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Memories of home

Posted on Monday August 8th, 2022 @ 12:52am by Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Commander Sam Perkins

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Recipe jp series



Soon they would be leaving Poseidon for their destination. But before that Galoe wanted to see Kicil. In a way the Lieutenant reminded him of his sister. Before, her soul had been twisted by the obsidian order.

He had prepared her a little gift. Some toasted Cardassian lava bugs. He had added his own special twist to the dish. Galoe had added some cinnamon to offset the bitter taste.

Walking into sickbay he stopped a nurse.

“ Excuse me. Where might I find Dr Priadden?” He asked

Kicil was busy going over the medical inventory list of the ship, which she found lacking in proper organization. The young cadet that performed the duty was in need of corrective action, when she heard Galoe ask nurse Lieu where she was. Kicil set her PaDD down and went to her door, "Why Galoe, what brings you to sickbay?"

Galoe was nervous. He had never sort out counselling before. He was not sure how to ask or even begin.

“ I brought you these to enjoy. Toasted Cardassian lava bugs with cinnamon sprinkles. My own invention on the sprinkles. I find they dull the tartness of the bugs. Hope you enjoy.” Galoe said

"Well then, please come into my office and we shall sit down and enjoy this wonderful repast you have brought. We can also talk about family and friendship." replied Kicil sensing Galoe's nervousness. Turning to nurse Lieu she said "Nurse Lieu, could you please find Cadet Mathews and have him redo this inventory, and Please empathizes I want it done correctly this time, thank you." She then ushered Galoe into her office =^=Computer privacy and noise dampers on please=^=. "Have a seat Galoe."

Galoe took a seat.

“ You know mint tea goes quite well with these. If I may could I have one please.Perhaps you would like to join me in a cup?” He asked

Kicil smiled, "Of course." She turned to the replicator =^=Two mint teas=^=. Ahe took the teas and handed one to Galoe, then sat down. "So how are you doing?" she asked, letting Galoe lead the discussion where he wanted.

“ Well be disembarking soon. But I this is the first time I have ever had the chance to speak with someone about family. Family. Why do we rest so much on family. If a human child does not follow their families path. Do they disown them no. They rejoice in their free will. But us?” Galoe said

Kicil sat back and considered Galoe's statement, "Humans are a very complex species. There are those humans whose families expect them to follow the family path. Their history and culture is rift with this fact. Humans have slowly evolved to the concept's they had. They had separate cultures that believed in arranged marriages, something the Vulcans and Andorians still practice to this day. Each species has evolved based on how their evolution and planetary environments shaped them. Cardassian culture evolved similar to the Klingons and Gorn societies, very military regimented. In these types of societies stepping out of the conformed guidelines is frowned upon. My family and several others were killed by the Obsidian Order because they dared to flee the establishment. Now you must realize that a military dictatorship arose on Cardassia because of a period of disease and famine lead to a nationalistic fervor. Prior to this period Cardassians were once a peaceful people with a rich spiritual life. So, as you can see Cardassians have had a long time to be 'conditioned' to follow the 'family path'." She picked up one of the toasted Cardassian lava bugs with cinnamon sprinkles and tried it, "MMM, these are delicious. I haven't had these in some time."

Galoe was not sure how Kicil would react to hearing about his family’s close association with the Obsidian order.

“ Thank you. The cinnamon takes that tartness off. I did try honey at first. But for some reason honey disagrees with my digestive system. This will probably change your view of me but. You have been kind and deserve the truth. My family are very tight with the Obsidian order.” Galoe took a breath.

