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A word Mr Perkins

Posted on Wednesday April 19th, 2023 @ 1:50pm by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Commander Sam Perkins

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Mess
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development



Sam was very surprised his collar was not a lot lighter after his recent run of shenanigans.From Lazarus being kidnapped by Norman. A tentacle waving sentient plant that had fallen in love with Gorn. Due to some ointment Sam had made for Lazarus scale condition. Containing a pheromone that sparked amorous intentions from the little plant to the big guy.

To the recent problems on the holodeck. When a simple holonovel about an evil man who killed his sickly son and replaced him with a health lookalike. Not only trapped his friends which included Captain Johnson. But threatened their lives and hurt some of them. Including Sam who had been unconscious for a few hours.

Now although feeling a little tender Sam was out of sickbay. He needed a good strong cup of tea. So here he was standing before a replicator. When a voice behind him. Almost made him drop his drink.

Phoebe had walked into the room, looking for Lieutenant Commander Perkins. She spotted him quite quickly getting a tea for himself. She had heard that he'd had a few issues as of late, and wanted to check in with him, to make sure everything was ok. "Mr Perkins." She called from a short distance away. "A word if I may?" She asked, gesturing towards a table in the mess hall.

It took Perkins all his mind control to keep his hand from shaking and loosing what looked like a good cup of tea. The XO’s face was difficult to read as he sat down.

“ Lieutenant Colonel Graydon. I have not seen you in a while. How have you been ma’am?” Sam asked.

"I am well, thank you. Yourself? Everything ok on board at the moment?" She asked, giving a smile.

Perkins could tell that the XO had not come here just for a pleasant chat.

“ I am fine. Colonel what is this about? I know there has been a few incidents since I became Chief Science Officer. But if you look into your records you will see I was no to blame…..well maybe on the Lazarus incident but how was Into know Norman would behave that way!” Sam said

"Don't worry, i'm not here to get you in trouble, or take you away to the brig. What happened has happened. What I need to know is how you're recovering. Truthfully. Honestly. Do you feel ready to return to work? Would you like some more time away to recover? The Captain asked me to come and have this conversation with you so we're all reading from the same page. Yes there's been some issues, but none of them were solely your fault, or responsibility." She said, trying to calm the man down.

Perkins took a sip of his drink.

“ No no I am ok just when I saw you . I thought you were here to give me a telling off. No I fine a few bruises from that Klingon attack. By the way do we know anymore about Jarvik and his mob of brutes?” Sam asked.

"Nothing yet." She replied. "But if I hear anything i'll let you know. Just remember if you need to speak to us, both myself and the captain are always available for a chat, no matter when it is. And remember, we have counselling facilities onboard as well if you require that." She said giving a small smile.

“ I keep telling you I am fine. The only thing that worries me is the fact that. Two Federation officers get attacked and one of the Klingons could be a Romulan in disguise.” Sam said

"I understand your concern Lieutenant Commander. Rest assured it is being looked into by our best people onboard. You will be one of the first to hear if we find anything out." She said, giving a nod. "Is there anything else you need from us?" She asked.

“ No I think that’s it.” Sam said

Phoebe nodded. "Very well. Good day to you then." Phoebe said, standing and heading for the door. She'd have to keep an eye on Perkins, whether he liked it or not.


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer/Marine Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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