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To be determined. Prt2

Posted on Thursday October 13th, 2022 @ 12:27pm by Commander Sam Perkins & Lieutenant Stan More & Lieutenant Commander Calvin Hirsch & Lieutenant Oscar Vladinchi

1,255 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Various



A pair of eyes and ears. Slowly walked down the corridor. Another nervous pair of eyes and ears. Stood along the wall pretending to read a padd.

“ I told you the mixture was too pure.” The pair with the padd whispered.

“ It’s no good to drink if you can still see after three shots.” The other said.

“ You know they think it’s a bomb. Someone trying to kill Commander Perkins.” Padd owner whispered.

“ That’s pity. We will have to move the others. Mind you if they go the same way. All they will find of the Poseidon is a pair of floating warp nacelles.” The other said

“ We can’t move them. I am not going the same way as Stewart.Best keep quiet. Let them think someone is out to kill the Commander.” Padd owner said

The both nodded and went their separate ways.

-- Lt. Cmndr. Perkins Quarters --

Oscar and Sam walked into his quarters. Everything looked untouched.

"So you think someone is trying to kill you?" asked Oscar as he had his arms crossed his chest. He wasn't skeptical - well, he was - but the evidence did seem to support some form of hostile intent. "Word down from the Captain stated you were simply involved in an accident and we're to investigate it. Now you want me to protect you?"

“ That was no accident. Someone either hid or put something behind that wall. Whether to kill me or it was just a case of being in the wrong place. We need to find them, there could be more of these things.” Sam said

"And how are we finding them?" the Security Officer inquired. "Have you already started the process with the Chief of Security? How can I best protect you during this process?"

There was a simple solution. Norman or Susan. But after what had happened with Kord. Would Oscar be willing?

“ Norman and Susan where able to detect those explosives. It would take to long to alter the ships sensors. But if one of them was present with us. The plant would warn us of any danger. What do you think?” Sam asked

"I can definitely help with whatever you need me to do," Oscar said, smiling.

-- Lt. Hirsch's Security Office --

Calvin returned to his office. There was a multitude of concerns he had at this point. Namely the explosion in the Laboratory, where Sam could have been killed. It was not the first time someone had tried to kill him from outside sources. Hirsch had his suspicions that cadets could be involved.

Resting for a moment, Calvin took a drink of his coffee and glanced at the family picture beside his desk behind him. He hadn’t had time to send home greetings for months, having been on the USS Poseidon. He needed to do so. However, with the latest crisis of security at hand on the Cadet training vessel, a Reliant class starship, age was beginning to show.

Having had Sharpe clear up his computer terminals in his Office, the LCARs were lagging, and information distorted on the isolinear chips. This was concerning for Security software.

Taping into the main computer, Hirsch looked up the parameters of security configurations.

There was DNA and neuronal structuring analysis passcode access and additional confirmation methods on Deep Space Nine. Accessing the Laboratory’s main computer, Hirsch could determine that Cadet Houston used the laboratory hours before there was an explosion, as to which Sam was once again the center.

“Cadet Houston, Clearance Level Low.” This was the last computer-identified suspect entering the room.

Hirsch took a gander down to see Cadet Houston. He was born into custody by Lt. Calvin Hirsch as the main culprit. DNA neurological and computer-aided physiognomy recognition, iris, and retinal pattern matching. Confident this was the culprit, Hirsch happily informed Captain Johnson.

=/\= Sir, I have Cadet Houston on charges related to the explosion in the Laboratory, which almost killed Sam Perkins. Secondly, I have a Cadet, Willard, who was responsible for the sewage components sabotage that occurred just moments after. I believe they were creating Kethyl-Mthizizine Dh 5, a precursor substrate to a marketable street drug that has been happening on Starfleet Cadet Cores on Earth and now on our training ship. =/\= He was pleased; at least now he could get some rest and relax and know that he had done his best.

Franklin Johnson quickly tapped his combadge, in his Ready Room at the moment of being contacted. =/\= That's excellent news, Mr. Hirsch! Anything else? =/\=

=/\= Captain Johnson, I have confirmed that Cadet Houston, through circuitry and junctions with ISOlinear chip sets, was re-arranged on the dates the substances were created and then destroyed in the labs due to critical implications in their workings. Cadet Houston and Cadet Willard acted in tandem with their laboratory knowledge to make illicit drugs. I am charging them with criminal drug charges, conspiracy charges, resisting arrest charges, and finally, destruction of Federation Property Charges. This should be enough to lock them away for a few years and have their Cadet dreams stripped away from them. =/\=

=/\= Outstanding results, Mr. Hirsch, what about the damage sustained? =/\= the Captain asked, concerned over everything that had been damaged as a result of the cadets.

=/\= Engineering personnel have been called in and are fixing the waste reclamation systems and the laboratory where the drugs were being created. The substrate is all over the walls of the Kethyl-Mithizinzine Dh5. =/\= If you have any other questions regarding operational parameters when waste reclamation is back online, I will forward those questions to Lt. Commander Sharpe. =/\=

=/\= Very well, I'll get with Mr. Sharpe concerning that. Anything else, Mr. Hirsch? I want a full report on my desk as soon as possible =/\= the Captain ordered, genuinely pleased with his Chief Security Officer and all who assisted.

=/\= The Security has been regained, and all the accounted Cadets have been placed in the ship’s brig for the time being. =/\= Hirsch, with that, then sent in his report to Captain Johnson and closed the case. Engineering crews were already on their way to cleaning up the mess in the leading Laboratory that almost punched a hole through the hull of the aging Poseidon.

=/\= Excellent. Captain Johnson, out. =/\= Franklin said, tapping his combadge. This was going to be one heck of a debrief.

“Computer End report to Capt. Johnson, Send and close case file 0098709. And CC Federation Security Magistrate LL1- Sub Of. Computer Access Code Hirsch Xenon JK-YYl 9898 Enact.”


A pair of nervous eyes blinked and looked around. Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed him.

“ What are you doing?” Said the owner of the hand.

“ Hirsch arrested Houston and Willard. There bound to spill the beans on our little brewery. Just to get off.” Nervous eyes said.

“ What they where up to is a million times worse then what we are doing. They won’t get off. But if they did so what. We are the top two students in the science department. So long as you cleaned yourself up and those bottles.It will be their word against ours. So stop acting like a Ferengi with a hole in his coin purse.” The other said.

With that they hurried off.


Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Poseidon

Lieutenant Stan More( NPC Perkins )
USS Poseidon


Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Oscar Vladinchi
Security Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt. Calvin Hirsch
Chief of Security
USS Poseidon


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