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Posted on Tuesday April 25th, 2023 @ 3:46am by Lieutenant Commander Ahkhsu Trensu & Lieutenant Commander Steven Ryan

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon Deck 03 Mess hall
Timeline: Current
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


David was wandering the halls of the Poseidon, he was still trying to process the last few weeks, and now he was here. A cadetship, he felt completely out of place, he wound up in the mess hall looking for a cup of coffee, he looked around, cadets followed by more cadets, a few officers scattered amongst them, but he still felt out of place. He managed to find an empty table and took a seat.

Following the cadets, Trensu had been interested in one of them watching and waiting there was a lot going on with them but this one had some bad scores then overnight they got better, too good. Trensu was older than most and had been teaching and studying for a lifetime. He knew what cheating was and when it happened he has seen it all and heard all the excuses. from every race in the federation and some that are not.

Walking into the mess hall Trensu kept his distance from the Cadet. Looking for a place to sit as he got some coffee Trensu saw Elliot sitting looking at a cup of coffee he looked like a fish out of water. Trensu knew him but something seemed off something inside of Trensu knew something was up Trensu being his XO and Captain at one time. They lost a few crewmembers in their last mission and it impacted everyone from the last ship. then just thrown onto the Poseidon with no real brake. might have an even bigger impact on some of the officers.

"Elliot, what's going on? Mind, if I sit, seems to be crowded in here with all the new Cadets," asked Trensu holding his own coffee.

"Yeah sure, haven't seen this many cadets since I was one," Jason said.

Trensu stared at one of the Cadets. "I know so many young faces. I was a Cadet twice you know," he said thinking. "Mr. Elliot, does it bother you? I know they are a strange breed the Cadets but I think it is an honor to guide them." Trensu said.

"If I can be honest Trensu, I'm the odd man out here, I'm an intelligence officer, not an academy instructor but this could be fun." Jason said looking around, "Plus being one of the very few intelligence people here might give these kids something to think about in the future."

"I know this might not be the most exciting Post for you. but there are the background checks on all the cadet's clearance requests you have to sign off on and I will need your help as well." Trensu replied. He lowered his voice just over a whisper. "There is cheating going on I have a few suspects but can't figure out how they are doing it. I could use your help in this Elliot," asked Trensu.

Jason paused, he even took a look around ever so slightly, "I'm slightly surprised at that, at my meeting with rear admiral Wallace he hinted that a couple of groups with this specific class of cadets were going to be passed over for the next intelligence intake but he was very vague about why, he also said quote 'You'll mainly be teaching history and dealing with matters of academic honesty, but I didn't get it." Jason paused taking a haul off the coffee "The strange thing is that the academy commandant when he was discussing my role didn't mention anything about the 'matters of academic honesty' just the fact that I was going to be teaching history and maybe doing some grading on some drills."

Trensu took a sip of his coffee. "I did not even think I would be dealing with this either. but it does make sense and I am working off of a report by the last Chief of Security. I am taking over now and starting today a lot of catching up on reports. I just hope this problem does not get bigger." commented Trensu.

Jason sat back "I didn't get the impression of anything when I had a sit down with T'Pri, almost the exact opposite in truth, we might have to have a full sit down with the senior staff if this is legitimate."

Trensu paused a cadet and other crewmen walked by."And you are right about a meeting with the command staff. Your department would not normally deal with this type of problem. So it's not on their mission list. You know now because I told you. I might need some advice on the let's say covert side. of this investigation," said Trensu with a sly smile.

"First thing will be establishing if the subject is in fact engaging in the activity in question, what they do that kind of thing, then we have to collect evidence," Jason said.

Trensu smiled knowing this and why he asked Sam for help. "That is why I thought of you when I saw you. Intelligence and Security do have a lot of similarities when In investigating things. Today was more like getting to know the Cadet in question. See where they go and who they talk to. Before I start to assign others to this task. Having different departments also helps so they don't see the same people all the time." Trensu explained taking a drink of his coffee.

"We should keep the numbers who know about this to a small group for now, the more who know the more problems we'll have building any kind of case," Jason remarked.

"I agree" replied Trensu. "When I send it up to the Captain I will classify it and restrict access," said Trensu.

"Also keep any notes in your quarters, locked up if you can." Jason said, "Secrecy is important."

Trensu got a sly grin. "what notes?" He said almost sarcastically. "This is going to be a pain," said Tresnu "OK well all I can do is let the CO know something is up I have no choice in that he is not under investigation," commented Trensu.

"Yeah, this kind of thing generally is." Jason said "I should get going, I have a meeting shortly." he continued standing.

Trensu stood up to stand next to Elliot. "By the way, the award-winning cadet is Roho Louis," Trensu said it such away if someone was listening they would not know what Trensu was talking about but Elliot would.


Lt. Cmdr Ahkhsu Trensu
Cheif of Security
U.S.S. Poseidon

Lt Cmdr Jason Elliot
Ass't Chief Intelligence officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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