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Missing Meds

Posted on Saturday October 1st, 2022 @ 10:15pm by Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Stan More

3,383 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Deck 04, Chief of Security, Deck 00 Sick Bay
Timeline: Current


TIME: 1021
DATE: 239908.17
SCENE: Main Security, Deck 04

Doctor Kicil Priadden went over the information on the PaDD that Nurse Lieu had handed her. She glanced over to where Cadet Mathews stood at parade rest. "Is this information correct?" inquired Kicil of Nurse Lieu as she continued to look at Cadet Mathews, "After all Cadet Mathews did not perform the task properly the first time." Nurse Lieu replied "Yes, Ma'am. After receiving this inventory and seeing the discrepancies I redid it myself, with the same exact results." Kicil let out a muttered Cardassian curse, then sighed and hit her combadge =^= Doctor Priadden to Lieutenant Calvin Hirsch. =^=

Calvin was in his Security Office when he received a communication from Sick Bay. Taping his com badge in reply, he replied. =/\= Chief here, what can I do for you, Doctor Priadden?”

=^=Could you and perhaps one of your fine security investigators report to sickbay? Seems we have an issue that needs investigating. =^=

A pause was heard. Receiving a communication for an investigation into the main sick bay was odd, nonetheless. =/\= I am on my way. =/\= Calvin went himself at the start, not wanting to broaden Security's involvement until he knew what he was working with.

It had been a miracle he had not been killed. Norman and Susan two highly intelligent cactus like plants. With flailing vines had started making very loud screaming sounds.

Something had told him to grab them and run. If he had been in the Lab a moment later. Perkins would of been turned into a gory jigsaw. The explosion had ripped part of the wall away.

He had been in sickbay getting checked out.

Hearing Dr Priadden speaking he moved over and waited until she had finished speaking with Cal.

“Sorry did not mean to ease drop. Can I help at all?” Sam asked

Kicil looked up " Commander Perkins, why are you here in sickbay? Has something happened?" Kicil immediately got up from her desk and looked to Nurse Lieu "Ensure that Cadet Mathews remains where he is while I attend to the Commander." With that Kicil gestured to a biobed, "After you Commander."

“Funnily enough we had a suspicious explosion in the science lab. A whole wall blew out. I don’t seem to be losing any vital liquids, but the old hearing has taken a knock. What’s wrong here in sickbay?” Sam asked.

"An explosion in the science lab. What is it with you and that Lab Sam?" Hirsch lent a shoulder of support. Something always seemed to happen to Sam, in the oddest of ways. This was his way of tempering Sam's first question, since they still didn't know what they were handling at this point.

“It’s not me I assure you Calvin. I don’t go looking for trouble. Plus, all that trouble with Kord was in the Jeffries tubes.” Sam said.

Taking a look around the sickbay, nothing seemed out of place. Hirsch had checked in on one of the security codes in the sick bay main computer, which apparently had been accessed a few times to the medical drugs lock up and storage rooms. As soon as Hirsch found this out, he had passed his PADD to Doctor Priadden. Cal was silent for her to read that there was successive access codes tried, and then cancelled their log ins.

"Someone was trying to get into the Medication Lock up. Is this the first time you've seen this?" Hirsch was not being accusatory, or laying blame, he was just following along a trail, anything.

Doctor Kicil looked up from the PaDD "Lieutenant Hirsch, I assure you this is the first time I have seen this. The reason I called you here is that I had Cadet Mathews perform an inventory of the sickbay and he failed to do an adequate, actually subpar job. I then had Nurse Lieu order him to perform it again, this time doing it correctly. When he was finished Nurse Lieu went over it and saw there was a major discrepancy in our medication counts: eighteen out of twenty vials of Bicaridine, eleven vials out of twenty of Morphenolog, four vials out of ten of Cordrazine, and six vials out of ten of Theragen Derivative. She then redid the inventory herself to verify the results. She then brought both Cadet Mathews and the results to me. I went over the data and called you per protocol."

Perkins listened as Dr Priadden spoke to Hirsch.

“Those are all types of sedatives?” Sam asked

"These are highly addictive pain killers, sedatives. Yes." Calvin acknowledged Sam. He narrowed his eyes at the PADD. "So, Matthews performed a sub-par job the first time he was to inventory. How so? Lacking in...?" Hirsch had left the question open to Doctor Priadden.

