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Real Marines XO office Ambassador

Posted on Wednesday May 24th, 2023 @ 1:50am by Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Ambassador Eiban Destrek

2,084 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: USS Poseidon XO's office
Timeline: Just before shore leave ends, 2395
Tags: Just before shore leave ends, 2395, Character Development

Ambassador Destrek had been on the ship for a few days now and had not stopped by the Marine commander's office. Which he should have done on day one. but with all the activity he just had not got the chance yet. Destrek dressed in his official clothing and checked himself over. He was satisfied with everything. One thing the Marines were good at was noticing things out of place. and were not afraid to point it out. walking out of his room and walking to the turbolift and going to The XO's office.


Walking out he walked to the end of the corridor where a Lance Corporal was sitting at a desk. just outside of the Marine Commander's office. The Marine looked up and jumped to his feet "Ambassador, Sir, how can I help you?" the Marine asked.

Destrek smiled at the Marine "I need to talk to Lieutenant Colonel Graydon" replied Desterk.

The Marine looked at a Padd on his desk. "Do You have an appointment?" the Marine asked.

Desterk gave a grin sometimes he liked to torcher the enlisted rank Marines. "why? Do I need one?" asked the Ambassador.

"well.... ah... you should sir" replied the Marine.

Giving a smile to the Marine. "you are correct Marine." answered Desterk in a professional manner. "But I don't have a lot of time today so could you go see if the Lieutenant Colonel can see me?" asked Destrek.

The marine placed the Padd down and walked to the door he touched the panel "Sir Ambassador Destrek is here to see you." said the Marine.

Phoebe was sat in her office onboard the Poseidon, having briefly returned to the ship to finish up her report to Starfleet Marine Corps Command Team. She looked up as the communication panel next to her went off. She had been expecting to see the ambassador sooner or later, although during shore leave was a little bit of a shock. "Send him in Sergeant, I have time." She replied, pressing the button under her desk to unlock the office doors.

Sergeant Sharpe smiled briefly to himself. He had been expecting to have to turn away the ambassador, which would no doubt have caused all manner of issues for him, but he was pleasantly surprised, as he could now just send them through. "Ambassador." He said with a smile. "Lieutenant Colonel Graydon will see you in her office. This way please." He said as he lead the way towards the office, and once they arrived, beckoned for the ambassador to enter.

Entering the Lieutenant Colonel's office the Ambassitor walks within about a meter of the front of the Lieutenant Colonels desk. "Lieutenant Colonel Graydon, ma'am, It is an honor to meet you. This had to be one of the best-looking Marines he had seen she was quite attractive not that Marines were ugly but she was above average. Destrek was in federation dress clothing. He is of medium stature. Standing about 6 feet athletic. His brown hair is starting to gray and his blue eyes stand out.

"I am sorry to drop in announced I am sure you are incredibly busy. I just thought we could talk for a moment to get to know one other. Besides are records which I am sure you already looked at." said Desterk in a warm but respectful manner.

Phoebe nodded, giving a smile. "Of course Ambassador. Always happy to meet a new face. I'm assuming you haven't been on board for too long?" She asked, gesturing towards the seat opposite her. "Please, have a seat. Can I get you a drink?" She asked.

"No Colonel, I just got here and settled in. I was happy when Commodore Paladin extended an invitation. I don't like sitting in a dramatic office all day on some remote planet. I find Star Ships are far more interesting and give more experience." said Destrek. Looking down he put a box. on the XO's desk. "and this is another reason I like to visit at an end of a day shift. I like to bring something to drink. As an Ambassador I should be armed with something to drink at all times." Destrek suggest. He opened the box it had two glasses on one side and three bottles on the other. One being Romulan ale. He points to it. "this one, do not ask questions and I won't have to lie." He said with a smile.

Phoebe nodded thoughtfully. "A very nice collection Ambassador. And one I'm sure we'll find good use for." She gave a knowing smile. "And having an ambassador onboard is always helpful. Sometimes words are better than violence, even I know that, and hopefully you can get us out of many a conflict without any issues." She said.

Destrek was impressed by her last comment most Marines he has met did not have that exact view. "If I can be of any help let me know." Replied Desterk. "I do walk around to the different departments and talk with the crew now and then to help with Morale and comm peace of mind. I have served as a Morale officer before and can help on this ship as well. I know being an ambassador can ruffle feathers because of my position. But don't worry I am not the type to demand anything." Explained Desterk. I also know I am entitled to Marine protection while I am on the ship. I don't think I need to waste some Mrines time following me around the ship every day. I would like to use those services when away missions or requested and when you deem it necessary. Of course, you can coordinate with security to fill the role." He said with a smile. "oh... I can and am qualified with a Phaser if push comes to shove," he added.

