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Danger on Risa: The Klingons

Posted on Tuesday April 11th, 2023 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Commander Sam Perkins
Edited on on Sunday April 23rd, 2023 @ 9:39am

2,019 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Risa
Timeline: During "Shore Leave"
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development

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==Outside caves - Risa==

Perkins expected the Klingons to attack them as they ascended to the surface. But although they were fierce warriors they were not stupid ones. Attacking a Gorn in a confined space like a cave was not a good idea. On the surface with plenty of space to dodge Lazuruses claws that was better. But to Sam’s relief there was no waiting to hurt them on the surface. Yet.

“ Lazarus I didn’t like how calm that Klingon was. He thought we had a hand in his daughter’s death yet it was all smiles and comrades in arms. Something is going on here. What do you think?” Perkins asked his friend.

Lazarus stopped where he was after Sam spoke. He looked about. They had exited the cave system into an opening in the forested area. There was at least fifty feet of open space in any direction here after the cave opening. The ground turned from rocks to mostly dirt and a path directing them back with signage. He sniffed, then growled.

"I think he was accepting his fate," Lazarus said, then snarled as he whirled and dodged an attack! The very same Klingon from before had tried to attack the Gorn - in a very dishonorable fashion. He had tried to use his blade to sneak and backstab the Gorn. Lazarus turned and confronted the Klingon.

"No honor in a fair fight, Klingon?" Lazarus spat.

Sam picked up a rock as another of the Klingon party charged towards him.

There had always been a strong debate about the colour of Klingon blood. Early reports said it was purple in colour then a later report stated red. It was soon discovered that instead of Klingons having different skin colourings like humans. They had different blood colourings instead. Some usually the more peaceful purple and the more vicious red. The Klingon who was attempting to split Sam’s head down the middle had red blood. Which when seeing on his hand as Sam hit him on the forehead after wiping it. Seemed to make him even more angry.

“ You fight like a female Ferengi.” The Klingon said staggering back and getting ready to charge again.

“ A female Ferengi who knows about how to inflict a head wound that can knock out a stupid idiot like you.” Sam said

The Klingon started to charge Sam but suddenly his legs seemed not to wish to go in the same direction. The attacker fell to the floor dazed at Perkins fleet.

“ I love science.” Sam said

While Sam fought his foe, Lazarus was in the fists with the leader Klingon. There was loud crunching sounds each time either made contact, Lazarus at least trying to keep things honorable in his duel and the Klingon doing fairly the same - despite his dishonorable start of battle. Everything was utilized between the two; claws, knives, tails, teeth, kicks, and punches. It was a brutal exchange that tested the stamina and determination of both parties. A few minutes in and Lazarus and the Klingon stood a few feet a part, gaining their breath.

"What is your name?" the Gorn demanded as he huffed.

The Klingon spat blood on the ground. Lazarus had landed a solid blow or two to his head during their preliminary fight. He looked at the Gorn with a grim expression, but one without hatred. It was more admiration. As if he finally found a worthy foe.

"Jazik Lagiv, Son of Cheka, of House Lagiv, Father to the daughter you stole from me," the Klingon said, though his words lacked malice as perhaps intended. He grunted, adding, "And you?"

"I am Lazarus Kord," the Gorn said, blood dripping from his snout. "I have no house, I have no father, all that was taken from me by Terrans. Once a slave, now free, I now serve Starfleet."

Jazik grunted, nodding. "Fighting for ones freedom is honorable," he admitted. "But my daughters death is still on Starfleets hands. Perhaps I was rash in my fight with you. My daughter served the Scientific Corps. Your Superior Officer there is the one I want. Let me seek my vengeance and I will part ways."

The Klingon said this while briefly darting his eyes between the Gorn and Sam. There was utter hatred in that brief glare, but when it returned to Lazarus, there was simply respect. Lazarus grunted in reply, shaking his body briefly as he prepared to continued to fight.

"What honor would I have if I abandoned my brothers in arms?" he asked the Klingon.

"None," Jazik admitted.

The two went at it again, intensely fighting as they delivered blows that would easily kill a human.

Perkins hit another Klingon so hard in the face that the rock broke into pieces blinding the brute in one eye. Sam knew that Klingons were hard fighters so he was not surprised when the man just laughed .

“ Still have one eye left to gut you with you sweat from a Targs balls” The Klingon roared.

“ Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?” Sam retorted.

“ Insulting my mother! You’re not even fit to be breathing the same air.” He said taking a swing at Perkins but missing.

“ Oh get back in the box Mr Sharp.” Perkins said ducking out of the way.

Sam noticed that the first Klingon he had knocked out was beginning to come around. The now one eyed Klingon produced a Bat’Leth and started to swing it violently around. Perkins timed his swings then went in low the Klingon swung the weapon and Sam ducked out of the way. But the slowly regaining consciousness Klingon was not so lucky. The Bat’Leth caught him in the middle of the back severing his spine.

