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A viper in wolfs clothing.

Posted on Thursday April 13th, 2023 @ 7:45am by Commander Sam Perkins
Edited on on Thursday April 13th, 2023 @ 2:37pm

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Above Risa
Timeline: Just after the post Danger on Risa.
Tags: Shore Leave, 2395, Character Development


=Somewhere above Risa=

=Klingon Bird of pray Tangor=

Zahar checked her hand after all it would not do. If those stupid oafs discovered she was not really a Klingon female but a Romulan in disguise. For many years Tal Ree had been infiltrating the Klingon Empire. The plan had been to steal Federation and Klingon technology. But the Klingons were so slow in developing anything. Plus their contact with the Federation was so limited. She had come up with virtually nothing of any use.

She knew her Tal Shiar handler had orders to terminated her mission. Which meant her being found dead with a huge green slit in her throat. But then a final chance reared its head.

The Captain of the Tangor had recently lost his daughter. When the USS Poseidon attacked a band of Pirates who were using a Nebula to hid in. As luck would have it the Poseidon was heading to Risa. Which was not far from the Tangors current heading.

The plan was simple she would get Javik all worked up. Then they would wait until the crew of the Poseidon disembarked on Risa. Then pick one or two officers who had gone out on their own. Javik would go off and kill them. This would delay the Poseidon in leaving orbit. So the Tal Shiar could infiltrate the crew. Then with a spy in place they could begin to steal Fedaration secrets.

But Mr honour above common sense HoD Jarvik. Did not kill the two officers picked out. Instead the fight ended in a draw and he called honour is satisfied.

So she started on the first Officer. Who was Jarviks brother. She would drop hints about how Etoshi might not get into Sto’Vo’Kor.
Also how an eye for an eye should be played out. How can a father let his those responsible for his daughters death walk around alive.

Soon her whispering campaign bore fruit with an extra piece. Not only did the XO want vengeance even if he had to step over Javiks corpse to get it. But also he was very anti Federation.

A new idea crossed her mind. She would need a knife and some of Kords DNA.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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