Phoebe nodded. "Of course, that can definately be arranged. If you're happy with it. i'd like to have a joint team between the Marines and Security with you on away missions. Of course any issues on board then you have a commbadge to contact either myself or our chief of security and we'll get someone to you as soon as possible." She replied.

"That is great, don't worry during red alerts I will find a person with a phaser either take it or be by them for protection," he replied almost jokingly. "I am glad you are flexible I have been around a few Marine officers that they had the Marines so close it felt like they were inside my uniform with me. I find it hard to work that way," added Desterk. He looked at Phoebe closely not in a creepy way just looking into her eyes. "you have beautiful eyes, Colonel Phoebe." said completing her. "Don't worry not trying to pick up on you. Besides my wife would slaughter us both," he said being serious, but with a grin.

Phoebe blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thank you, Ambassador. And i'm sure your wife would suceed in the slaughter!" She replied with a smile. "And I like to think that we're flexible. One of the things I don't like about Marine Ground work - everythings to strict and by the book. Out here you have a little more leniency, away from the prying eyes of Generals and the like." She said.

Destrek smiled at her comment about his wife. "I am glad to hear the Marines on this ship are not just robots. besides I am sure Trensu would break them of that. He has a habit of.. well.. bending the rules when it comes to tactics. Trensu always says that books are for guides, not an absolute rule and laws are different they are to be followed. He has in the past made Marines look bad because they follow the book too much. Like me, He likes to think outside the box all the time and is a little reckless too. So to keep everyone on their feet and the enemy guessing." Destrek paused "Sorry got off track, prying eyes of Generals not here but a Captain and a Commodore could be worse," said Destrek.

"The Captain I can deal with...the Commodore I just avoid as best I can. Anyway, he's more of an advisor here, rather than actually being in charge. Not had any run in's with him yet though. Me and the Captain have understanding...of how I run the marines onboard, and he goes along with it." She said, giving a sly smile.

"I wish I could just avoid people. But as an Ambassador I don't have that luxury," replied Destrek. "I hope I can have that type of relationship with them two," he said with a smile. "Or I could just hide behind you?" He said jokingly.

"I'm sure I have a cupboard you can hide in whenever the Commodore's on the prowl if you'd like. Or I can always hide you in the brig?" She said in a sarcastic joking tone. "I'm sure you'll get on fine with both of them. They seem to be fair people at the very least." She said.

He chuckled at the thought. "who me, clipboard? never he said with a sly grin. "As for the brig, there is a story behind that too. I did lock myself in a brig once. When the ship was being boarded and taken over. So I lock myself in the brig when they found me they thought I was a Federation prisoner and let me out. Before they figured out what was going on it was too late. Now as Ambassador even I don't have much access to a ship's security or operations but I could lock all the doors open. The crew got out and retook the ship and I stunned the pirate leader so bad I think his relatives felt it. I would say he did not wake up until hours later. How did I know the phaser was almost on kill." said Destrek with a sarcastic smile.

Phoebe shook her head with a smile on her face. "Definitely a story!" Phoebe said.

"Yes it is, I do have one request don't think this forward of me," asked Destrek. " I do like to have a drink at the start of the mission a tradition I started I guess 10 years ago I think. But I invite the Captian, XO, the second officers, and the others, along with the department heads," explained Destrek. "This is not a mandatory thing I am requesting Just a good luck drink for the mission. for those who do not drink I will have other stuff there for them. and the alcoholic drinks are real, not replicated, so the good stuff." Said Destrek finning explaining the tradition

"Sounds like a good tradition to me! When do you plan on doing it? I'm sure the Captain would enjoy being there too." She replied, smiling.

Desterk smiled back at her approval. "Sometime after we leave spaceport. I know we have cadets on board so I have to give Command a little time to settle madders. I don't have a large office like I use to so I think we can do it in the office's lounge?" If that's ok with the command. Asked Desterk.

"I'm sure that would be fine, i'll have a speak with the Captain for you, but I'm sure it won't be any problem at all!" Phoebe replied, making a note on her PADD to speak with the CO.

"Thank you" replied Desterk. He really likes talking to Phoebe. She is a wonderful person and an officer But time was counting down to departure and he felt he had taken enough of the Colonel's time. "I think I could talk to you all day you are a most interesting person. But I am sure you have more to do than me occupying your time. With your permission I will take my leave unless you have anything else you would like to discuss, Colonel Graydon?" asked Desterk politely and sincerely.

Phoebe nodded. "You may take your leave ambassador. Stay safe, and if you need anything let me know." She smiled.

"I will and think you for seeing me. You have a good day Colonel," replied Desterk said with a smile and standing "I can see my way out." He added as he left.


Ambassador Eiban Destrek
U.S.S. Poseidon


Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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