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Reporting for duty-USS Poseidon

Posted on Sunday May 22nd, 2022 @ 7:54pm by Lieutenant Commander Kicil Priadden & Commodore Gregory Paladin

1,612 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: USS Poseidon; Deck 6 - Senior Officer's Complex (Shuttle bay, Commodore Paladin's Office)
Timeline: In Transit; Cardassian Refugees on board
Tags: Commodore Gregory Paladin, Lieutenant

Newly promoted Lieutenant Kicil Priadden sat in the passenger seat reviewing the PADD in her hands. She was slightly confused by the orders and the promotion that came with it. She had just recently been on the USS Hazel Johnson-Brown a Medical Ship and they where enroute to the Nisus to assist with another outbreak of the IDIC disease, it would be was to be a simple mission, supplying the necessary plasma, then she had been called to Captain Sherman's ready room. He promptly congratulated her on her promotion to Lieutenant then transferred over her orders to her PADD.

"You are now the new Assistant Chief Medical Officer on the USS Poseidon and are to report immediately. I have arranged for a shuttle craft and pilot. Tou have thirty minutes to pack your things and report to the shuttle. Sorry for the short notice, but if we have a short window in order to launch the shuttle and get you and the requested medical supplies out to the Poseidon without having to alter our course." Captain Sherman stated.

With that Kicil had packed her things and said her quick goodbyes to the few friends she had on board. "Ma'am we are on approach to the USS Poseidon, shall I hail them?" asked the young and very nervous Ensign. Looking up from her PADD she replied, "By all means, mustn't keep them waiting."

She returned to her reading on the PADD trying to decipher what exactly prompted her promotion and change in orders, she heard the murmur of the Ensign and the crew of the Poseidon as they guided the shuttle in for a landing. She felt the gentle thump of the shuttle as it settled on the deck. She stood up and turned to the young Ensign "Thank you for a smooth transport Ensign. Please see to the offloading of the medical supplies and my personal effects, and if it is not to much trouble see if they can deliver my things to my quarters. I have to report to Commodore Gregory Paladin." and with that she turned and stepped off the shuttle.

Seeing another young Ensign standing by the shuttle she turned and looked at him "Lieutenant Kicil Priadden reporting for duty on the USS Poseidon. Permission to come aboard?" she stated as she handed the Ensign her PADD with the orders. The young Ensign stammered out a reply, without looking at her PADD "Permission granted."

With that Kicil strode out of the hanger bay and made her way to the nearest turbolift. She noticed the crew scrambling about, but what caught her attention was the fact there seemed to be several Cardassias in the corridor. Once she reached the turbolift she stated "Computer Commodore Gregory Paladin office."

She felt the turbolift rise and take her to the Commodore. She arrived and pressed the chime to announce her arrival.

===Commodore's Office===

During their transitionary phase at the Starbase, some changes had been made to where the Commodore would formally situate himself. Eventually space was made in the Senior Officers Complex for Gregory to have his own office. A yeoman greeted Kicil as she entered, formally greeting her politely and gesturing her inside the office. When the door opened, it was quaint and spartan in appearance with the Commodore himself in the center behind a desk. He stood to greet Kicil.

"Lieutenant Priadden!" He greeted jovially, "very nice to have you here! You may be wondering why I wanted you here. I'll be happy to explain all that."

He gestured to a chair beside his desk for her to sit.

"Thank you, sir. I must admit I am puzzled by my orders, I was due for a four year tour on the USS Hazel Johnson-Brown." she replied as she took a seat and sat at a modified position of parade rest. "So how may I be assistance on the Poseidon? Also if it is not to much of a problem, why me? Most Star Fleet personnel are uncomfortable with me being in Star Fleet, much less their doctor."

The Commodore nodded, sitting down when the Lieutenant did and giving a genuine smile.

"I came across your service record entirely by accident," Gregory said. "I was researching some of the connections between some of the Cardassian refugees were ferrying currently and, by entirely an accident, your profile came up. I spent half a day studying your service history, and while Captain Johnson is typically the one to approve personnel, I also have that capability due to me overseeing this ship as an Academy Training Vessel. Your record is exemplary. I think you'll make an excellent tutor to the cadets on board, as well as provide a solid assistant medical officer position for the Captain and crew."

