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The last time?

Posted on Monday April 17th, 2023 @ 5:51am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Beach , Risa
Timeline: Current
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


- Beach, Risa -

Ever since his encounter with the Klingons. Sam was nervous he did not like the way it had ended. Thankfully he had Lazarus with him but it gave him shivers. To think what they would have done if he had been alone.

Now Sam had another worry well announce really. A Ferengi kept pestering him all through breakfast. Now the little big-eared troll was following him around.

“ Please I have a business proper situation for you.” The Ferengi said

“ GO AWAY!” Perkins screamed.

Finally, he gave the little big-eared alien the slip. Sam found himself on the beach. He walked up to the point where the sea met the sand. Perkins could see someone coming out of the surf.

“ Hello Sharpe,” He said

Sharpe had been in the Water on Risa and kept his thin short-sleeve shirt on. So as he came out of the water, wet hair and all his modestly muscled torso could be seen through his wet shirt, he moved his hand through his hair to get rid of any water and looked over at the sound of his name "Hey Sam, you could use my first name you know!" Sharpe said, approaching his chair, picking up a towel, and wiping his face and head "What can I do for you, old man?" Sharpe asked.

Sam could see his old friend looked tired.

“ Oh, I am ok had a few problems with some Klingons before but Kord helped us deal with them. Now got this annoying troll of a Ferengi following me around like a demented puppy. But never me are you ok Shar…..Paul? “ Sam asked

"Yeah, kinda got a communication from SFHQ on earth, not read it properly, yet, but I did get the basics of what was on there, and it was a surprise I have to admit," Sharpe said finishing wiping himself down, "please have a seat," he said pointing to the deck chair next to his "so you got a Ferengi bugging you huh, did he finally take the hint?" Sharpe asked sitting down.

“ Oh, I doubt he has. It’s just lucky he has some phobia about that sea. Still when I get back upstairs Paul. Looks like I will have to do a full inventory of the science labs. Cadets are so easy to bribe. What’s going on with you my friend you said the communication was a surprise?” Sam asked

*Scratches the back of his neck* "Yeah, I have been reassigned to Earth, not read the full details yet, but I saw enough to let me know I will be going back to Earth before the next mission" Sharpe said with a sad smile.

Sam sat down in the sand. He suddenly felt like someone had kicked him in the stomach.

“Oh no Paul….no more movie nights……who’s going to help me rescue Kord if Norman kidnapped him again?” Perkins said

In the corner of his eye, he could see the Ferengi again. Thankfully the short alien's fear of the sea was keeping him at bay. Sam would have beaten the creature's face to a blooded pulp if he had come up to him now.

*Looks at Sam* "I have someone in mind to take over from me, will have to sort it, excuse me, Sam, gonna do something about that Ferengi" Sharpe said and stood and walked up to the Ferengi and whispered in his ear, the Ferengi's eyes widened in fright, looked at Sharpe and run away screaming, Sharpe turned around and walked back to where Sam was and he was smiling "okay, her will not bother you again Sam" Sharpe said sitting down on his deck chair.

Sam watched the fleeing Ferengi. Who was now in such a rush to get away he collided with a waiter holding a tray of drinks.

“Thanks, Paul. My what did you say to the little Troll? He looks terrified.” Sam asked.

*Smiling* "Let's just say no Ferengi on Risa will bother you again and leave it at that," Sharpe said as he returned to his seat "I am sure you and the new CEO will get on like a house on fire, she had Brown Hair and Green eyes and has a figure second only to my wife, so she is a looker" Sharpe added.

“ Look at my luck so far Paul. A plant of mine kidnapped Kord. The lab explodes a number of times. The cadets play a prank on me which ends up nearly killing me. An illegal still blows up sending me to sickbay for a month. Knowing my luck she will take one look at me. Turn into a demented Emu and start pecking my face off.” Sam said.

"Rachel is not like that and she is not Australian but like others, she may have a temper, but otherwise she is nice, so you can stand down from Defcon 1, you may like her" Sharpe tried to assure Sam.

Sam shook his head laughing.

“ Yer. That demented EMU almost pecked my Crown Jewels off. Thank goodness we packed her off in a straight jacket to the Federation funny farm. Oh, I am going to miss you, my friend. Remember our adventures? The time we all got stuck on the holodeck in that haunted house?” Sam asked

Sharpe reared back oO where is all this anger coming from? Oo he asked himself referring to Sam, he looked up and it was getting dark, he stood up and picked up his things "Well Sam, I have to go now and read the message properly then get my replacement, it has been an honour serving with you, good luck on your travels my friend, this will be the last time we see each other" Sharpe said holding out his hand.

Sam sadly shook his friends hand the patted him on the back. He then walked away knowing he may never see his friend again. But then again you never know.


Lt Commander Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer (Former)
USS Poseidon


Lt Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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