“ Oops missed me!” Perkins said

Lazarus chanced a glance over at Sam and was relieved to see he was still alive. Unfortunately, this gave an opening for Javik, who took advantage of it and punched Lazarus to the ground. The Gorn rolled backward with a loud grunt before Javik was on top of him, swinging violently. In a show of Gorn strength, Lazarus threw Javik off, leaping over as the two went at it again. They were bloody, bruised, but seemingly displaying endless stamina.

The Bat’Let wielding Klingon snarled and charged but due to his now missing eye. His accuracy with the weapon was well off. But it was still difficult for Sam to get close as the man was waving the Bat’Leth so wildly it was ten to one he could strike something fleshy soon. The downed Klingon who one eye had sliced his spine in two seemed to still have some life in him. But now his anger was aimed at one eye. Producing one of those three played knives the Klingons favoured. He crawled towards one eye and stabbed him in the foot. One eyes wild swing’s caught him again but this time in the head. Now the fallen Klingon was really dead.

“ Oops.” Sam said

But even half blind and with a dagger protruding from his foot. One eye still advanced on Sam. But now anger and pain seemed to be clouding his sim. For the first time Sam saw a female Klingon watching them. But something was odd she did not seem willing to join in. The one eyed Klingon was now swing his Bat’Leth so wildly that he caught her on the hand. In anger she pulled out her knife and stabbed him in the back. Perkins looked at her wounded hand. Her blood was green. She noticed him looking and covering the wound she skulked away.

It was at this point that Lazarus gained the advantage. He had managed to grapple Jazik and pin him, the Klingon now struggling to break free. They were battered and bloody. Lazarus held his ground as he forced Jazik onto his knees and held him from behind as he knelt on one knee.

"Do you yield?!" Kord asked, practically yelling.

"No!" Jazik screamed, still having much anger in him. "It is better to die and see my daughter than live in agony!"

Lazarus tightened his grip. "Don't be a fool! Your daughter died honorably, doing what she did best! Further, she died among comrades, all-"

Jazik cut him off. "No, you fool! She died in shame! Shame! She was eating, eating when sucked out into space! She didn't die a worthy death!"

Lazarus threw Jazik to the ground - hard. He snarled as he loomed over the Klingon. "Don't you dare make their deaths insignificant," Lazarus snarled, pointing a claw down at Jazik. "Your daughter was one of the brightest cadets on the ship. I know because I helped tutor her, amongst other cadets. She was bright, intelligent, and was damn worthy of her mantle. Her death was in the midst of a battle. Don't you dare belittle her death for the sake of your grief. We all grieve for someone so bright, lost so early."

Jazik's expression went from rage as he stared up at the Gorn to surprise, then slowly to grief. A fathers loss showed heavily as he pounded his bloodied fists into the ground. He cried out in that grief, a primal roar, before his tantrum-like expression dwindled to a whimper. His shoulders slumped.

"I yield," he said, almost a whisper.

"What?" demanded Lazarus. "Say it louder!"

"I yield!" Jazik practically roared, before looking up at the Gorn in practical disgust.

Lazarus stared a moment before lowering his hand and taking Jazik's. He helped the Klingon up. The two shared a firm Klingon handshake as they grappled each others wrists firmly. Lazarus firmly patting Jazik's shoulder. The two then looked to their left to see Sam battling the final remaining Klingon, who had at the cry of his leader yielding ceased. Jazik grunted at the sight of the other Klingons dead body.

"Another falls into battle," Jazik stated, almost dejectedly. "I am sorry for the trouble, Starfleet Gorn. My...revenge got the better of me."

The Klingon who was supposedly dead groaned.

"If you are quick, no one else should die," Lazarus pointed out.

Jazik grunted, pulling out his communicator. He spoke commands in. The one on the ground and the wounded Klingon were beamed out. This left Jazik alone as he examined Sam.

"You are strong," Jazik complimented. "It is a shame I could not test you. Be that as it may, I was wrong to attack you. We were wrong. To both of you. My daughter died with honor during battle. That alone eases much of my grief. I hope we never meet again."

Jazik briefly glared at Lazarus, the both sharing a brief nod before Jazik's form disappeared in the red light of a Klingon transporter. This left Lazarus alone with Sam. The Gorn rushed over to Sam, checking him over quickly.

"Are you alright, Sam?" Lazarus asked, genuinely scared for his friend. "You're probably among the few humans who have ever taken on multiple Klingons and survived! I am impressed!"

The Klingons all vanished and Sam sank to his knees.

“ Lazarus did you see the female Klingon….. her blood was green…….She was a Romulan in disguise…..their blood is slightly darker the Vulcan blood…..are you ok?” Sam said

To be honest, Lazarus hadn't managed to pay much attention to the other two Klingons. Knowing one of them had been female was the least of his concerns, as all three had been a literal challenge to handle - especially for Sam, since he dealt with the other two. He helped Sam up, providing support as he walked towards the exit of the cave park.

"I'm fine Sam," he said, but in reality he probably wasn't. "Should be a medical post on the way out. We'll say we had an accident. Might make things easier. But...I have a funny feeling that wasn't the last time we'll see those Klingons."



Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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