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Initializing the EMH - Science

Posted on Monday May 23rd, 2022 @ 12:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Colonel Phoebe Graydon & Commander Sam Perkins

1,455 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 2: Our Foremost Virtues
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


After making adjustments to the EMH in engineering Sharpe deactivated her and made sure someone sorted out the small glitch in one of the sectors, with that done he tugged down his tunic and exited engineering as he approached the lift he tapped his Commbadge.

=/\= Sharpe to Perkins, what is your location, please? =/\= Sharpe asked as he enter the turbo lift and while he was waiting for the response the lift door shut "Science Lab" he said and the lift started to move then stopped, he grumbled and pulled open the maintenance hatch, just as Sam responded.

- Personal Quarters -

Sam’s eyes were closed as he listened to Pictures at an exhibition. It was a very old piece of classical Earth music. Composed by a Russian composer century ago. Played by the London Symphony Orchestra sometime in the late 20th century. A light flashed in his eyes signalling him he had a call. Sam switched off the music.

=/\= Hello, Sharpe. I am actually off duty in my quarters enjoying some music. How may I help you?=/\= Sam asked.

=/\= Please meet me in the science lab, Sam, I will be aligning the holo emitters for the EMH to be able to appear in the Science lab, will need someone there who is a scientist who can make sure nothing gets broken =/\= Sharpe said.

Sam knew that sometimes things got broken. Whether he was in the science lab or not. But the idea of having an EMH on hand if things went the way of the dodo. Sounded like a good idea.

=/\= Great. I am on my way now. See you in a mo.=/\= He replied.

oO Hopefully these things have advanced. I remember that one on my last ship. Boy was he a sarcastic bunch of force fields and light beams. Oo Perkins thought

Sam dressed and hurried out the door.

-Science Lab-

When the Communications link was closed the lift door opened onto the Science level, Sharpe exited the lift and walked down the corridor and when he had to he turned the corner and walked right into the Science Lab and began to test the holo systems before he brought the EMH online in the Lab. Some time must have passed as he jumped when the lab door whooshed open, he looked up and smiled "hello Sam, how are things with you today?" He asked.

Perkins also jumped when he heard Paul’s voice.

“ Wow…. you are here. Hello Paul. Not too bad not too bad. So how’s the EMH coming along?” Sam asked

"Here I am, yes Sam I am as I have come to test out the EMH here, she worked out in engineering," he said "computer activate EMH," he said and the hologram appeared.

Perkins blinked. Did Paul say she?

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency," Alex stated as she materialised in the new surroundings. She did a quick 360 look around, taking in every small detail of the room as her programming allowed.

After the default saying all EMH's say Sharpe tapped a few places on his Padd "Alex, welcome to the science lab have you a look around and same as in engineering check for any issues in the holo systems and return here" he asked the blonde-haired blue-eyed female.

Alex nodded and started to walk around the science lab as instructed.

As Alex gets her bearings and assesses her systems Paul looks at Sam "Well what do you think of her Sam?" He asked.

It couldn’t be. His eyes were playing games with him. There was no way it could be? “Molly?” Sam asked going pale.

Looking from the EMH to Sam "what is it Sam, Is the image familiar to you?" He asked "she picked the look herself, so the fact that she now looks like someone you knew is coincidental," Sharpe said.

Perkins looked at the EMH. Ages ago when Sam was a young Ensign fresh from the academy he had met Ensign Molly Smith. They hit it off almost straight away. She was bubbly and had a great sense of humour. But as the relationship went on. She began to change. It all started when she started getting involved with a female-only group. Called the daughters of Eve. They believed that women should be the dominant sex. Not shared with the male of the species. Life with her soon became intolerable and they had a massive row. Resulting in her attacking him with a chair. Luckily Perkins was assigned his first posting. Far away from her. He never saw Molly again until today.

“Is there any way we could alter her appearance?” He asked Sharpe

Looking sadly at Sam "Alex picked this look herself, I do not know where she got the look from, but it is the look she wanted, why don't you ask her Sam, she can only say no" Sharpe answered with an understanding tone and smile.

“ It’s just she resembles an old girlfriend who turned into a nightmare to know. We did not part on good terms. Tell me was this all done house or did we use outside help?” Sam asked

Alex returned from her circuit around the science lab, noting the paleness of the newcomer, who from her records she understood to be Lieutenant Commander Sam Perkins. "Lieutenant Commander Perkins, is everything ok? You seem to have gone awfully pale during my walk around. Maybe you could use a doctor?" She inquired, cocking her head slightly to the left as she spoke.

Perkins gave himself a little shake. “ Sorry. No no, I’ll be ok. It’s just you resemble an old girlfriend who I would very much like to forget.” He replied

Nods in understanding "well after all operational tests of the EMH you would only see her if there is an emergency in Science or on of the other areas with holo emitters let's see besides Science lab, there is Engineering, Medical, Shuttle Bay and the Bridge, the systems of the ship cannot cope with anything more than that" Sharpe said.

Sam shrugged his shoulders.

“ With things they are? You know there is always some little problem here in the lab. Look what happened with Norman.” Sam said pointing to a plant that was doing. The plant version of picking its nose with a tentacle.

"You keep that plant away from Lieutenant Kord and from my engineering Sam, otherwise I cannot vouch for its continued existence," Paul said with a grim smile then looks at EMH Alex "Okay Alex was there any problem with signal connection as you familiarized yourself with this room?" Sharpe asked the hologram.

As if it understood another plant like Norman started waving its tentacles at Sharpe.

“ It’s ok. That’s Susan Norman‘s girlfriend "They do understand strong feelings, Paul.” Sam warned

Sam looked between the two men and the plant, confused. She shook her head slightly. "No issues of note Lieutenant Commander." She replied.

"Oh!" He said and looked down at his Padd and tapped a few buttons, great, now for the verbal deactivation command, Alex I will see you in Medical" Sharpe said.

Alex nodded. "I am ready for deactivation. It was good to meet you, Lieutenant Commander Perkins." She said, standing still.

With that "computer deactivate EMH" he said and the EMH dissolved as the program was deactivated he looked at Sam "the test works out perfect in here, and as for your plants if you think my emotions are high, do not let your plants near the Gorn after what Norman has done to Kord I do not imagine the Gorn Lieutenant will be calm around him" Sharpe said looking at the plant, but he addressed Perkins.

“ Your correct that the meeting would end badly. For all.” Perkins said nodding

"Understood Sam, but I will leave you now to get on with your work, my next stop is Medical to test the holo emitters there, I will see you around Sam?" Sharpe said.

“ Oh yes. Maybe we can meet up later for a drink or five.” Sam replied

"Excellent, catch you on the flip side" he finished and with a polite smile, Sharpe left the Science Lab and headed to his next destination for some reason he remembered the Romulan CMO and interesting character he thought to himself as he walked down the corridor and entered the nearest lift and when the doors closed he instructed the lift where to go next as the lift took him to his requested destination.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


Lt Cmdr Sam Perkins
Chief Medical Officer
USS Poseidon


Alex (APB Major Phoebe Graydon)
Emergency Medical Hologram
USS Poseidon


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