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A Klingon ghost story.

Posted on Thursday October 6th, 2022 @ 8:46am by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More

728 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Science lab


-Science Lab-

Stan was visiting his uncle.

“ So it’s that time of year again.” He said

“ Halloween. You don’t want to hear it again do you?” Sam asked

“ Ay. It’s been a wee while since I heard it. I remember when I was a bairn. You used to tell it to us.” Stan said

“ Your not a kid anymore.” Sam said

“ Ay. But it’s a good tale for this time of year.” Stan said

“ Very well….” Sam began

:: A Klingon Ghost Story::

Kimpok had always been considered to be the runt of the litter. His three older brothers were big muscular Klingons. They hunted wild Jackal Targs with father. While young Kimpok tended to his grandmother. Who would tell him tales of her husbands deeds. In the service of the Empire.

He wanted to follow in his grandfathers footsteps. To one day be a great warrior to have songs sung about him.

“ HA! Your not even into double figures yet boy.” His eldest brother would say. “ When you have more hair on your face. Then you can think about joining the hunt.”

A few days later the same brother was injured. When the alpha male of the Jackal Targ pack. Attacked him when he lost his footing. But he managed to scar the creatures face. So next time they met it would be a battle. To sing about as a wounded beast. Was more dangerous.

Kimpok decided he would sneak out and kill scar. Then his family would see that he was just as brave. As any of the older siblings.Armed with his own Daqtag ( knife ) Kimpok went on the hunt for the elusive Jackal Targ. Kronos is the one planet that is more dangerous during day. Then at night. But Kimpok did not care he wanted to kill Scar. Then drag it’s carcass back his family hall.

The terrain became quite treacherous but Kimpok. Kept his nerve he was a warrior. At a cross roads he came upon a young Klingon. Who was sitting on a rock. Kimpok was sure he knew most of the young people in the area. But he could not place this young man.

The boy put his finger on his lip and gestured along the path. Kimpok could see blood. He opened his mouth but the boy just shook his head. Putting his finger to his lip for quiet. So slowly they moved through the undergrowth. Kimpok could hear whimpering and looking ahead. He saw Scar curled up trying to lick his face. The child moved to pounce. But the silent young Klingon stopped him.

Pointing to an area near by. Where a pair of watchful eyes and teeth. Guarded the leader if Kimpok had moved in. He would be dead by now. Instead they crept down wind through the undergrowth. The boy then gestured for him to stay. Then he ran into clearing where the Targs had been laying. All but Scar chased after him.

Slowly Kimpok crept up from behind Scar. Then he drove his Daqtag into the the back of Scars skull. Killing him instantly. Then Kimpok started to dragged the corpse back home. He was a little worried for the other boy.

Kimpok’s father and brothers had gone searching for him. When it was discovered he had vanished. They expected to find the child dead. Not happily dragging the corpse of Scar along the path. To the child’s surprise his father grabbed him and hugged him. Declaring that now he had four warrior sons.

He had been expecting to be punished. But his father and brothers treated him like a hero. It was after he returned home and got the usual ear twisting. All relieved mothers give their run away children. That the he discovered why his father and brother. Acted they way they did.

Many years ago before Kimpok was born. He had another brother. He to was considered to young to go on the hunt. So like him he snuck out one night. But he was not so lucky and his remains. Were discovered the next day. His grandmother showed him a drawing of his dead brother.

Kimpok stared. It was the boy he had met in the forest............

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Lieutenant Stan More ( NPC Perkins)
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


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