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Danger on Risa: A Trip Underground

Posted on Thursday April 6th, 2023 @ 11:37am by Lieutenant Lazarus Kord & Commander Sam Perkins
Edited on on Sunday April 23rd, 2023 @ 9:39am

1,860 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Poseidon , Risa
Timeline: Shore Leave
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


-Mess hall-

One word was on everyone’s lips: Risa! Perkins was planning a trip to the subterranean gardens. They had the largest collection of luminescent plants growing in one area. Sam was interested in seeing how they pollinated underground ground.

He whistled a happy tune as he ordered a mug of tea from the replicator. A shadow fell on him and he turned and smiled.

“ Hello old friend! How are you?” Sam said

Lazarus hadn't figured what plans he'd have during his leave. He never had the chance for shore leave in his prior history as a slave and, during his short tenure with Starfleet initially, he never was around long enough to gain it. Now, on the Poseidon, he had earned his leave. During his thoughts he realized he had traveled instinctively towards the crew mess, realizing he had almost bumped into Lt. Cmndr Perkins! Thankfully it was just his height as a Gorn that imposed itself on Perkins.

"My apologies, sir!" he said, bowing his head slightly. "I seem to have been lost in thoughts. How have you been, Sam?”

“ Not too bad. Really looking forward to this visit to Risa. Going to the subterranean gardens they have the largest collection of luminous plants in the sector. By the way…. I know last time I made you some ointment and things went crazy. But will you need any for the constant sun on Risa?” Sam asked

Lazarus thought on this for a moment.

"No, I don't think I'll need it. Much of my problems, as we discussed, was the lack of natural sunlight. The holodeck and the ointment helped incredibly! However, with Risa, I think I'll mostly be sunbathing to catch up on vital intake."

He went silent, thinking again.

"If I do need it, you'll be available right?" he asked.

“ As always my friend.Just give the old badge a tap and I’ll be there.Although I am going on a trip down below later. The subterranean gardens are really wonderful to see. They have these luminous plants. That have to been seen to be believed. Why not join me?” Sam asked.

Lazarus nodded, "Of course. Thank you. Concerning the offer to join you, why not? I have nothing else planned!"

It was just then Sam remembered Gorns night vision was based more on sound and smell. Although they could see in the dark. He was not sure of total darkness.

Sam nodded.” Great although will you be alright I know your night vision is different from mine.” Sam said

=== Some Time Later ===

Lazarus stood in a casual gear beside Sam as they looked at the entrance to the Subterranean Gardens. He swayed his tail side to side, showing interest, as he side-glanced down at Sam.

"Is this the place you talked about earlier?" the Gorn asked.

He wore civilian clothing - that could fit him - with rock climbing gear on a modified backpack he wore. He also carried food and supplies, being strong enough for the extra. He examined Sam before looking back towards the entrance.

Sam was checking his equipment over. He then looked towards Lazarus.

“ Well the advertising said it is just a light climb down. But I see just like me you have been cautious. They say the Risains have put in a gravity net. So if someone slips they’ll just float down. But as my stepmother always said better safe then sorry. Let’s go you know I am quite excited.” Sam said

"Me too," the Gorn replied, looking at Sam with a smile. "I've been very eager for this. Good to know about the safety-net, though. Then again, I never depend on safety features. They're always prone to breaking."

He got out the appropriate gear, heading towards the first half of the climb. Like Sam mentioned, it was a complete beginner-level climb downward; easy to reach outcroppings, firm footings, and rocks that weren't so smooth your grip easily slipped all made it appear to be friendly to even the most novice climber with a generous slope that didn't encourage falls. Lazarus proceeded forward, putting one foot and hand before the other as he easily traversed downward as his tail slid against the rocks.

Sam was surprised as he saw Lazarus gracefully descending down the cliff face. He smiled as a memory of an incident that happened while he was in his last year at the academy came to mind. The Gorn Ambassador to Earths daughter disappeared while he was on a tour of the grounds. All hell broke loose as it was just after a peace treaty had been signed. Eventually she was found half way up a tree. The little Gornling had got stuck by due to her natural colouring. No one could see her in the trees upper foliage.A rather sharp eared Cadet heard sniffling coming from the tree and found her. The Ambassador was over joyed but the Cadet landed in hospital. When the little Gornling ‘ playfully ‘ bit his hand.

“ I must say Lazarus you’re quite good at this. Have you done this before?” Sam asked as he started down.

Lazarus stopped at the question. He cleared his throat, firmly placing his weight against the cliff-face - if it could be be called that.