Kicil looked at Lieutenant Hirsch "The young cadet merely noted we had an item or medication, he failed to accurately provide the number of items or medications per protocol of daily shift changes in sickbay. I can only hope he has learned a lesson and will perform better on the more thorough monthly inventories of the entire ship medical supplies, including those in the designated triage areas. In fact, Lieutenant I think we should perform one now, and assign one individual from security to accompany the nurse and techs performing them. There is a chance someone may have gotten to the medications and tools in the emergency kits." Dr. Priadden said with a concerned scowl.

"Doctor. Ok. So, the next time Matthews re-visited the laboratory. Completed everything up to reporting standards for the Medical Reports which was ok'd." Cal went into the Medical Reports for the Inventory showing the discrepancies. They were indeed listed, reported by Matthews himself.

"Ok'd but noting the discrepancies," Hirsch stated. This was critical. As the Cadet was not a suspect at this time, he was the first to notice the discrepancies.

"Might I talk with Cadet Matthews? Is he/she around?" Hirsch asked Doctor Priadden.

"You most certainly may. He is standing at parade rest in my office with Nurse Lieu. After you are finished with him, he must write a fifty-five-page essay on why it is impotent for medical personnel to do a proper and thorough job of inventorying medical supplies." Kicil said with a very evil and mischievous smile.

Matthews was scared. He vowed then and there. Never to arrange a date so close to the end of his duty shift again. Janet would understand, he was sure. Now they had first date she would know he wasn’t just after one thing. That is if Doctor Priadden ever let him have time off again. But he was so sure he did everything correctly. Check supplies and lock up. He checked the supplies. We’ll kind of? All the containers were there…. He was sure…. Yes, he’d done just an eyeball check before. Everything had been ok. Yes. Yes.

oO Please let it be something else.Oo he thought.

Doctor Kicil led Lieutenant Hirsch to her office where Cadet Mathews and Nurse Lieu were, "Cadet Mathews," Kicil said "Lieutenant Hirsch has some questions for you. Nurse Lieu I also believe he may ask you some questions also." with that she stepped back and looked at Lieutenant Hirsch "They are all yours Lieutenant, please remember their rights as Starfleet personnel and Federation citizens." she said with a trace of a smile.

Knocking on the open office doorway, Hirsch lent his head inward. “Nurse Lieu, Cadet Matthews, am I interrupting anything?” Calvin addressed. His eyes scanned the Cadet standing in front of the Nurse on the other side of the desk.

Hirsch nodded to Doctor Kicil. He was the Federation Law out in the Stars; he took his job very seriously, rights and obligations. A curt smile lent his nonresponse reply to her.

“Nurse Lieu, may I have a word with you.” Hirsch turned to see the doorway, a gesture that he would like to be alone.

Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Claire Lieu looked at Lieutenant Hirsch "Of course Lieutenant."

“Thank you, Nurse.” Hirsch had walked in and sat on the other side of the nursing station desk. He looked around the office; everything was neat, tidy, organized, and sterile. Right down to the LCAR modular, stickers on items were shiny and readable. No room for disorganization, oversight, or… error.

“Nurse Lieu, may I call you that?”

"Yes, you may." replied nurse Lieu.

“I’m here at the request of Doctor Kicil. There appears to be a certain number of missing narcotics and drugs from the formulary dispensary. Were you on shift when Cadet Matthews was on shift? Who was on shift when Cadet Matthews was on shift?” He paused, his eyes searching the Nurse with his hand to his PADD at his left thigh relaxed.

"I was on shift as was Cadet fourth year Johnathan Mathews and Cadet third year Nina Prince. As well as Lieutenant Kicil Priadden. Doctor Priadden ordered Cadet Mathews to perform an inventory of the sickbay and its medications. I was instructing Cadet Prince in the setup of the surgical suite for operations and the duties of the surgical nurse. Doctor Priadden was in her office going over reports when she had a visitor, Mister Galoe I believe."

"Thank you. Again, this is just for record purposes. Nothing to be afraid of, I assure you." Hirsch offered a calm, collected reaffirmation that nobody was guilty of anything until this was sorted out.

Sam whispered to Kicil.

“First Cadet Stewart now this. What is happening with these Cadets?”

Kicil looked at Sam and whispered back "I am not sure, perhaps the missing medications and your lab explosion are connected. It is possible someone was trying to manufacture an 'illegal' recreational drug."

