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What you leave Behind

Posted on Wednesday April 19th, 2023 @ 1:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

704 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Poseidon/Various
Timeline: After Informing the Captain (Post)


After sorting things out on his business Risa Paul returned to Poseidon to pack his stuff, he did not accumulate that much luckily so his packing was done quickly, he was in clothes his wife had bought him, sneakers, jeans and a polo shirt, they were old fashioned, but he oddly found them comforting, he decided to walk the ship one last time, he picked up a small long box, it was a plain box, considering what he had to go through to get this it was for the best, he put it in his carry bag.

With commbadge on his left breast and carry bag in hand, he left his quarters after arranging for his items to be sent to the starbase the ship was docked at, leaving his quarters he began his walk, opening the odd panel to have a look, he started at the bottom and worked up, all of the crew were down on Risa, there were a few techs on the ship keeping things running, he entered engineering and saw where the holo-emitters were, it was sad that they had to be deactivated as their power requirements risked the safety of the ship, while he was there he remembered to make some notes for Rachel when she arrived, he made sure to remind her about his holographic power core and what advances he had made, by the time he was finished he had left a decent amount of notes, placing the Padd on the desk in engineering he left looking back at the deactivated warp core with sadness and looked around remembering where his most notable crew were, his eyes settled on the Jefferies tubes and he giggled as he remembers that damn plant dragging a heavy Gorn into the ducts, feeling some nostalgia then he headed to medical and on up.

- Bridge -

Finally arriving on the bridge he greeted a few techs working on the bridge, he looked around the bridge as he walked to the Security/Tactical station, he was remembering the times he was behind such a console, out of habit he called up information, it seems all weapons and defensive system were in fine shape even if they were powered down, deactivating the console he finished the walk around the bridge and entered the CRR, the Captain's Yeoman was there, the rating seemed startled.

"Hello Commander Sharpe, what brings you here?" the Yeoman asked curiously with a smile.

"I am taking one last look around Chief and I have a parting gift I wish to leave for the Captain" Sharpe responded as he opened his carry bag and pulled out a long wooden box of alien design, "just a bottle of drink, but do not let the Captain know" he added, the Chief nodded and with a smile left the room, Paul looked around the CRR as he placed the box on the table and made sure that there were some words printed on the box and they said.
Mon Kapitan

Be aware of the enemy for they will move when you are not looking, accept this parting gift it should help dull the pain when it hits and 2309 vintage was not easy to obtain so enjoy this one on me,

Fare you well Mon Kapitan I will see you on the flip side.

Paul Sharpe

With a final smile he left the way he entered and back to the turbo lift, as he entered and the doors closed "Starboard docking hatch" he said, he knew he would have a bit of a way to walk, as the lift began to move his Padd bleeped, he pulled it out and there was a notification his small amount of items had been shipped to the Starbase, everything was now completed and before too long the lift opened onto the level where the docking port was, but he had a fair walk. Eventually reached his destination and stood in the doorway and gently patted the ship "Goodbye old girl, look after the crew and be kind to the new Chief Engineer" he said to the ship, and then he was gone.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer (Former)
USS Poseidon


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