"Thank you, sir. I will endeavor to do my best. I am unsure however, how much I can help with the Cardassian refugees. If you have read my file you must know I was raised on the planet Vulcan. That I was adopted when I was five, my parents being murdered for being dissidents." replied Kicil, reminding herself to remain calm and in control. " I mean I am more than capable of meeting their medical needs, but culturally we are far apart, even though my adoptive parents ensured I had a Cardassian tutor to teach me all things Cardassian."

Gregory's expression was compassionate as he listened and understood.

"Absolutely," he quickly stated to deter any idea he'd grabbed her for the purpose of the Cardassians on board. "I understand the cultural differences. What I meant to imply was your file came across my search query entirely by accident, but it was a beneficial one. Your record was so positive, and productive, that I couldn't pass up the opportunity at contacting Starfleet to grab you for the Poseidon. Having you here, with your experience, would bolster our teaching capacity as well as bolster our already strained Medical Department. I'm sorry if it came across as anything else."

"My apologies sir, I meant no disrespect myself. It is just a reflex as I seem to always have to defend my love of the Federation and my service in Star Fleet. I do my best to prove that I belong. I have had in the past encounters with Star Fleet Intelligence, which I did not enjoy." replied Kicil with a small smile. "So is there anything important that I should know before I begin? I was given very little details on the mission of the Poseidon." she asked inquiringly.

"None taken," the Commodore said reassuringly, "Thank you for clarifying as well. As for your duties, our Chief Medical Officer is presently extremely busy with many things. Having you in the medical department will allow the ship the flexibility of another senior officer keeping watch over affairs. Additionally, you'll attend regular classes with aspiring medical cadets to share your knowledge and help them further dedicate themselves to their chosen professions. We're an Academy Training Vessel, Mrs. Priadden, so we're not going to be heavy into any action. It's mostly focused on furthering the cadets education as well as maintaining the ship and crew."

"Well I look forward to training the Cadets and sharpening their skills. I eventually hope to get a posting a Star Fleet Academy as a medical Instructor, this will be a good opportunity for me. I must ask sir, why did the USS Hazel Johnson-Brown have to provide such a large stock of her medical supplies to the Poseidon?" aske Kicil, she felt she was not getting all the details about the Poseidon, the medical staff and conditions.

At that Gregory was slightly silent for a bit, looking away. He cleared his throat as he looked back.

"During our last tour, a month or so back, we were under traditional orders for patrol and anti-piracy duty," Gregory explained. "We lost around twenty-three cadets during an encounter with a pirate ambush and many systems were damaged, including medical. We lost most of our stock. Your shuttle replenished what the Starbase couldn't in the pinch. So that's why. That's also why I reassigned - had the Poseidon reassigned - for complete training duties escaping such future situations."

She smiled, she was good at ferreting out information, after all she had a Cardassian tutor and was raised by Vulcans "Well then looks like I have my work cut out for me. Have to get the Sick Bay ship shape. After all this is Star Fleet and even though we may be a Cadet ship, you can never tell what will happen. Will there be anything else sir? It was a long trip via shuttle, and I would like to get something to eat, then inspect how much Sick Bay is in disarray, what with the Cadets in charge of it. As the old Terran expression goes 'When the cat is away the mouse will play' and with the Chief Medical Officer being so busy, I am sure those young Cadets are up to no good." she smiled at the Commodore.

"Absolutely and I understand," He stood extending a hand for a shake. "Welcome aboard Mrs. Priadden, welcome to the USS Poseidon."

Lieutenant Kicil stood smiled warmly at the Commodore and shook his hand "Thank you sir, I will endeavor to do my best and not let you down. Thank you also for the warm welcome." with that she came to the position of attention, saluted and did an about face and stepped back out into the corridor, in search of the mess hall.



Commodore Gregory Paladin
Mission Advisor & Ships' Chef
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Kicil Priadden
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Canaan Serine on Sunday May 22nd, 2022 @ 8:21pm

Welcome on board the Poseidon, @Kicil Priadden! This is going to be a lot of fun!