“ It’s possible. Although I have a feeling that these two events might be connected.But not in the way we are thinking.But if they where going to make a recreational drug. Why not steal the ready made thing? Why go to all this bother to me make them?” Sam whispered back.

"Let alone, most drugs can be easily consumed, taken in small increments during shifts over time. We will need to review the security footage of the medications lock-up room. I assume it is up to date." Calvin brought up the security codes and entered for access to the medications lock up for Sick Bay videos.

"Either medication can be sold to someone who needs them; addiction rears its ugly head in all departments of Starfleet. We need to understand if there has been a misdiagnosis, misrepresentation of drugs for specific patients, or drugs that are sold or taken.” Hirsch checked his PADD.

“Synthesis within one of the labs could have gone wrong. The illicit drugs that come aboard Federation ships are usually harder to pin down; perhaps they were being merged with outside source helps. This is all hypothesis until we review this footage."

During the Medication lock-up, a review of footage was then presented on the desktop of the Medical Office Desk’s central computer. Hirsch was ready to bring this to Security, but for now...

Cadet Matthews looked at all the faces around him and began to visibly shake with fear.

“Kicil is Cadet Matthews ok? He looks like a Turkey that lived through thanksgiving. Who just realised Christmas is round the corner.” Sam said

Kicil looked at Cadet Mathews and did a quick assessment. "I believe young Cadet Mathews is suffering from an anxiety attack, more commonly known as a panic attack. Sit down cadet." commanded Kicil.

Hirsch could not help but chuckle every time Sam gave off his one-liners. He was humorous.

“I would like all of us to review this footage.” Calvin watched as Matthews turned a ghostly sheen; almost a cold sweat broke out on his skin.

“Cadet Matthews, are you feeling all right?” Hirsch felt the same Cadet syndrome of malfeasance rear its ugly head coming to light. He breathed in and then watched the screen.

“Computer, playback Sick Bay medical tapes for occupied footage in the Sick Bay Medications Lock-Up. Add Enhance.”

Kicil nodded "I am interested in what it shows."

The image began. It showed Cadet Matthews looking at the meds. Then it showed him counting them. He seemed to turn his back to the camera for a moment. Then he hurried away.

“ As guilty as a puppy. Sitting next to a broken vase.” Sam whispered.

“ No Doctor Priadden I didn’t steal anything….” Matthews cried.

Kicil looked at Cadet Matthews "You really need to explain yourself, however, you also have a right to remain silent and ask for legal counsel. As it stands now Lieutenant Hirsch has enough evidence to take you into custody. I would like to believe you, as I am sure Lieutenant Hirsch and Commander Perkins." trying to show she was not judging him.

Hirsch turned to Cadet Matthews. "This is you in the security footage, do you deny this? Perhaps you can explain your actions?" Hirsch always one to step back and take a look at the broader scope before immediately making a charge.

“Please please please….Yes that’s me but. I was in a hurry to see my girl. I was in a rush, so I pretended to check everything. It looked ok….I swear I did not steal anything.” Matthews said almost in tears.

Kicil looked over at Lieutenant Hirsch and Lieutenant Commander Perkins, "I leave this matter to you Lieutenant Hirsch, the evidence is strong. How would you like to proceed?"

Perkins shook his head.

“ I am not sure about this. Just look at Matthews , he’s as scared as a frog in a box of grass snakes. He could be telling the truth. He was in a hurry saw the meds were all there and rushed off to see his sweetheart.” Sam said

Calvin looked at the footage. “Then where are the missing meds?” Scrutinizing the footage and enhancing the footage, Hirsch couldn’t help but highlight that the capsules rolled out in the shadow of the footage.

“There!” He exclaimed. “Computer. Enhance imaging index 9 to 4.” The footage complied and blew up. There were two capsules taken from the bottle or managed to be dipped to the left-hand side of the tabletop. Then there was a swift move into the slacks of the Cadet and placing the bottle back on the sterilization lockups.

“You did not need to open the bottle top. If you say you were visiting your girlfriend, does she expect you to bring her some gift from the lock-up Cadet?” The question wasn’t meant to be answered as it was more of a supposition.

“ That that’s that’s wrong…..” the Cadet cried

“I want him traced for any medications currently not prescribed for this Cadet.” Calvin turned to the Doctor. “Lieutenant Priadden, would you please assist Security in drug testing this, Lieutenant? If he is clean, then his actions are still… Suspicious.”