“ As a child I had very few friends. I suppose the parents were fearful. If their children upset me I would report them to my uncle. You see……My uncle until his death was quite high up in their ranks. When he died everyone expected me to take his place. But I was not happy about that. I saw how our neighbors feared us. So I refused to join the Obsidian order. However my sister who had always been my uncle's favourite. Was happy to take my place….” Galoe stopped and bowed his head

Again, Kicil smiled at Galoe, "You must realize when I was very young, I had a deep hatred of those who had killed my parents, but my adoptive parents are Vulcan, and I have learned much from them. I no longer hold a hatred of those who were members of the Obsidian Order, I fell pity for a great majority of them as they thought they were doing the right for Carassia and Cardassians as a whole. Recent events have shown how wrong they were. Loses to the Federation not once, but twice. One would have thought they would have learned that the Federation is more resilient and cunning then they appear." She then took a sip of her mint tea and had another Cardassian lava bug. "You must give me this recipe, and you are correct that the mint tea helps enhance the flavor." She looked at Galoe "Have you ever considered joining Starfleet Civilian and Cultural Affairs Division as a chef?"

Galoe gave a sad smile.

“ If only I could. I would like to do that. But my families strong connection with the Obsidian order. Means I would be a constant person of interest. Even though when my sister was killed. The family cut me off declaring me dead as well. But I have been promised a position at a Bistro quite near to our demarcation point.” He replied

Kicil smiled "Have you even bothered to apply. You could apply to be the chef here on the Poseidon. Commodore Gregory Paladin could grant you the privilege. I believe a member of the Starfleet Civilian and Cultural Affairs Division is given a Provisional Rank in Starfleet, chefs I believe start out as a Provisional Warrant Officer One, to allow them to order supplies. The advantage of applying here is one I will be on board to help you, and two you already know the individuals who will be 'keeping an eye on you' so to speak. If you however have your heart set on being a chef at this Bistro, by all means do so." She took another sip of her tea and bite of the delicious treat. "So, what will it be, take a chance and join Starfleet in the Civilian and Cultural Affairs Division as a chef and see the universe, or be a chef in a Bistro?"

“ I just wish to be free.To cook what takes my fancy. Starfleet will have to many restrictions.The Bistro will give me that freedom. Some of those dishes I am sure I can duplicate. I have never cooked an apple pie before.The idea of combining the apples with just the correct amount of sugar. The pastry too. Puff might be to flakey but short crust will do. Maybe a sprinkle of sultanas inside with the apple. Give the tastes a pep so to speak.” Galoe said.

Kicil carefully chewed on one of the Cardassian lava bugs, took a sip of her mint tea and replied "Well that is to bad you feel that serving as a chef on a Starfleet ship would cause to many restrictions. As I understand it, and from the ships I served on, the chef usually sets his, hers, or its own menu for the day and is allowed to cook what they wish. This is to encourage and exposure the crew to a variety of cultures foods. The only time they have a restriction placed on them is for formal or diplomatic needs and events. Also, as this is a training ship it would do the cadets good to be exposed to Cardassian's and learn that we are not all warmongering people. I know it is a lonely road being in Starfleet, but I have found it rewarding and, in the process, changed being's minds about Caedassians along the way. What better legacy you could set than be an 'unofficial' ambassador for our people. Show Cardassians that there is a way forward from the disastrous path that has been followed so far. The Obsidian Order and Cardassian government underestimated the Federation, thinking them weak, but the Federation is strong because of their beliefs. My adoptive Vulcan parents' species have a philosophy called IDIC, Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, that basically sums up the Federation. This is why, despite their apparent weakness, the Federation seems to always overcome the obstacles that are thrown at them. They draw from the strengths of the individual species." With that Kicil opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a medallion pendant, a triangle-over-circle insignia, and handed it to Galoe "Please take my IDIC medallion pendant. Reflect on it when you encounter other species and foreign ideas wherever go and whatever you decide to do with your life. Just remember to be true to yourself and you should do well." She sat back and took another sip of her mint tea.

Galoe looked at the pendant.

“ Thank you. I shall consider your words. Now I must take my leave. May your path through life be free of incident and worry.” He said with a bow.

Kicil smiled and replied "You are most welcome. It was a pleasure speaking with you. Thank you for the delicious Cardassian lava bugs. May which ever path you chose through life be free of incident and worry. 'Dif-tor heh smusma', Live long and prosper."



Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


Galoe Chal Deon ( NPC Perkins )
Chef / Refugee
USS POSEIDON ( Temporary)


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