"Once," he replied, hesitantly. "When I was first enslaved. Had to flee from my captors. Didn't end well, but I found I was rather good at climbing up into the support beams of the structures ceiling."

Without another word he continued downward, slowly this time as he waited on Sam to keep up.

Sam shook his head as he slowly followed Lazarus down the cliff. Slavery. To think it still went on in parts of the galaxy. It did not seem conceivable that a noble person like his Gorn friend would have to resort to climbing a roof just to try and escape his captors.

“Sorry to hear the that my friend. Slavery was abolished on Earth many years ago thankfully. But the slave owners did not give up without a fight. In one country it led to a civil war and an assassinated president.” Perkins said

Lazarus snorted. He wanted to elaborate on his special circumstance, but knew that this information could not be revealed but to a select few. Sam would forever relate these experiences to his timeline, whereas Lazarus would understand them under the oppression of his human slavemasters in the Terran empire. It had been quite the journey from dying in that world to ending up miraculously in this one. It did not however detract from the pain and suffering he still felt. After a time, he managed to lower himself down on the lower level of the cave.

It was darker here, with a lot more eerie noises, but it was also safe to traverse. A good resting spot for the moment. He waited for Sam to approach before speaking.

"I have been able to read up on your history somewhat," he replied. "It's tragic, but if there's one mercy in your Federation, it's that you humans are a prime example of what mercy looks like. My captors were anything but what you are."

“ You know Kord we are supposed to be on holiday. So let’s not talk about bad things let’s keep it light. Boy this is some decent although I understand there is an anti gravity lift for the journey back up. Think I might take that when we are done. I think there is a glow below us can you see? I know your vision is based differently to mine.” Sam asked his friend.

"Sure, I'll check!"

Kord walked to the edge and looked down, seeing the glow and recognizing it as artificial light. He tried to make out the dots around it and figured it must be some sort of camp.

"Looks like we didn't come alone," Kord reported back to Sam. "Another group down below. You ready to begin again?"

Sam nodded and looked down.

“ I was hoping this would be a more quiet time. Oh well let’s hope they are not too noisy. Let’s go my friend.” Sam said as he slowly started to descend.

==== LATER ====

As Sam and Lazarus made their way down, Lazarus was the first to step foot - or claw - onto the ground. The nearby group of people were still there, apparently having watched their decent with varying levels of interest. Lazarus being the first down gave a wave to them to judge friendliness. They waved back, one in particular of the group waving them over. As Lazarus approached the firelight made clear his features and he watched as the group of eight almost all stiffened in some way, but recovered quickly. All but the leader who had waved them over.

"We weren't told of any other groups this way," the Klingon said with a smirk, particularly at Lazarus. "What brings you two down here?"

"Vacation, leave time," Lazarus replied. "We're from the USS Poseidon. I'm Lazarus Kord, this is my superior officer and friend, Sam Perkins."

"Poseidon, eh?" the Klingon nodded. "Heard a rumor you cleared our a nebula of pirates recently. Lost a few of your crew, too, you did. I would know. One of them was my daughter."

Sam hoped the Klingon was talking about their crew and not the pirates. The last thing he and Kord needed was some angry vengeful father chasing them through the caverns.

“Your daughter died with honour.We are all comrades in arms here. Once my friend and I have visited the caverns perhaps we can meet up later for a barrel of Blood Wine.” Sam said.

The Klingon stared down Sam for an uncomfortable amount of time, nodding only after he confirmed his suspicions - whatever they may have been. He kept them to himself as he grinned slightly, the firelight dancing across his features menacingly.

"It is good to know that Cadet Etoshi Lagiv now rests well with her ancestors," he said. "I will take you up on that offer, Superior Officer Sam Perkins. Our celebration will surely mend all sufferings. I will be in touch."

Lazarus, sensing the conversation was over, nudged Sam to follow. He guided Sam past the group who all gave some form of wave or another, with the Klingon grinning widely at their passing. Lazarus led Sam down a pathway for an hour as the two walked in silence. The wave opened into another exit.

"I think this is about as far as it goes," Lazarus commented. "What do you want to do?"

“ To be honest Lazarus I am not sure we should continue with this. I didn’t like the way that Klingon spoke. Plus when did you ever hear of Klingons exploring caves? No I am many on the ship call me a worrywart but something is fishy here and we are vulnerable down here.” Sam said

Lazarus nodded silently. He walked with Sam as they both headed back.



Lieutenant Lazarus Kord
Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Cmndr. Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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