“ Please I have been framed,” Cadet Matthews cried

“Sam, would you please assist the Doctor with her analysis? I want to know who had access to these labs besides Cadet Matthews. Anyone else who could have wiped clean the logs?”

“ Yes of course.” Sam said. But he was thinking. The picture could of been altered. Anyone could do it. Even someone in security.

Lieutenant Priadden took out a medical tricorder and began to scan Cadet Matthews. She was extremely saddened, the young cadet had shown so much promise, with the exception of being easily distracted and lackadaisical about inventory. She had hoped he would eventually straighten out. As she finished her scan, she frowned, she then repeated it to be sure. "Lieutenant Hirsch, Cadet Matthews appears to be clean, and his bio-scan reflects his Academy entrance physical. Do you concur Commander Perkins?" she asked, as she handed the tricorder to the commander.

Sam looked at his tricorder and checked the readings.

“ Apart from worryingly high blood pressure. Probably due to fear. He’s clean. So it seems somone else half inched…..pinched…..stole the meds. Who else knew it was Cadet Matthews duty to check the meds?” Sam asked.

"That is a good point. Whom else knows of the laboratory rules and regulations besides the whole nursing and medical staff?" Hirsch posited and then turned to Sam and Priadden.

Lt. Hirsch still wanted to keep this in the Security realm and not bother the captain, at least yet. "Ensign More. Stan, please check the waste analysis computer on Deck 07. We can check if this drug has been circulating in the system. If then, we can conduct a biomolecular analysis on the waste waters and perhaps pin down further who might/may be using these meds."

“Sir. I noticed a report from engineering about the waste analysis computer on Deck 7. I did nay think it was connected with all this. Apparently an engineer attempted to use it and it shorted out. They could not understand why.” Stan reported

Lieutenant Kicil replied to the question of who else knows about the laboratory rules and regulations. "The Quartermaster and their staff. Since some of the drugs we carry cannot be replicated they must order and stock the medications if pharmacy is unavailable to stock. The individuals that have such privileges is on the master roster."

Sam’s face dropped.

“ I know one person on that roster. Me. I am also on the Quartermasters staff. It was felt it would make things easier for re supplying the Science department in times of emergency. But it still takes forever to get anything. But that’s for a different time.” Sam said

"The wastewater analysis system was shorted/destroyed. For f...." He held his curse to himself. He was shaking his head. "I think I need to see a counselor; this is getting beyond. Well then. Where can we go from here? I want to have every cadet in a hall bring these questions to them. Perhaps someone in the bunch will raise a hand to my queries of suspicion."

"The onboard sensor monitor oxygenation analysis. Could we not take the bio markups of this combustive substance, substrate it to define its active properties, and then be able to analyze oxygen outputs on the lower decks and see who has 'bad breath?' This would allow us to pinpoint what decks have been having these drugs proliferate and or even find out where they are stored.

"Sam, can you arrange a gathering of all cadets in the cadet theatre hall? I would like to address them, or I can just hand out subpoena warrants to every one of them."

“No problem. Just tell me when you want our curious seedlings assembled?” Sam asked

Kicil shook her head "While a good idea in theory, the use of the onboard sensor monitors of oxygenation analysis, it will not pick up enough particulates per square feet to accurately determine it. The majority of these drugs byproducts are passed through the liver, kidneys, and bowels. The loss of the wastewater analysis system is unfortunate. I would recommend adding the engineer responsible for that system to the list."

Sam scratched his head.

“ We could take samples from all our suspects. There would be traces left in their body’s. Even naturally their bodies should not have increased levels these drugs would leave. But if that fails there is always the wait and see option. We make all our suspects stand to attention and wait to see who goes crazy.” Sam suggested

"No need for the suspects to go crazy Sam," Hirsch stated calmly. "I need to return to my security fundamentals of portal access and advanced scanning methods. I have a friend on DS9 who is willing to help me with DNA scanning. I will be in my office, Thank you for your reporting this to me. You have my gratitude for your help." Hirsch spoke to Kicil and Sam both.

“ Yes. I have to go too. Must start rebuilding the lab.” Sam said” Thanks for letting me help.” Sam said

Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Stan More ( NPC Perkins)
USS Poseidon


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