day - Service quarters Earth -

Rachel had been up half an hour and had gotten ready into her uniform walking over to the replicator she got a travel mug with coffee in it and picked up her bag and headed out remembering to lock her quarters behind her she headed to the nearest turbo lift and after the doors closed "departures" she said and the lift whisked her to her requested destination.

- 0625 -

Rachel stepped out into a busy area, she pulled out a small padd that contained her departure instructions, read them then looked for the gate with her transport, locating it she headed to the ticket guard and showed her Padd, he scanned it and waved her on. The Departure area was on the grounds of the Engineering Division so most knew who she was and nodded in greeting, she responded in kind. she finally arrived at her transport and entered it and was promptly guided to her seat, the steward looked at her destination.

"Poseidon is currently in orbit of Risa, we have to go there first," she said.

"ETA on arrival?" Rachel asked the Steward.

"Long enough she said with a smile and moved on, Rachel looked at her puzzled, then simply shrugged and sat down and pulled out her other Padd that had a lot of novels on it.

- Risian Orbit -

Some days later the transport drops from warp and angles to dock with the small transit station in orbit of Risa, it was a recently new addition, the side Rachel was on had a good view of the station and the Miranda class attached to it.

"Attention all passengers we will be docking shortly with Risian transit station, those going on to Risa kindly depart her, thank you for travelling with us," the voice over the communications said then went silent. Rachel got her bag together and used her first Padd to query if her stuff had arrived and was pleased to see that it had, it seems she had been assigned Paul's old quarters, but no doubt the cleaners had freshened the place up, suddenly there was a small jolt indicating the ship had docked, sliding out of her seat and remembering her bag she exited the transport and headed straight for her new assignment, but she had to go through customs first.

- Poseidon -

Rachel finally arrived on the Poseidon and made her way to her quarters to drop off her bag, she took a look around the small quarters, pulled out some immediate items she would need, and put them in place, then she decided to check out engineering, her new domain and then tour the ship's underside to see if there were any issues. she left her quarters re-doing her tunic up and headed for the nearest turbo lift and entered.

"Engineering," she said when the doors had closed, and then the lift took her to her required destination on the engineering level, she was reflecting on how quiet it was on the ship, but only because the crew were down on Risa, as the lift opened she stepped out of the lift walked down the corridor and eventually entered main engineering, she checked her new office out then she checked out the holo-emitters and remembered that Paul had installed them, she walked over to the nearest terminal and called the information on it up and quickly learned as to why they were not being used, the report also noted that he had returned the holodeck to their original configuration when he removed the bio-neural gel packs from the systems and returned them to Isolinear control and the performance was reported over 100 per cent. After catching up on the maintenance logs she browsed quickly other logs then feeling a little more knowledgeable moved on to check the warp systems and warp core.


Lt Cmdr Rachel Willliams
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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